Pirate Radio: Part 3

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"Providing Alternative Radio To You! It's the radio station Sam wants to use for the emergency ops center, she asked me to draw a concept logo." I say handing the logo over to him as Sam starts to chant. "P.A.R.T.Y!" " We ain't got no alibi!" Tucker chimes in as I cross my arms and roll my eyes as Danny asks in slight disbelief "You already designed a logo?" "And I already got our first sponsor! Plus all the Nasty Burgers we can eat!" Tuck says holding up a Nasty Burger bag.

"This is serious guys! There's something suspicious about this cruise. I can't focus on the P.A.R.T.Y. with my parents outta town." Danny tells us as he threw away the logo and the Nasty Burger bag. "I can," Sam says as we walk off to our next class as Kwan and Dash notice the logo and pull it out from the trash.

"Woohoo! Party at Fenton's!" Kwan shouted as he high-fived Dash and they shouted "Crash and trash!" Later that night we had gone ghost and met up at the cruise to see what was going on. We saw all our parents there and Jazz with a creepy smile while having their arms linked together when Danny said "Still in port, good thing we're not too late." I nod my head as we fly down to get a better look when we hit our heads on something. "Why can't we get aboard? It's like this ship has some kind of...Ghost shield!" I start to question when the pieces clicked and we could see the shield.

"Ye catch on quick for some land lovers." We hear Youngblood say and we turn around to face him and his crew when his parrot corrects him. "It's landlubbers." "Really? It's lubber? That makes no sense!" Youngblood shouts as his crew comes to attack. I grab the first pirate by the collar and throw him over me while Danny flies lower and punches the second pirate down and we fly around the third guy giving Danny enough time to grab Youngblood by his collar.

"Alright, Peawea talk! Tell us what you want with these people or I'll...I'll spank you...Or something!" "I'd lub to see you try!" Youngblood said as he used an ectoblast through his eyes, causing Danny to let go of him. I looked down to notice all the parents start to board the ship as the facade of a cruise fades to show the ship.

"Argh, there's another radio station jamming our transmission! Weigh anchor and set sail, snort me there suavies!" The crew flew down and started to load the canons as Danny mumbled "Oh great, snot-nosed punk can get others to follow orders but I can't?" "You just gotta know the right words. Watch FIRE!" Youngblood shouted as the cannons started to shoot red ecto cannonballs at us. We managed to dodge a few but ultimately we were both hit and sent flying into barrels as Youngblood and his crew got away. "Well, one thing for sure, it's gonna be awfully quiet at my house tonight," Danny said as he helped me to my feet and we went our separate ways and met back up later in our human forms. 

We opened the door to his house to find almost everyone from school partying as Danny tells me "Not getting invited to a party is one thing but not getting invited to a party AT MY OWN HOUSE?!" We already had enough to deal with so I ran up to the radio station and unplugged it but the music kept playing. "Hey, where's that music coming from?"

Danny questions and we both instinctively look up as we came to the same conclusion. Walking into the emergency ops center we found that Sam was the DJ as she made a remix of the stupid song that had become popular. "You're listening to the P.A.R.T.Y. fiercely independent radio. 100% free of corporate influence." Sam said when Tucker chimed in with "Except for this: Brought to you by Nasty Burger, remember nasty is only one letter away from tasty."

"Wait! Guys, you have to stop the broadcast the party downstairs is getting out of control!" Danny shouted as we raced over to our friends. "There's a party downstairs?" They both question with a smile plastered on their face. "How can you not know?" I ask. "Hello? We've been kind of busy with the primer broadcast." Sam says pulling out one of the vinyl and I ask "You took a vapor drone promo disc?" "They make great scratch fodder," Sam explains as she puts on the disc and starts to scratch it when a voice was heard. "Wait. Wait. Wait a minute play that backward again. Slowly." Danny says and Sam complies as a message soon was heard. "Leave your kids. Come to the cruise. Leave your kids. Come to the cruise." "Submivital advertising?"

Sam asks once we heard the message as Danny and I cross our arms with him stating "More like mind control." "Using music to control people...Why does that sound so familiar?" Tuck asks when a huge cloud of smoke appears and the building begins to shake. We all look out the window to see Youngblood's ship with Ember on it dressed as a pirate.

"That's right Popkins Ember's back and ready to rock!" She shouts striking a chord on her guitar causing the house to shake again. We all fall to the ground and the pamphlet falls onto my face; I remove it and read the cover again, the connection clicking. "M.Bersback Ember's back! That's not a clue, that's a billboard."

I stated shaking my head as Tucker says "We really gotta start paying more attention to these things." Danny quickly rushes out of the room to go ghost and I soon follow suit and we fly towards the ship. "Wasting your time wannabes," Ember told us as she activated the ghost shield.

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