Maternal Instincts: Part 1

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Author: I know, I know, I said I was going on break but two things: I really wanted to upload this episode not for any particular reason I just did and two, I've never been one to just say thank you if I can help it and since I can't hug all of you or get you something, this is what I'm doing: I'm giving you this episode before I 'officially' go on break. Ever since starting this story I've been given so much love and support for it, that's it's just so amazing how much people love this story to the point it makes my day, every day and there is just no possible way for me to show how much gratitude I have for the views, the stars, the comments, the love and support that I didn't think this story would get, I mean we're already at 10k and ranked number 4 in the Fenton tag! So thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything, you guys are the reason that I've spent so much time, including all-nighters, thought and effort into this story, so seriously thank you. One more thing: it only just occurred to me to ask this but: What is your guy's superhero name and if there is a reason why? If it's not to personal of course. Mine is Euphony but it's said as Efphony and I chose this because the meaning of the word just stuck to me.  

All four of us were in the lab, Danny and I in our ghost forms as Tucker and Sam tested us. We fly around the room as fast as we can while Tucker pointed a speedometer at us and it read 112 MPH, while Sam wrote down the results on her clipboard. "112 miles per. Lighten up on the speed gun dudes." Tucker told us and we moved on to the next test; we went intangible and flew through the walls a couple of times as Sam checks that off. "Intangibility, check. " We then go invisible and watch as the two looks around the room for us.

"Danny? (s/n)?" They both question and Danny overshadows Tuck just as he said "Invisibility, check," Tucker's eyes glow green as Danny makes Tucker say "Hi! I'm Tucker, don't let the PDA, glasses, and lack of muscles fool ya, I'm a stud." He then stops and I overshadow Sam saying "Hi, I'm Sam and I'm the goth of the group."

"I hate when you guys do that," Tucker says as I stop overshadowing Sam and we fly above our friends. "Okay hotshots, let's ramp it up," Sam stated as she presses a button on her remote and hoops and missile guns come out of the ceiling and walls. We began to fly and swing through the hoops as we dodged the small missiles and cardboard ghosts pop up and we use our ectoblastic to shoot through them, avoiding the specially made Jazz cut out. Danny then uses his pointer finger and blasts the Jazz cut out and walls appear from the floor and Danny began to phase through them in a laid back position with his hands behind his head and his legs crossed while I phased through them normally and stopped moving after that while Danny gave a smirk to Sam and Tucker as he crashed into the wall.

I stifle a giggle as we walk up and I help him up Tucker telling him "Hi I'm Danny Phantom, don't let the concussion and bruises fool ya, I need more practice. Danny then causes the floor underneath Tucker to go intangible and he phases through the floor as Sam mutters "Wow, it's quiet in here." "It is? Weird, I didn't think it was possible." I say as I fly under the floor and retrieve Tucker. Up above in the living room, Jack was playing with action figures, mom was reading a book and Maddie and dad were looking at old photos. 

Maddie sighed as she looked at a photo of her hugging a younger version of Danny as she says "Danny and I used to be so close." "I know how you feel, I used to do everything with (y/n)," Dad said, showing a picture of us when we had gone to the amusement park when I was seven, I was riding his shoulders while pointing at the ride I wanted to go on next.

"Aha, take that! Nobody makes a meat puppet out of Jack Fenton! Fenton Jerky?" Jack offered as Maddie sighed once again, taking the jerky as she exclaimed "Gracias. We shared everything...secrets, Bunsen burners, soda..." She began to trail off as she went back into her memories.

"Ah yes, nothing says bonding like backwash," Jack said, continuing to play with the dolls. "It's just that our kids have been shooting up so fast...Those special times seem to be slipping away. I miss them." Maddie exclaimed, hugging the photo, causing mom to close her book as she said "Well they all have to grow up sometime." "Curse you, Jack Fenton, you've defeated me once again!" Jack then shouted, as my parents rolled their eyes, even though they were close friends, they did wish he acted his age at times. The doorbell rang and Jack got up rushing to it, claiming he'd get it.

He opened the door to reveal a ghost posing as a mailman as he handed Jack two envelopes and he threw him a coin that had phased through the ghost's hand as Jack told him "Thanks, pal! Oh and try to get some sun, your pale as a ghost," He then came back into the living room, handing one envelope to his wife and the other to dad.

 "Hey Maddie, (f/n), some kind of invite for ya. I can tell because it has the word invite on it." They open their invite and a smile is soon plastered on their faces as they looked at each other and showing the invite as they exclaimed in unison "Yes! Just what the doctor ordered." Meanwhile, Danny and I were trying to duplicate ourselves but we were still struggling when we began to glow and soon we both had two heads as Sam and Tucker gasped. 

"Wow, you can eat a Nasty Burger and fries at the same time." Tucker said as Danny let out a disappointed sigh as he stated "Yeah, the problem is we can only split ourselves this far. Vlad Plasmius can turn into four different Vlad's at once."

"But isn't that what this weekend is about? None stop drills, no homework, no family, no interruptions-" I was cut off when we hear Maddie and dad shout for me and Danny as they start to make their way down. Letting out a gasp I fly away and wait at the stairs for them to go down before changing back, as Danny quickly changed back, Tucker slapping him upside the head to get rid of his cyclops eye. "Wait where's (y/n)?" Dad asked as they raced towards Danny. "Right here, what's up Dad?" I ask, walking down the stairs as Maddie explains. "Pack your bags, we're going to a mother-son science symposium in Florida!" "And we get to tag along with them to Florida for a research facility that ranges from werewolves to vampires to ghosts!" Dad said before the said in unison while visibly shaking in excitement "Doesn't it sound fun?!" 

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