Public Enemies: Part 2

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As Wulf went towards the students, two guards appeared, taking over Mr. Lancer and the principal. More guards came taking over students as people rushed through the doors. "Where's Danny and (y/n)?" Sam asked, looking around for her friends. " I think he's trying to go ghost but there are too many people around and I don't know where (y/n) went!" Tuck replies as the two starts the search for me. Danny and I were still in the auditorium, a few chairs away from each other as our ghost sense keeps going off. There are so many ghosts in here, my ghost sense is going crazy." I mutter when I feel a big paw on my face, and I'm thrown onto the ground with Danny in the other paw.

"Servi." Wulf said, causing Danny to the arch is eyebrow in confusion, before I could speak we hear mom shout "Get away from them!" In the next moment, we watch as he's blasted into the wall and then dad's voice was heard. "Hey! I wanted to do that! When did you learn to shoot that good?" Maggie then cut in stating "What? You think we sit at home and event new cookies all day?"

 "Speaking of which can I have another one of those Butterscotch Carmel Apple Doodles?" Jack then asks  and Maggie hands him the cookie. Wulf gets up to see the guards ready to take him back and he hops through the wall.

"He's making a break for it." The right hand man states ( I can't find his name) and he chases after Wulf with two guards with him. "I wanna keep an eye on these four, they may be of use to us," Walker watches as Jack and dad run into the door and then mom opening the door as Maggie explains "It's pull, Jack, (d/n)." "Well, those two might." We peek our head out to see Wulf disappear into the basement.

Running out we were about to head our separate ways when we bumped into Lancer. "Brigette Jones Dire, Fenton, (l/n), stop your screaming and get over there into the safe area!" He starts to push us back in as I mumble "We're not screaming, and your getting in our way." I let out a huff as we make our way over to Sam and Tuck, completely oblivious to the fact that Lancer was once again possessed. We where on our way back home with Jazz who was acting weird as she told us "All I'm saying is that our parents are going to be very busy, and I have a lot of homework to do tonight, so I'm not going to be able to keep an eye on you two all night.

 I'm going to half to trust you two to stay in your room Danny, and be so quiet it's like your not even there." We walk up the steps as Danny asks "What are you getting at?" And I chime in with "Jazz are you feeling alright, you've been acting weird ever since school ended."

We open the door to reveal Dash, Kwan, and Paulina next to our parents when Jack holds up a sign stating "The first official after school meeting of the Amity Park Ghost Keteers is now in session." He then starts to as he puts it dub thee as ghost keteers and we get a weird look from Dash.

"Um if you need us, we'll be in my room being so quiet it's like we're not even there." Danny says, grabbing me by the hand as he leads the way when Maggie says "C'mon Danny, why don't you two join us in singing the Ghost Keteers battle song?" They then start to sing: "G-H-O," "Oh? You've seen a ghost?" "S-T-K-A," "Eh? You've seen a Canadian ghost?" "A-T-Double E-R...S!"

I grimace in response to the terrible song as I grab Danny's hand and continue up the stairs with Jazz behind us. Shutting Danny's door I mutter "Alright, that was weird, I wonder why those three suddenly decided to fight ghosts?" "Who knows but we need to figure out what in the heck is going on." Danny said setting his stuff down and sitting on the bed; making my way to the window I watch more guards fly. "Hm, these ghosts look familiar, and it's obvious they're goons but no sign of the actual ghost behind this." "We need to figure out what's going on."

Danny says coming to look out the window as well. "That'll have to wait until tomorrow, we can't exactly leave, we don't know when our parents will come looking for us." Danny nods in agreement and we get to working on our homework. It was lunch the next day and Maggie was shouting through a mega-phone.

"Alright, kids hurry up and eat your nutritious meal! Hi sweetie, here's a nutritious bag lunch." Danny grabs the bag lunch and we make our way to the table as Jack drives up in the RV and puts up the ghost shield and tells us "This portable ghost shield only has enough power for 15 minutes. So chew...chew like the wind!" "Danny, you ok?" Sam whispers and he whispers back "Why would I not be? Just because the town's on high alert, (y/n)'s and my parents are at our school and I'm chewing so fast I think I just swallowed my spork."

 He turns his hand intangible and pulls the spork out of his stomach. "There we go. All I know is as soon as I get 5 free minutes, I'm gonna  find (s/n), and then we're gonna toss that blabbering hair ball who started this, back into the Ghost Zone." "I SAID KEEP CHEWING!" Jack suddenly shouted in our ears and Tucker spoke up.

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