Prisoners of Love: Part 3

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Author: So while watching a future episode so I could think of how to use an idea in that episode it came to my attention that Danny's mom's name isn't Maggie it actually is Maddie so I've been hearing everybody except Jack pronounce her name wrong. That's entirely my fault and I will fix her name from the previous chapters so if you get a notification about past uploads that's all that changed was Mrs. Fenton's name going from Maggie to her actual name: Maddie. Anyways enjoy the chapter!

 Jack looked at his wife awkwardly before he realized he needed to use the bathroom and tried to find a place to go as Alecia told him "Ain't no bathroom in there. Ain't no outhouse out there!" Having no other options Jack headed for the woods as Maddie said to her sister "You know in his own way, he really is trying." "I don't understand why you think you need him, Maddie, look at me. I've been single ten years and I'm a calm sensible independent woman and- Hey! Don't you whiz on that Jack Fenton! That's rhubarb! I've never been happier."

Alecia said continuing to sharpen her stick as Maddie looked in the direction her husband went. Danny and I were doing our patrol for ghosts but I noticed he seemed to be in a rush. "Danny stop. Something's bugging you, what is it?" Danny turned to me with a frown as he looked down and said "I'd rather not say."

 I take a quick sigh and clasp his shoulder as I tell him "I'm not telling you to tell me, I'm asking you to because your not just my partner Danny, your my friend so please tell me, what's wrong?"

 "Well, you know the Fenton family? Apparently, their folks are fighting and to make it up Mr. Fenton was going to give a gift to "repair the bridge to their love" as the note said but I knocked it into the Ghost Zone and I don't want to be the reason Mr. and Mrs. Fenton divorced so I'm going to get the present after patrol." Danny said in one go, letting out a breath when he finished as he frowned at me. I give Danny a small smile as I grab his hand and continue patrol as I tell him.

 "See? Doesn't that feel better? Now then come on let's hurry and finish patrol then I'll help you search for the gift since four eyes are better than one as the saying goes." Danny gave a quick chuckle before stopping and asking "(s/n)?" "Hm?" I turned to face Danny who quickly surprised me with a hug.

"Thank you, your the best." He told me as I returned the hug saying "Your welcome." When we departed from the hug we went to Fenton Works with a light crimson blush on our faces. We phased into the lab as Sam stated "There you are Danny! Wait why is she here?" "She offered to help," Danny said as we hooked up headphones and a webcam onto our heads. Danny walked up to the portal stating "I so do not wanna do this." Sam gestures towards the portal telling us "You two get in, get the present and get out, you'll be fine." "Besides this mini webcam, I'll be with you every step of the way," Tucker said showing a split-screen on his PDA, one side showing what Danny was seeing through his webcam and the other side what I was seeing on my webcam. 

Tucker then pulls up a video game as he says "But first." We sigh as we ask Sam in unison "You'll monitor the webcams?" "I'll monitor the webcams," Sam said in the same tone as us. We flew into the Ghost Zone looking around while Sam talked into our earpieces.

"Wow, this place is amazing." Danny lets out a small scoff as he tells Sam "No it's not it's creepy and it goes on forever. I don't even know where we're supposed to start to look!" "Well we just gotta start opening doors," I tell Danny as we fly up to a door and enter to find a boy sitting cross-legged, watching static on tv. "Uh hi," I said awkwardly but the boy paid no mind to us.

Danny then asked the boy "Have you seen a-a present um a-about yea big?" The boy turned to face us with a frown as he shouted as he grew into a huge monster "Get out of my ROOM!" We shouted, "Sorry, sorry!" We slammed the door behind us in a panic. "Oh man, every one of these doors leads into a ghost's lair? We're never gonna find that present. The Fentons are gonna get divorced and it's gonna be all my fault."

 Danny muttered as the door sunk to the ground with a bunch of graves as I told Danny "That's not true and you know it." Suddenly ghost skeletons popped up out of the ground, screaming at us. Screaming we fly away as Sam says "Relax you two, we all just have to stay focused, right Tucker? Tucker?" 

Tucker was in the Spector Speeder, gawking at everything as he states "I can't believe Danny didn't want to take the Specter Speeder! This thing rocks!" "They can cover more ground on their own." Sam says as Tucker presses the cup holder saying "But it's got a cup holder! Hey, what's this thing do?" Tuck asked pressing a button that brought up a map.

"Real-world items detected." The Spector Speeder said as Tuck said "Cool, it's a scanner." "Real-world items?" Sam asks, an idea forming in her head. We continued to fly throughout the Ghost Zone when we heard Tuck on the mike.

"Danny, (s/n) I think we can guide you to the present." Sam then cut in saying "There's a doorway on your left, take it." We spotted the door and went through to find: a bunch of random real-world items. "Huh, so this is where all that stuff ends up," Danny said when we heard the Box ghost's voice.

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