Lucky in Love: Part 5

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Tucker quickly hands Kwan Star's tray and we race out of the Nasty Burger, down a few blocks. "That was easy." I say as we glance back over the building and Tucker chimes in "Now everything is back to normal." At that moment Danny and Paulina walked out, causing Sam to grab the red flag on the mailbox and break it off as she stated "Almost we still don't have Danny, who's having a wonderful time with Paulina I'm sure." Before we could say anything Paulina walked up to us asking "Hey you guys, can I talk to Sam, alone?" We all give each other a side glance and Sam sighs, nodding her head yes as Tucker and I walk back to school. "What do you want Paulina?" Sam asked a little annoyed.

Paulina led Sam down an alley and came out with the truth, Kitty let her red eyes glow and brought her normal voice back. "I need your help." "Kitty! Your possessing Paulina? Wait...Why would I ever help you?" Sam asked, her anger boiling. "Because you like Danny right? Well, I'm trying to get back at Johnny and once I'm done, I can make sure Danny is all yours." Kitty answered with a smirk.

"How would you even do that?" "Just one little blow of a kiss and Danny will be head over heels in love with you, think about it, you two could be together...Forever." Kitty had gotten closer to Sam, causing her to push Kitty away as she told her with a glare "No! I would NEVER help you! And how is this fair to Danny? You're using him and you expect me to help you in exchange for forced love? I want Danny to love me on his own accord. So forget it!" Sam began to walk away when Kitty grabbed her stating with a glare "Your loss but I still need your help and now that you know the truth..."

 She trails off before blowing a kiss to Sam. Sam's eyes began to glow red before going back to their regular color. "Now then, here's what I need you to do," Kitty said before whispering her plan to Sam. It was after school and Sam and Tuck had managed to meet up with Danny as he told them what was going on.

"I'm losing my mind, I mean Paulina's fairly high maintenance." "Really? I hadn't noticed." Sam growled as Tuck chimed in.

"Yeah but worse: She's being controlled by a ghost with a crush on Danny." "Tucker, Kitty doesn't have a crush on Danny, she's using him to make Johnny jealous. I've got an idea about how you can get rid of her, but it's kind of radical." Sam said with an annoyed sigh when Paulina's shout for Danny could be heard. "Radical's good, let's hear it," Danny muttered as he went invisible. The plan was to find Johnny and get him to help, the three were standing in front of the portal, Danny in his phantom form. "Well, here goes nothing...I hope your right about this Sam." "Good luck dude." "Remember Danny, be cool, play it close to the vest." And that's exactly what Danny did, once he had found Johnny he made a grab for his vest and begged for help.

 "You have got to take Kitty back, she is suffocating me! I NEED MY SPACE, YOU GOTTA HELP ME!" "Ok, ok! But you know you might want to play that a little closer to the vest." "Ok, here's my plan." The two started going over the plan and later Danny told me what was going on.

He had asked me not to intervene unless it was necessary so I was stuck watching from the sidelines. Paulina and Danny were having a picnic in the park, waiting for Johnny. "Oh, Danny this is so romantic."Kitty complimented, giving Danny his cue as he smiled and told her "Anything for you, you were worth fighting Johnny for."

She began to swoon about how sweet that was and Danny continued. "And you know what? I'd kick his butt a hundred times more and a hundred times harder if he ever showed his sorry face again." "Huh, is that right?" His voice rang out and the two turned around to see him as he got up and made his way over.

"Johnny!" Kitty exclaimed happily. "Hey doll, I came to get you back by force if necessary." Danny hoped off of the blanket and transformed stating "Bring it on punk!" I looked down to see Danny avoiding some of Johnny's punches, I fly down closer to keep a watchful eye when I hear Kitty whistle, turning my attention to her, she gives me a smirk and points behind me. Confused I turn around to see something glowing as it races towards me and body slams me into the ground.

Whatever it was, it was strong as it grabbed onto my neck, I open my eyes to see...Sam?! "Sam?! What are you doing?!" I ask when I slowly start to take notice of everything that seemed different, she was glowing green, which is what is probably giving her her powers, her eyes were glowing red and she was wearing a purple scarf, which confused me the most when she shouted in my face. " HE'S MINE!" Instinctively I pull my head back and I use my legs to push her off of me and get up and she races to punch me again.

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