My Brother's Keeper: Part 5

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I watched Danny run out the door before going invisible and phasing through the wall to hide behind the dumpster just as Jazz reached the exit. "They went this way, I'm sure I can head them off." Jazz muttered to herself opening the door to see Danny looking around before transforming in front of Jazz. She watched how his clothes turned into a black suit with white gloves, boots, belt, and the cloth covering his neck while his hair turned white and his eyes went from crystal blue to acid green. Jazz let out a gasp but before she could comparand what she just saw as Danny flew away, I ran out from behind the dumpster into her view. 

I glanced around quickly too before going ghost in front of Jazz my clothes turning into their iconic ghost colors along with my hair and eyes. Quickly I chased after Danny as Tucker and Sam ran up and watched us fly to the front of the building while Jazz asked herself a question "Danny? (y/n)?" Tucker noticed Jazz first and began to panic as Sam turned around too.

"Did you see that? Tell me I didn't see what I just saw." Jazz exclaimed looking in the direction we had flown off to. "It's not what you think Jazz," Tucker said sweating bullets as Sam continued. "Of course it's not. Ghosts aren't real, Jazz you sound like your father." 

Jazz arched an eyebrow as she thought of what she had been recently told. "Jazz they keep some things to themselves. We're Danny and (y/n)'s friends which means we keep their secrets from you." Jazz was pulled out of her thoughts when Sam started questioning her. "Jazz?" "Oh! Of course haha, my parents are such loons it must be rubbing off. Oh my gosh, it's already that late, I gotta work on my spirit week speech." 

Jazz ran of causing Sam and Tuck to sigh in relief. Danny and I entered the store and Danny kicked Bertrand away from Paulina and they went crashing into the sunglasses.

"I know you need your makeup but you're just gonna have to wait your turn," Danny told Bertrand before being slapped into a bookshelf. Bertrand then created a big ecto-energy blast and threw it at Danny but I had flown in front of him, creating a force field as the blast disintegrated.

Bertrand and I fly up into the air and started to spar while Danny recovered. I threw a couple of punches at him and when I finally landed a punch, Bertrand's face moved inwards but he soon popped his face back out with a growl. Again I tried to punch him but he grabbed my fist so I swung my leg up in an attempt to kick him but he moved out of the way as I back flipped away from him, shielding my face as he shot an ecto-blast at me but missed. Soon though he tried again but I kept dodging till he had enough and punched me down into a backpack rack. "You two aren't very good at this are you?" Bertrand asks and I answer with "Yeah well maybe we don't need to be to beat you!" I was now standing up and next to Danny as we watched Bertrand transform into a puma and he pounced on us and bit me as I screeched in pain while clutching my side and Danny looking from me with a worried face to Bertrand with a glare.

"Hey get away from them!" We heard Tucker shout as he and Sam ran up causing Bertrand to hop over to them and growl as Tuck said "Or don't, seriously it's open for discussion." "No! You leave them alone!" Danny shouted, flying over and punching Bertrand away. Sadly though during their tumble, Bertrand managed to get on top and pinned Danny to the ground.

"Oh look the little loser ghosts has a few baby helpers." Just as I was about to intervene Danny's eye began to twitch as he stated through grit teeth "Do. Not. Call. Me. A LOSER!" Danny then kicked Bertrand off of him into the sodas. "Or what? Your gonna have your obsessive girlfriend come after me?"

 Bertrand asked causing my blood to boil as I flew up to Danny shouting while we blasted him with our ecto-beams "I'm. Not. OBSSESIVE!" Bertrand managed to escape our blast as we looked around the damaged store for him when we heard him tell us "Well that's enough damage for one afternoon. Ta!" Bertrand flew away and Jazz watched with her mouth agape, she had seen the whole thing. We landed next to our friends and Tuck began rubbing the back of his neck stating "I sure hope their insured." 

"Great he got away again." I said angrily,  looking down with anger as I put my hands on my hips. "Yeah, another ringing endorsement for the town screw up." Danny muttered as he flew away while I gave my friends a questioning look and they gave me a confused shrug. I soon flew out of the building while Jazz was still watching us her mouth still agape. Back at Danny's house, he was playing with his food, while I watched not sure on how to get him to eat when I felt just as bad as him, when Jazz walked in.

 I made eye contact with her while Danny watched and after a few seconds I asked a little annoyed "What?" Lifting her hands up in defense she said "Nothing." She started inspecting us when suddenly she pinched Danny and he flinched, rubbing his arm as he asked "What?" "Nothing." She then turned to me and as I arched up an eyebrow she pulled my ear. "Ow! What?!" "Nothing."

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