Reign Storm: Part 7

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"Why the heck do I have to be here? I'm a weatherman for the love of-Ah Tiffany! Despite the odd circumstances an eerie calm has fallen over Amity Park; emergency teams still having no luck in piercing the dome. Wishing he had taken that job in Chicago this is Lance Thunder action news." We hear him grumble before giving the report while gesturing towards the emergency teams when our attention drifted to our parents and Vlad who were hard at work finishing the Fenton exoskeletons. "These suits are the only hope we have to punch through that dome but I still don't think we'll be able to perfect the neuroreceptors."

"Which is why we'll be wearing the suits. If anybody is gonna beat that ghost back into the Ghost Zone it's us!" Jack said as he and mom shakily stood up. "Jack, (m/n), no. Look at you two! You're still wiped out from the last time."

 Dad said as Danny crosses his arms and asks Vlad with a shit-eating grin "It kills you doesn't it? How much they love each other." "I have other things to worry about and so do you," Vlad said before outstretching his leg causing Jack to trip and mom to tumble on top of him. "And yet I will always have time for that," Vlad said as Danny and I glared at him, Valerie making her way upstairs and sitting down next to Tucker and Sam.

"You feeling any better?" Tuck asked and Valerie replied with a slight glare. "A little. All though I'm surprised you care; you guys don't like me very much do you?" "We don't know you very much and honestly you used to be pretty mean to us. You think we're just gonna start hanging out with you without wondering what you want and where you got that ring?"

Sam retaliated eyeing the ring on Valerie's finger. "That officially falls under the category of none of your business," Valerie said as Danny and I walked upstairs. "Hey, guys!" Sam quickly got up and grabbed Danny's arm as she started to drag him and Tucker into the closet asking "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Valerie gives me a confused glance and I give her a shrug before going upstairs, going invisible and flying into the closet just as Sam turned on the light. "Yo man, you do know the minute you turn into Danny Phantom she's gonna shoot first and ask questions never," Tuck said first and I silently scoff, yeah he had a point but just a few months ago he didn't care less about who Valerie was or what she did. "She's not gonna find out."

 "How do you know she's not snooping right now? What if that ring on her finger is some sort of ghost detection device?" I stare at Sam with a questioning face as Danny voices my thoughts "Ring? What are you talking about?" We both peek our head out at Val as we notice the ring and she gives Danny a wave and he sends one right back before shutting the closet door. "Oh man, that's gotta be the ring the Fright Knight's looking for. Vlad must've given it to her."

Danny says as Tuck scrunches up his eyebrows asking "Isn't he a little old for her?" "He's obviously using her to hide the ring from the Fright Knight something's going on with that ring and we need to make the ghosts tell us what it is c'mon we gotta find (s/n)," Danny stated as he goes ghost his clothes changing into the iconic black and white suit as he grabs Sam and Tuck as they fly out of the building and I meet up with them where Skulker was hiding out. "(s/n)! Where have you been we've been looking all over for you!"

I hear Tuck ask as they approach. "Waiting here for you guys I figured you would've found something strange about Valerie's ring and what better place to find answers than from the ghosts?"

We phase into the store to find Skulker just standing in the corner as Danny pulls out the thermos and blasts it at him stating "I'd much rather kick your butt but this works too." We watch as the cardboard cut-out falls to the ground when we were punched into some rafters. "And you actually think you can sneak up on me?" Skulker asks when the Spector Speeder appears and Skulker rams into it when he lunged for us. 

We phase underneath the Spector Speeder and uppercut Skulker as he goes flying but soon pulls out his jetpack and throws a net at us. We glance at each other before quickly scanning the area looking at the same places every time we quickly work together to fly around the store where we had previously scanned the area.

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