Bitter Reunions: Part 1

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"Finally, one time where I get home on time and no ghost tours make me miss my ten o'clock curfew," Danny stated, driving home on his scooter when his ghost senses went off and saw three ghost vultures flying in the air, scaring everyone in their homes. (LUCKY! I want a ten o'clock curfew) "Or not. Going ghost!" Danny muttered as he raced off behind a car, went ghost, and raced after the vultures. 

Danny flies in the path of the vultures asking, "You fellas looked lost, uh any chance of you staying that way?" 

"Mind your own business fancy pants, ghost boy," The one with the fez yells at Danny before the three fly onto a bus and begin arguing.




 Closing my history book, I stretch before putting the textbook in my school bag. Walking downstairs I tell Mom I'm stepping out for a bit. "I'm gonna step out and sit on the porch for some fresh air before I go to bed is that alright?" 

Looking up from the TV Mom told me, "Alright sweetie just don't stay outside too late ok?" 

Nodding I step outside and stretch again while looking up at the clear night sky.

"The night sky always looks so pretty with the moon and stars out and...Danny chasing after vultures?" I question as I see in the sky, Danny chasing some vultures.

Glancing at my phone to see it was almost ten, I sigh feeling pity for Danny, muttering under my breath as I go ghost. "Looks like Danny's gonna be late for his curfew again." 

I join Danny on the bus he had flown in and give him a questioning look which he returns with a shrug before we listen to the ghost vultures argue.

"Hey, we've been shackling this town for hours, we coulda' been halfway to Florida by now. Ask for directions."

"I know where I'm going!" 

"You so do not ask them!" 

 "Ask us what?" Danny interjects but the vultures fly off and we tailed them back into the sky.

 Once they see us, the one in the fez sighs as he approaches us. "We're on a search and destroy mission. Can you help us find and peck to death these two here?" He shows us two ripped pictures: one with Danny's dad smiling and one with my Mom laughing.


"Mom?" Me and Danny mutter under our breaths, confusion striking our faces.

"Aha! See I told you they'd know where they are!" One of the vultures exclaims, pointing at us.

 We glared at the vultures and shot our ecto beams at them as I said, "Yeah we might know them but who said that you were allowed to hurt them?!" 

The vultures dodge our attack as one says, "Nice try kids, get 'em, boys!"

They raced towards us and began circling us, turning to Danny I smirked and he smirks back.

"Give it your best shot guys, we're a wiz at dodgeball," Danny mocks them as they charge at us.

Quickly grabbing my hand, Danny flies up and we watch the vultures ram into each other before Danny looks at me with a smile and shrugs. "Okay technically it's dodgebeak but who cares?"

 Rolling my eyes and crossing my arms I tell him, "C'mon you have to have better punch lines than that like—" 

I was cut off when the birds started chasing us again and we flew to the city hall where there was a big clock showing it was a minute till ten. When Danny saw the time he gasped as he whispered to himself how it was almost ten. Phasing through the clock we wait for the vultures to get close enough before we jump out at them, grabbing them by the feet, and spinning them around.

"You know that old saying about the bird and the hand? Well, neither do I!" We throw the vultures after gaining enough momentum and watch as they are flung far into the sky. "Don't go messing on any windshields on your way outta town!" 

The ripped-up photos they had shown us of our parents fell into my hands and Danny looked over my shoulder as he asked, "I wonder why those fellas were trying to waste these two?"

Upon closer look at the woman Danny gasped and told me, "I know that woman's daughter! I have to let her know her mom might be in danger." 

"What about your identity?" I asked in a bit of a panic since he was gonna tell me what I already knew and was gonna rush to tell me. 

"She doesn't know my true identity but she has seen me in my ghost form it'll be fine, I trust her." He tells me when the clock strikes. "Oh no, I'm late!" 

I watch as Danny grabs the photos and flies off back home, causing me to hiss in panic as I go invisible and start racing him back home. Somehow managed to beat him there as I entered my room and de-transform with a sigh of relief when I heard a knock at my window. Turning I see Danny as he waves at me and I open the window, arching an eyebrow.

"Phantom? What are you doing here? My parents will tear you molecule by molecule if they see you!" 

"I know but there's something you need to know and you're one of the only few people besides (s/n) I trust with this," He tells me before showing me the ripped picture of my Mom.

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - June 4th, 2024

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