Reign Storm: Part 4

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I let out an aggravated sigh this was getting old. Dash didn't love me and it's obvious he just hated the fact that I was dating Danny because Dash found me beautiful or he wants to tame me since I'm the only one in this school that stood up to him...Except for Mikey when Desiree helped him but still. "Dash how many times do I have to say it before it gets through your thick head?" I question causing him to tilt his head in confusion.

I let out another aggravated sigh. "One: Don't call me babe, I hate being called that and I'm definitely not yours. Two: I can't have these flowers my Mom is deadly allergic to their pollen and I hate this type of candy. Are you that dumb to not know to get a girl's favorite flowers and candy when you're trying to sweep them off their feet?"

I continue as I shove the presents back into Dash's hands I had already determined the flowers when I saw them and I did take a peek inside the heart-shaped box to see the candy I hated the most. "Get it through your head Dash Baxter: I will never EVER go out with you nor will I dump Danny for you anyone can see that's he's the better choice than you in more ways than one!" I shout taking quick notice of Dash making a fist as Danny speaks up. "Dash take a hike will ya? (y/n)'s been rejecting you since before we were dating and that's not gonna change now that we're together. Now then I'm way too tired to put up with you besides shouldn't you be failing a test, kicking a puppy, or beating up somebody weaker than you now?"

A sly smile works its way onto Dash's face as he says before trying to punch Danny "Come to think of it YEAH!" I went to grab the punch but Kwan had slipped his arms under mine to restrain me; I wouldn't be able to phase out of his arms quick enough as I watch Dash try to punch Danny but the punch doesn't connect when I see his chin was intangible. Ah. Kwan let go of me and I'm quick to rush to Danny's side as Dash looks at his fist confused as I flick my wrist downward and point sending a small ectoblast that burned the soles of his shoes into the ground. He was quick to lose his balance and Valerie dropped her tray, kicking it to Dash as he face-planted into the food.

 We give each other a smile as Sam and Tuck walk up. "Sweet." Tuck says when Sam asks "Is it? I know Dash is a jerk but what if he saw something?" "He's not gonna see something besides I'm tired of getting kicked around all the time and having (y/n) dragged into it; maybe it's time I do a little kicking back."

Danny said crossing his arms. Back at Fenton Works Jack, mom, dad and Vlad were working on the ecto-skeleton suits. " Vladdie, my man! Can you hand me that watcha magigit?" Jack asked and Vlad handed him the tool he needed when he asked "Here you go old chum; any idea when these suits might be finished?" "You pushing us V-man, we're working on it as fast as we can."

Jack said as they continued to work and a rumbling noise came from the portal. "Can we pick it up a little bit?" He asked when Maddie came racing down asking what was going on. "Could be me! I made webos mancheros for breakfast."  (No idea if that breakfast was right that's just how I heard it.)

Part of the portal door came speeding towards Jack as it slammed into the wall to reveal the Fright Knight and his troops. "Jack...Look out the door." Vlad said with a smirk when the Fright Knight's voice echoed through the room. "Go! And find the king's ring!" "Jack we have to shut the portal," Maddie said as she and my parents moved the door off him. "Yeah, I'll get right on that."

Maddie raced towards the shutdown lever when the Fright Knight grabbed her and held her by her wrist soon to grab dad's with his other hand when dad tried to shut down the portal. "Hey! Let go of the woman I love!" 'Hey! Let go of the man I love!" Mom, Vlad, and Jack said in unison before Jack gave Vlad a confused glance and mom glared at him. "Like a dear friend," He clarified before pointing at the suits asking " Is any part of those suits operational?" "Well, the pants are but they're not calibrated yet. Using the suit could kill you." Mom explained. "Well, then maybe you two should try it first. They are your battle suits." The Fright Knight had enough of listening to the two forced Maddie and dad into one hand so he could shoot an ectoblast through his sword in which Jack pushed mom and Vlad out of the way. 

"That they are V-man...It's time to kick a little butt and these are just the pants to kick it in! C'mon (m/n)!" Mom gave off a nod as the two hopped into the two sets of pants as they started it up. "Neuroreceptors engage."

 Once the pants connected to the body Jack and mom soon went to work as they started running around the room and all over the walls to avoid the Fright Knights blasts to Vlad's amazement. Jack and mom started kicking the Fright Knight forcing him to let Maddie and dad go.

 "The kick is up!" Jack shouts as the two of them kick the Fright Knight out of the house. "Aha! No one can touch us while we're wearing the Fenton...Ecto skeletons weakening us." Jack mumbles as two starts to fall Maddie and dad telling Vlad "Jack (m/n) the suits are draining you like a battery! Vlad help us get these pants off Jack and (m/n)!" "Nope sorry that's all you." He quickly said earning a glare from dad and Maddie.

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