Control Freaks: Part 4

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"Wait...You're controlling them?!" Sam asked, our hoods back on as Freakshow commands "Get her." She lets out a terrified scream as the scythe slices downwards at her. "Please welcome, a brand new victim-talent to the high wire in her first and final performance." Danny cuts the blindfold off of Sam as she looks down and tries to balance on the rope. Tucker races in to see Sam as the crowd goes wild and he questions what she's doing. "Danny, (s/n) listen! You don't want to do this! You're being controlled!"

I was at the other end of the high wire, now equipped with a scythe of my own as both of us laughed and cut the rope as she fell screaming, which broke us out of our trance and we raced down and grabbed her, landing her safely on the ground. "You guys, don't scare me like that!"

We blink as the red irises return and Danny asks "How should we scare you?" We step aside as Freakshow walks up, warning Sam. "Consider that a warning, girl." "Jeez Sam, you nearly gave me a heart attack! Can we take time off from your Gothapalooza and actually look foor Danny and (y/n)?" Tuck exclaims running up and Sam tells him "That was Danny! And (s/n)! The two under the hood. Freakshow's controlling them with some kind of crystal ball, come on!" The two race out of the tent to chase after us when they run into our parents and Sam's ask "Sam?! Shouldn't you be in dettention?"

"Um, Lancer...Let us out." Sam said when Maddie's voice was heard "Are we late for the protest?" They turn around to see mine and Danny's parents as Jack states "I brought the Fenton Riot Gear!" He blasts the signs the Mansons were holding and Mrs. Manson glares at her husband. "What? I didn't invite them" "Hey, isn't Danny and (y/n) supposed to be with you?" Mom asks the two and Mrs. Manson rushes up shoving a document in their faces, stating "Not according to this restraining order they're not." 

"Well if they're not here and they're not at school...So where are they?" Maddie asks unaware of the gravity of where we were and what we were doing. At the museum, the four ghost fly out, holding a bunch of paintings as Danny and I phase out soon after. Danny was wearing a gold chain necklace with a star at the end with a ruby and wearing a king's crown.

I on the other hand was wearing the matching queen's crown with a bunch of bracelets and rings on me too. "Ecto butts in gear! This party's just getting started!" Danny exclaimed as we blasted at the other ghosts and began to fly our way back as the poilce started to chase after us and I scoffed. "Oh please, when will they learn they can't catch ghosts?" We started zapping at the cops, causing them to crash as we soon made the news.

"In the wake of parental protests, Circus Gothica Ringmaster Freakshow had this challenge to his critics:" The news ancheor stated as the screen clipped to the live feed of Freakshow. "I invite you to attend a free performance for parents, poilce and conserned authority figures, see the show and see for yourselves that we're harmless entertainment."

The screen switched to a photo of me and Danny as the story changed. "In other news, police caught a break in the recent rash of mysterious burgralies as security cam footage revealed the ghostly culprits." It showed the recording of me and Danny phasing out of the vault as we watched the other phase out and fly away before I notice the camera, tap Danny's shoulder and point. We fly up with a smirk as we blast the camera, ending the footage. "And finally have you seen this out of shape teacher? He was last sightied in the Ccasper High library."

Sam turned off the tv as she turned her attention back to her laptop where she was talking with Tuck. "Sam! Did you catch the news? We gotta do something to save Danny and (s/n)!" "How ironic is it that I'm stuck under house arrest while my parents go to a free Circus Gothica show?!" Sam shouted out in anger as Tuck replied with "Only slightly less ironic than the fact that they were right about Danny being evil." 

Tossing out a rope ladder Sam snuck out  only to be met with her grandma, who asked "And just where do you think your going Bloobra?" "You don't understand Grandma! My friends are in trouble and if I don't do something right away-" She was cut off when her grandma pulled out a photo album and showed her a younger version of herself.

"You know, I had a wild streek when I was your age." "Why are you showing me this?" "Who know? Maybe I'm old and babbling or maybe you should sneak out and help your friends while I'm lost in my memories." Smiling Sam gave a quick kiss to her Grandma and ran off towards the Circus Gothica train as her grandma started to cosplay as Sam. "This is so wrong, but I dig it."

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