Reign Storm: Part 6

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The sound of horse's hooves was heard and we turned around to see the Fright Knight and his army charging at us as the field goal was sliced in half. Danny and I start to blast at the oncoming skeletons when one snuck up on us but before it could swing it was shot by an ectoblast and we turn to see it was Plasmius who made the shot. "You're helping us? What do you want, my Mom's cell number?"

Danny questions as we continue to blast away the skeletons. "What? No! But if you wanted to give me her number." He started when the Fright Knight grabbed ahold of him. " The king's prize, return it!" He demanded causing Plasmius to offer the deal again. "I don't have it! But if you join me perhaps together-"

He was cut off when he was blasted out of the Fright Knight's grip and both were forced to the ground as Valerie's voice rang out. "Guess what everybody! The best ghost hunter in Amity Park is here and that means you're about to get your butts handed to you!" "She really is quite good at this." Plasmius pointed out as he wiped off some dirt. "She also thinks we're the enemy." I blankly state with my arms crossed when bombs were thrown at us and we hopped out of the way to hear "Good point." All our classmates were at the top of the hill watching the fight including Sam, Tucker, and Jazz as she begged "Danny, (y/n) please be careful."

 Soon everyone's parents showed up Sam soon grumbling out "Doesn't anybody in this town drive a compact car?" "Kids! Have you seen Valerie?!" Damien was soon to ask. "She's with Danny and (y/n)." They say glancing at the fight bellow. "Kids! Have you seen Danny and (y/n)?!" Maddie asks as she and dad run-up.

"They're with Valerie." They reply as dad asks "Who's Valerie?" "Alright ghosts, what's going on here?!" Valerie questions us while holding us by the collars and I point to the Fright Knight and his army. "That." Plasmius flew in front of us and began to make duplicates of himself as they attacked the oncoming army. "Uh, thanks?" Valerie says with a questioning tone and Danny is quick to reply.

"Your welcome. Look I know this is going to be hard to believe," Danny quickly stops as we watch the Fright Knight tackle Plasmius to the ground before continuing. "But that guy is the problem right now and we could really use your help." 

Danny explains as he points at the Fright Knight. "I still don't trust either of you or your spooky friend." 'You don't have to trust us just fight with us." Danny quickly says outstretching his arm for a handshake and Valerie was soon to comply and we started to fight, blasting the Fright Knight away before he could hurt Plasmius.

Valerie uses her hoverboard to quickly punch the Fright Knight and Plasmius shoots a large ectoblast sending the Fright Knight to the ground where he told us "Fools! All I wanted to do was seize the ring and return to Pariah's keep but now you give me no choice. By the authority invested in me by my lord and liege, I claim this town now and forever under the banner of Lord Pariah the king of all ghosts!" He stabs his sword into the ground as flames erupt and spread throughout the town as the sword shot up a beam that was the center point of a dome that surrounded the town. 

Amity Park a Nice Place to Live! We look at the giant green dome before flying up to it only to slam our faces into it; it was like a ghost shield. Valerie went to punch the Fright Knight again but he saw the attack coming and slapped her away, she stands up only to faint as her suit disappears.

"Valerie!" We shout and Plasmius shouts "My pawn! I mean that poor girl." We send a quick glare at him before flying down to Valerie when the Fright Knight spoke again. "The sword is sunk, your die nowcast. The sword removed shall signal fast, make reappear the ring thou has or your next day shall be your last."

 He warns us and I shoot an ectoblast at him but he disappeared in a puff of smoke and bats. "The ring thou hast?" I question arching an eyebrow while crossing my arms with a glare at Plasmius who shrugs. "Children of Amity Park! Report to the safe bosom of the Fenton Family Assualt vehicle!"

 We hear Maddie's voice on the loudspeaker as the RV rushes up. "Mom! I can't let her see me like this!" "Maddie! I can't let her see me like this!" We shout in unison as we fly our separate ways and detransform as Danny and I race over to Valerie.

Our parents soon run up with a frown as Danny says "Uh, she was like that when we got here." We were back in Fenton Works where an actual ghost shield was as the news still went on. "Welcome back to big scary dome watch! I'm Tiffany Snow, we're in our fourth hour of captivity and Amity Park remains cut off from the outside world with more on that, outside the safety of our studio is our own Lance Thunder. Lance."

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