Fenton Menace: Part 5

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Author: Sorry about that weird update with Fanning the Flames. I noticed a part was 'missing' the full story was and still is there but I somehow skipped a part and tried to fix it but it wouldn't let me move that part up so I deleted it and we're just gonna let that be the special episode as my family would say about anything that isn't supposed to be what it is.

We had finally stopped for the night as we pitched blown-up Fenton Works tents. "Okay maybe in retrospect maybe putting our families in the remote wilderness with an unstable brother and his girlfriend who both have ghost powers wasn't the best idea. But since there's no way I'd admit I'm wrong about anything I had to keep Danny and (y/n) under constant watch." All three of us were in the same tent thanks to Jazz wanting to keep an eye on us when Danny and I noticed Youngblood floating behind Jazz. "Go away," Danny said throwing his pillow in Jazz's face and shot an ectoblast at Youngblood sending him out of the tent before Jazz could remove the pillow.

"I can't do that Danny, you may not believe it but I understand what you and (y/n) are going through." Jazz tried to explain while we watched Youngblood phase his hand through Jazz's head. "No, you don't," I said standing up as Youngblood fully phases into the tent. "Yes, I do! More than you know; look I know you think there's a ghost here but there isn't you two."

Jazz told us as I spotted a small mirror in the corner just as Youngblood turned his hand into a branding iron and Danny began to panic internally as I turned around and crossed my arms. "And turning your back to me won't solve anything (y/n)," Jazz told me as I shot a ghost ray at the mirror and it bounced off hitting Youngblood before he could brand Jazz. Confused Danny turned to face me but found I was already in my sleeping bag saying "Fine, then I'm going to sleep." "Me too," Danny said going under his covers and soon the sounds of snoring were heard. "You can't fool me you two, I know you're awake in there." The only response given was more snoring and a fart noise as Jazz removed the covers to find the MP3 players. "And gassy? Ugh...Nice." We phase-out of the tent and begin to look for Youngblood when Jazz's calls could be heard.

"Danny? (y/n)?" We quickly hide each of us on one side of the RV and hop in before Jazz walks out looking for us. "Jazz, you have to unlock the ghost weapons we're all in danger!" Danny shouts as we hop out of the RV and he shakes his sister. "Yeah, from you two," 'I know! You think we're crazy but we're not! You can't see him because only kids can see him." Danny tries to explain when Youngblood shows us and tries to swing an ax on Jazz.

Seeing this Danny grabs his sister by the arms and dragged her to the ground. "Wait I do see him he's right behind you!" Jazz said in a fake scared voice as I run in front of Danny as we both ask "What?! Where?!" Jazz takes this opportunity and kicks both of us back into the RV, locking us in. "Jazz, what are you doing?!" Danny and I ask in unison as she tells us "This is for your own good you two." I go to the back to go ghost while Danny struggles to unlock the door shouting for his sister to let us out when the realization hits him. "Duh, ghost powers." He goes to transform as well just as Jazz activates the ghost shield which prevented us from leaving and we detransform as she tells us:

" And just to humor you I'll turn on the ghost shield so no ghosts can get in...Or out." We watch as Youngblood starts to push our parent's tent towards the river as we furiously point telling Jazz to look. "Hm, Jack your snoring is rattling the whole tent...Jack. Ugh better get the Fenton Ear Plugs."

Maddie mutters while putting on the earplugs while my parents also grab a pair completely oblivious to what was going on. Jazz decides to look only to see the tent was fine. "Forget it you two, I'm not letting you out of there and I'm not taking my eyes off you for one second," We watch as Youngblood pushes our parent's tent into the river and they get closer and closer to a waterfall.

Danny presses a button to try and stop Youngblood but it only squirts water onto Jazz. "Ugh, real mature Danny if you're gonna be delusional can you at least act your age?" She asks wiping the water from her eyes. "Or maybe you should act...Your age." We give each other a smirk as Danny presses the button again as I tell her "You're not an adult Jazz, you're a kid just like us."

"We're focusing on your problems, not mine," She looks back at us after hearing a noise to see us making faces while making all sorts of noises which angered Jazz when we started to shout through the megaphone "Jazz is a spazz! Jazz is a spazz! Jazz is a spazz!" "Cut it out you little brats!" "We know you are but what are we?" We continued to tease her and Youngblood starts to watch just as Danny started to mimic her voice. "Will you grow up?" "Will you grow up?" "Stop mocking me." "Stop mocking me." That's when I found Berbert. "Oh, oh! Who's this? Is this Berbert Einstien?" Danny grabbed ahold of him and started to rip his stuffings out causing Jazz to throw a tantrum.

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