Shades of Grey: Part 7

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"Know where the dog went?" Tucker asked as he sat down at the lunch table with Sam and Danny.

"Nope," Danny blankly stated.

"Going to play it a little safer now that Valerie the ghost slayer is around?" 

"A lot more. (s/n) found out that during the midst of the chaos Cujo caused we somehow attracted Wes's attention and he's already attempted to take our picture. So we need to be very careful going forward," Danny informs his friends, looking toward said redhead who's face was buried in another ghost book.

 "I just wish we knew where she got those weapons," Sam says and Tucker was quick to chime in.

"Or that costume. A costume that style had to cost something you know." 

Sneaking into the school Vlad left a box addressed to Valerie on the path she took to her new lunch spot before disappearing.

Finding the box with ease, Valerie smirks as she grabs it.




"Hey guys guess what? You remember those concert tickets Valerie sold on the internet?" I ask interrupting their conversation as they give me a shocked look.

"You bought her tickets?" Danny asks and I nod, flashing the tickets.

 "They were actually pretty cheap, and I was saving up for tickets before they sold out."

The three blink at me before pulling me into a group hug, Danny and Tucker shouting, "You're the best!" 


Sam, Tucker, Danny, and I stand at our front row seats, enjoying Dumpty Humpty's music while laughing at the fact we were sitting next to Paulina, Star, Dash, and Kwan who were very unhappy they had to sit next to us.

 "I can't believe we're sitting next to those losers!" Sam shouted to us over the music which caused us to laugh even harder as we danced along to the rest of the concert.

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - July 2nd, 2024

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