Reign Storm: Part 1

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Author: Since technically this is a movie we're gonna see how long this takes.

Deep in the Ghost Zone Plasmius had finally opened the case to the skeleton key and he flew to the Fright Knight's castle and entered the throne room. "Here we are Pariah's keep home of the Fright Knight and before that..." He trailed off as he walked up to a ring encased in a bubble that was being held by a skeleton and stuck the key in the keyhole as the bubble melted away and the ring fell into the palm of his hand. "The ghost king and here I am Vlad Plasmius with all his power in the palm of my hand." He slipped the ring on and outstretched his hand to unleash its power when nothing happened.

"Oh of course! The ring of rage only works when one wears the crown of fire." Plasmius mumbles as he unlocks the sarcophagus and watches as it opens to reveal the king wearing the crown as he continued to mumble. "Separately their nothing but together they give you power unimaginable." Pariah steps out of his coffin the metal boots clanking against the floor as he stepped towards Plasmius.

He had black armor on with silver metal boots, shoulder pads and gloves with spikes, a belt with a shoulder strap that held his sword with a grey cloth at the center, a black cape that was red on the inside, long messy green hair that was pulled back into a Viking style ponytail, pale white skin with a scar on his right eye and an eyepatch on his left, he also had two horns his left one had been snapped and he had a pharaoh's postiche, a permanent scowl on his face and finally the crown of fire adorning his head. "Who dares?" He bellows.

 "Oh hello, Plasmius, Vlad Plasmius uh...Did I mention I'm a huge fan of your work?" Plasmius asked flying up to the king who blasted him through the roof of the castle and pulled the Fright Knight's sword out of the pumpkin freeing him once again.

"The Fright Knight lives!" He shouted and Pariah cuts in stating "To serve me." "King Pariah! Your up!" The Fright Knight exclaims as he bows to his king. "And perhaps it's time to remind you and that intruder who rules this place." Plasmius shook himself awake as he tried to escape muttering "I've got to get out of here before he-Finds me." He quivered in fear as Pariah appears next to him in the blink of an eye and is grabbed while being told "You have freed me from my sarcophagus and thus woken me from the forever sleep," He began to inspect the ghost and noticed that this wasn't the right ghost because of the lack of a ring. 

"You're not the one who woke me! You are a duplicate! So where?" Back in the palace, the Fright Knight was trying to pull his sword from the wall as Plasmius tried to strike a deal. 

"Oh, surely you and I can work out some sort of deal?" "A deal?" An ectoblast was shot at the two by the king and Plasmius flies away shouting "Call me, we'll talk!" He began to make his escape but Pariah was having none of it and hit Plasmius with an ectoblast shooting him forward towards the Fenton Portal as he detransformed. In the lab, our parents were working on a big and small battle suit.

They powered up the pants and watched as the pair started stomping in place. "Sweet, both of the Fenton pants are charged and operational! I'm telling you guys when these new ecto-skeletons are finished they'll be able to beat back any ghosts! No matter how powerful." Jack exclaimed happily as dad grabs some papers and states "Yeah, but the interface is still glitchy and dangerous Jack. Me and (m/n) haven't figured out what's wrong yet we need to work the bugs out before-" Dad cut himself off when Vad came shooting through the portal holding on tightly to the ring as he pleaded to Jack. "Jack...My fat old friend help me..." 

"You seem pretty happy today." Sam says to Danny as Sam, Tuck and I walk up to him and Tucker says "Why shouldn't he be? Last night he shoved Ember and Skulker back into the Ghost Zone." "And I still had time to finish Lancer's totally useless book report. Nothing could spoil this day." He said when Dash's shouts could be heard.

"Think fast Fen-Tony!" Soon a football was flying in the air towards Danny and the impact forced him to the ground as Dash and Kwan ran past him. Before I could say or do anything Danny zapped at the no stopping any time sign causing the two to trip as he rushes up and picks up the sign telling them: "No stopping any time Nitwit." He dropped the sign as his hand swiftly glided into mine and we walked to our lockers a small smile on my face. Danny had been learning to stand up for himself more and more, yeah he used his ghost powers to do it most of the time but he was still standing up for himself.

"You realize your playing with fire?" Sam asks Danny and he turns to her saying "Well, sometimes I have to use my powers for the greater good." He points over at Dash's locker as toilet paper spit out all over Dash. "And come on how good was that?" Tucker asks causing Sam to roll her eyes as she said "Nice, using your powers to stuff toilet paper into a locker. He's gonna find out it's you." "Have you seen his grades?"

 Danny questions before he and Tuck give each other the finger guns as they say "Never gonna happen." "Hey, this is Fenton Wipe!" Dash's shouts were heard as he noticed the Jack Fenton face on the paper. "Never is karmas doorbell. Ding dong it's for you." I say before grabbing Danny's hand and we race away to the cafeteria and under the nerd's table where we found Valerie hiding as well. "Find your own hiding spot we've got dibs on under the nerds playing nerd poker." "Ease up Fenton you two aren't the only ones who need to hide you know."

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