Splitting Images: Part 6

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Danny helps me up from the ground and we open locker 724 again.

"Have to contact them somehow," I mutter focusing all of my power on sending a message on the field near Sam and Tucker's feet reading: Tucker, Sam, open locker 724.




At the football field, the football teams were huddled up discussing the game plan. 

"Okay (l/n), after the snap I'll hand the ball off to you." 

Giving a salute Pointdexter ran to the other side of the field waiting for his cue. 

"Leave her wide open for punishment," Dash told his friends a second later. 

The teams got into position, Dash winking at his friends before handing Pointdexter the ball before the entire team abandons him, leaving him wide open.

"Well, it was nice knowing her," Sam told Tucker as she looked away.

"Think I could have her computer?" 

Pointdexter continued to stand in the same spot while the other team tackled him to the ground, soon afterward though he jumped out, still holding the ball, and scored a touchdown. 

"(l/n)'s got game! Who knew?" Dash asked in astonishment. 

Just as Sam and Tuck looked down where the note (y/n) had left, the Fentons and (l/n) rushed up, skidding on the message and ruining it.

"There's a ghost up in here, I can feel it in my boots! I'm not leaving this campus till these gloves grab some ghosts," Jack said while the machine the (l/n)s were holding pointed at (y/n)'s body.

"A ghost? Now that can't be right...Looks like we'll be staking out the school all night. Don't wait up," (m/n) stated as they started to head out when Jack ran in the opposite direction shouting.

"In that case, I need to use the little ghost hunter's room. Hold these gloves son, where I'm going there's no need for that much power." 

"Party at (l/n)'s house!" Dash shouts, continuing to see how much he could use Pointdexter.

"Hot dawg where does she live?" Pointdexter asked Kwan while everyone cheered. 

"It's your house, Bonehead. Is she hilarious or what?" 

"Free soda, a touchdown, and the opportunity to trash a classmate's living room...How easily the letterman and pom-pom set is swayed," Sam stated as she watched the crowd gather around Pointdexter. 

Staring at him suspiciously Tucker said, "I don't know (y/n) seems a little off."

"Although the residual popularity effect could work to our advantage...Oh, Kwan! You simply must wear one of these Save the Frogs badges. It's all the rage," Sam said as she made her way to Kwan holding a Save the Frogs pin. 

"I don't know..." Kwan began to say before Pointdexter grabbed the pin and put it on.

"Hey, boss badge! Can I have one?" As he put the pin on, Dash and his friends came up and wanted a pin of their own.

"Hey, I want one!"

"Me too! I can wear it with my old army lime, green baby tee." 

"Hey you, give me one! I started this trend." 

"Hang on folks, plenty more in my locker where that one came from," Sam told everyone as she and Tucker raced to her locker.




Danny and I wait anxiously for Sam and Tucker to arrive when we see them walking through the halls we call out for them, spooking them in the process.

"Sam, Tucker in here!" 

Studying Sidney's face Sam asked, "Pointdexter?" 

Pushing me to the side a little bit Danny told them, "What? No! It's us Danny and (y/n)! Pointdexter took over (y/n)'s body and sent us into this bizarro spirit world," Danny exclaimed to our friends, who looked at us suspiciously. 

"Prove it," Sam said blankly to us, crossing her arms. 

"Sam, I was the first out of all of us that you told that you were rich, and Tucker when I first met you, you flirted with me, and Sam had to shoo you away because she thought I was cool," I said before Danny added his bit.

 "Sam in second grade, Tucker threw up in your lunchbox but he told you Ricky Marsh did it."

 Glaring at Tucker Sam muttered, "What? I kicked him off the monkey bars for that! It was you?!" She then looks at us in shock. "Danny, (y/n)?!"

Pushing my hands on the mirror again I let our friends know what we know. "The mirror acts as some kind of portal, but we can't phase through it." 

Sighing Danny told me, "Serves me right, the only reason we're here is that I was acting like a bully and now I'm in here and I somehow dragged (y/n) into this who's gonna get bullied for eternity while I can barely help."

Thinking quickly Sam had an idea. "You two might not be able to get out, but that doesn't mean Pointdexter can't get back in." 

"I doubt he's in a big hurry to go back where he came from," Tucker told us before we started brainstorming.  

"I know how to get him in here! Here's what you need to do," I told my friends as they huddled up in the locker and I told them my plan.

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - May 28th, 2024

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