Fanning the Flames: Part 6

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"So why are you still holding my hands?" Danny asked, drawing attention to their hands, causing Sam to throw them down in anger. "And why are you still wearing those Fenton Phones I gave you?" Danny again drew attention to a fact. I scoff as we make our way out and tell him "Danny they're not even real earrings, they're just some stupid communicator that filters out...ghost noise."

My eyes widen in shock and so do Sam's when Danny asked "Does this mean we're breaking up?" Ignoring his question Sam pulls out the phones and began to explain. "Don't you get it, Danny? That's why we haven't been affected by Ember's music! We've been wearing the Fenton Phones the whole time!"

"So we're not breaking up?" Danny asked with hope, causing me to facepalm with a sigh as Sam states "How can we be breaking up?! We were never together! We're gonna have to deprogram you like we did Tucker..." We began to drag Danny when the realization hit us. "Oh my gosh, Tucker!" Sam and I shout as we race to the school and find Tucker still tied up and plugged into the program. "12 hours of intensive standardized test prep." He muttered, eyes not wavering from the screen. As we began to let him go, Sam apologized. "Your beautiful when your racked with guilt." 

Danny complimented Sam with a sigh and me and her told him "Not now Danny." Hugging Sam and Danny Tucker stated, "Man it's about time, I always knew you two would end up together...except when (y/n) moved here, then I suspected those two would end up together." Sam pushed the two away in anger and explained what had happened to Danny a little while ago.

"We're not together! Ember put him under some kind of spell." Arching an eyebrow and pointing at Sam Tuck asked  " So you don't want to end up together?" "I don't know, maybe but not like this! Tucker please we have to break the spell." Sam told Tuck and a thought hit me: Did Sam have a crush on Danny? That would have to wait till later when this mess is all figured out.

Putting the studying helmet on Danny, Tucker stated "Let's crank up the story problems and we'll see him in 12 hours." "We don't have 12 hours! Ember's concert starts in 15 minutes, she gets her powers from when people chant her name and with a worldwide audience, she'll be unstoppable!"

I point that fact out while pointing at the clock when Sam chimed in "There's also been no sign of (s/n) anywhere, let's hope she's at the concert already." I let out a small gasp, only audible enough for me to hear, why didn't I go ghost? I need to find a way out of this so I can turn. Suddenly I felt myself being pushed as Tuck exclaimed "Then we better boat down to that show and crank down the volume."

He then started to explain the volume of a square and when he finished his fact he asked flabbergasted "Wow, that thing actually works...and I spent the first nine years of my school life actually reading?" On our way to the concert, I felt my phone vibrate and when I looked at it Mom was calling and I stop in my tracks telling my friends "My Mom is calling, I'll do damage control with our parents, you three stop Ember." Sam and Tuck nodded as they continued on, dragging Danny with them. Running an opposite direction I go ghost and fly to the concert while answering my phone. "Hello?" "(y/n) (l/n) where are you?!" Mom shouted. "Trying to stop Danny and Jazz from going to the concert." I say and hang up, I didn't need a lecture right now. I fly in the tech booth, backstage and soon Danny, Sam, and Tucker flew in too. "(s/n), your here!" Sam exclaimed.

"Yeah, sorry I've been gone for awhile, had to restrain a friend from coming. Any of you know how to use this?" I ask pointing to the tech behind me and Sam looks at Tucker and tells him to kill the power. I notice Danny watching Sam and she uncomfortably asks him "Uh, can you watch something besides me?" He then pulls out a picture of Sam and looks at that causing both of us to sigh and I pretend I don't know what happened. "What's with him?" I ask and she responds with "Love spell." "Fun."

 I say sarcastically and she nods when we hear the PA system blaring Tucker saying "Man, I gotta stop doing that." Soon we were all restrained by Kwan and Dash and we were brought to Ember. Soon the concert went live with a parting goodbye from Ember: "Later Dipsticks, I gotta go rock my world, and when I say my world I mean MY world!" 

 "Danny, (s/n) stop her NOW!" Sam yelled causing Danny to tell her "I won't leave you, Sam." Soon the music started to play. "Forget about me." "I can't, I won't!" Having heard enough I phase out of grasp and state "Sam, you get him in his right state of mind, I'll stop Ember. Now would be a really great time for Phantom to appear...where is he?" I wonder that last part to prevent suspicion as I fly to the stage only to be surrounded by ghost goons and the battle began.

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