Reign Storm: Part 3

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Danny goes to punch Skulker when a dragon claw grabs his fist. We look up to see Pointdexter riding the dragon as he tells us "I know this might sound a little fishy but Skulker isn't the bully here." "Coming from the guy who stole someone else's body and refused to give it back because you wouldn't hear us out. What are you talking about? What are you all running from?" I ask with a glare at all the ghosts I wasn't much for grudges but still, that jerk stole my identity I have every right to be angry with him.

"His name is Pariah Dark the king of all ghosts," Ember tells us as Skulker chimes in. "And while we may be in a hurry we'll always have time for this:" All our enemies started ganging upon us as we were hit left and right soon to be swarmed by ghosts as I was shot into the small alley separating my house for Danny's and he was shot in front of it as we detransformed Sam soon coming out of the house.

"You ok?!" She asked earning herself a glare as she says "Sorry, standard question; what was that about?" "I dunno but I think Vlad Plasmius just became the least of my worries," Danny said as the two walked inside and I phased back into the bathroom. Valerie was flying around on her hoverboard with Vlad sitting behind her when he asked "So the equipment is to your liking? It functions properly does it?" "Heck yeah! It's like you designed it just for me! Why would you do that? I'm like 14." Valerie questioned as she landed on a roof and pulled down her mask. "You're also the most capable ghost hunter I've ever seen. You're smart, you're fast, you're strong and most of all you're motivated." He told her. "Really?" 

"Of course, why else would I say such a thing? I'd have to be some sort of oh diabolical villain to manipulate you like that." The two burst out laughing as Vlad says "Oh ho, I kill me...Or Jack or (m/n)." This earned him a stare from Valerie so he quickly continues.

He reaches inside his suit and pulls out the ring of rage and gives it to her. "And my dear it's the reason I can trust you with this." "A ring?" Valerie questions as she examined the green ring with a skull in the center. "Not just any ring; it's been passed down from ghost hunter to ghost hunter for generations." She slips on the ring as she tells him:

"I don't know what to say." "Don't say anything dear but please let's keep it our secret hm?" A ghostly wail echoed through the night causing Valerie to question it. "Probably Jack goofing up again, I believe you have a job to do." "I won't let you down, Mr. Masters," Valerie said before flying off as Vlad watched her as he transformed mumbling to himself "Oh of that you can be sure and young Daniel and (y/n) will be so busy protecting you...Stealing those battle suits will be a snap." 

Back at Pariah's castle, the Fright Knight was gathering up the troops. "Your armies are massed? Then on my orders-" "On MY orders go to that world, bring the ring to me, and to those who stand in your way show no mercy." The king interrupted the Fright Knight and sent his troops out to find the portal.  It was lunch at school the next day when Tuck asked me and Danny "Dudes you ok? Sorry standard question." He quickly said after we gave him a tired look. "Late night?" "Of course it was a late-night; every ghost we know and about a million we don't are loose!"

I slightly shout they didn't take my anger personally. I was tired usually when I pulled an all-nighter I'd be able to at least get a few hours nap but today I couldn't so I was running on no energy when one of the octo-ghosts appeared and stole Danny's lunch. " Not to mention I couldn't sleep because my arch-enemy was in the guest room next to me," Danny said letting out a yawn.

"My parents sleep in the bedroom next to me. It's not the same but I can't sleep either." "Hey, Danny! (y/n)!" We hear behind us and Danny and I say in unison "Hey Val!" " "Hey Val!" Isn't that the same Val that's usually on a jet sled trying to paste Danny and (s/n)?" Tuck asked and Sam gave a sarcastic remark "Yep, and apparently next week we're having cookies with Skulker." Before I could tell Tuck he had no right to judge since when Valerie had first started ghost hunting he didn't care if Valerie was trying to waste us or not Valerie spoke up. 

"You might want bag lunch it outside this isn't exactly the safest place for either of you right now." "What makes you say that?" Danny asks when Kwan and Dash walk up behind us, a heart-shaped box and a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Hey, Fen-Turd. No teachers around to protect you, no nerds around to hide you."

"Hey! I resent that! I'm plenty nerd!" (Glad to see you're accepting it, Tucker! Welcome to the dark side where I can promise we DON'T have cookies because I joined the dark side and all I got was this lousy button. *Holds up actual button that says I joined the dark side and all I got was this lousy button*) Tuck says angrily walking up and Dash throws his food in his face. "What did I tell you about bullying my friends? What do you even want?" I ask crossing my arms as he gets on one knee.

Oh no. "(y/n) I love you," Even though you've done nothing to get to know me and you constantly bully my friends? Yeah, I doubt that. "So just dump this loser already and come to me. You know you want to babe, I even got you flowers and candy," He said stuffing the flowers and candy in my hands, what was this Valentine's day?

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