What You Want: Part 4

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At Mr. Meat's Butcher Shop, Tucker was playing the head-on-a-platter prank while he talked with Sam over the phone. 

"So why didn't you guys see a movie today?" Sam asked while Tucker thought up an excuse.

"Uh, we got a little distracted. I'm just goofing off by myself now."

A man walked by and freaked out when he saw Tucker, soon running off screaming.

"What happened? Did Danny have ghost trouble?" 

"You might say that. So how are you?" 

"It's horrible Tucker but somehow I'll muddle through," Sam stated before ending the call.

I didn't want to tell Sam about my new ghost powers yet, because what if she got as jealous as Danny did? The same goes for (y/n). Speaking of Danny...


At school Tucker had decided to spend the whole day pranking the school, his first victim being Mr. Lancer as he sprayed water in his face and pulled his pants down. Tucker laughs behind a corner as Danny approaches with a sniffle.

"Nice trick do you do kid's parties?" 

"Relax I'm just having fun. Hey, you okay?" Tucker asked, looking at Danny, noticing how terrible he looked.

"I think I caught Sam's cold. Tucker look—" Danny started but Tucker cut him off.

"No need, you and (s/n) can keep the superhero jazz for yourselves. I'm in this for the kicks."

 Danny sighs as he tells Tucker, "I was afraid of that. I hate to do this pal but I need to see what's going on inside of you and there's only one way to do that," With that Danny tries to overshadow Tucker.

Tucker instantly started fighting back, soon kicking Danny and sending him flying into the janitor's closet. 

"Don't ever do that again got it?!" Tucker asked angrily after opening the closet door. 

"Got it," Danny mustered up as Tucker left. 




I glare around the corner at Tucker as he walks away, leaving Danny on the floor in the janitor's closet. I had seen the whole thing since I'd been trailing Tucker all day making sure he didn't do anything that was too far.

He's gone too far, Danny is supposed to be his best friend and he did that over Danny's understandable concern. We need to get rid of his powers and fast.  I thought with a growl, making sure Danny was ok before continuing to nosely tail Tucker.




Ok maybe I was a little rough on Danny, but nobody likes a party pooper, and man was I having a party."

Tucker continued his pranks throughout the day, turning the school upside down as he cut through the lunch line while invisible, causing panic, he filled the band's instruments with soda, and at the end of the day... 

"Hm, there's one little ghost trick I haven't tried yet: the ghost-imposed hook-up," Tucker murmured to himself before overshadowing Paulina.

Seeing this Danny approaches with an unimpressed look.

"I just wanted to let you know, I'm gonna start dating Tucker Foley. He's much cooler than you so stop chasing me," Tucker says with a smirk and Danny rolls his eyes.

"Tucker get outta there." 

"Why don't you make me?" 

"Fine, I will," Danny said, overshadowing Paulina and the two continued to argue in her body.

"Tucker you're turning the whole school upside down, how about giving it a break?" 

"How about getting off my back and letting me have a little fun?" 

"Because your 'fun' is kind of mean. Now get out of Paulina!" 

"I was here first, you go!" 

"No, you!" 

"You! Babazita's genie gave me these powers and I'll use them how I want." 




Having had enough of watching the boys fighting in Paulina while gaining the attention of everyone around I go ghost and overshadow Paulina as well, ending the screaming match.

"Alright, that's enough you two! C'mon Danny if we can't convince Tucker to let us help him we'll just have to have a chat with this Babazita." 

Danny and I flew out of Paulina's body to find Babazita but not before hearing Tucker shout at us.

"Fine but you and I aren't friends anymore Danny!" 

Finding Ms. Babazita we ask her about the genie who explains Desiree was a harem girl in her living life who was promised her heart's desire: her own kingdom. Only to be banished by the sultan's jealous wife. She died of a broken heart and old age. After that, her spirit roamed granting people's deepest desires but at a great personal cost.

Last Edit - November 7th, 2020

Revised - June 3rd, 2024

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