One of a Kind: Part 1

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At the docs late at night, Danny and I were hunting down The Box Ghost at a warehouse. He crashes through the wall into a pile of boxes as we follow him into the warehouse.

"Beware! I am The Box Ghost! I have power over all containers, cardboard, and square!" He warns, getting up from the pile of boxes.

"Hey, Danny? This is the last ghost we are hunting tonight right? Can you please take this one on alone? I need to study for an upcoming test," I ask and he arches an eyebrow at me.

"Ghosts have to go to school?"

"This one does. All part of being half ghost, half human. You know the drill, you're the same right?"

Danny gives me a surprised look before smiling. "So you are like me. Cool. Go ahead. It's The Box Ghost he should be super easy to take care of."

Quickly thanking him and for the heck of it, I kissed him on the cheek and began to fly home to study.




 Blushing for a second Danny turned his attention to The Box Ghost and shook his head, annoyance soon lacing his voice.

"Okay, can we get this over with? I've got a test to study for myself."

Shouting The Box Ghost yelled "Study? There will be no time to study! When you find yourself crushed beneath the forgotten possessions of— Elliot Kravit's of Arlington Heights Illinois!"

Using his powers The Box Ghost flung the boxes open and towards Danny. As the items drew closer to him, Danny turned intangible as everything flew past him, breaking against the wall. 

"I don't have time for this. Sam! Tucker! Let's go!" Danny grumbled with a sigh as Sam and Tucker kicked down the door. 

Spinning the Fenton Thermos and then pointing it at The Box Ghost Tucker shouted, "Good night everybody!" 

The Box Ghost screamed in agony as Danny threw him into the thermos's suctioning beam.

"Parameter secure," Tucker smirked.

 "Parameter secure? What are you a navy seal?" Sam asked as Danny landed beside his friends defining what seals are. 

"Seals: aquatic animals that bark. They're canines right?" 

Checking her textbook Sam shook her head no. "Wrong. That's zero for twenty-one."

Messing around with the thermos Tucker told Danny, "I'm no teacher but I'm guessing that's an F." 

 "Ugh come on you guys if you're gonna be superhero sidekicks you're gonna have to be a little more focused," Danny groans before pointing at Sam. "You're supposed to help me study for the test tomorrow, and," He points at Tucker. " You're supposed to be helping me catch these ghosts so I have time to study!" 

Looking confused Tucker asked "What? They're all right here."

Just as he said that Tucker dropped the thermos, releasing all the ghosts caught that night.




I barely get halfway through town when several ghosts I recall capturing with Danny hours ago fly by me, laughing. I let out a sigh of anger as I turned around and flew back to see Danny and Sam glaring at Tuck while The Box Ghost monologued.

"Ha, I am the Box ghost! You cannot hold me within the confines of the cylindrical container."

"Tucker dropped the thermos?" I ask as I land next to Danny.

"Tucker dropped the thermos," Sam and Danny confirmed while Tucker looked at his PDA in confusion.

"Huh, that's funny, according to my schedule we should be done catching ghosts by now?"




 "Hm, half-humans, half ghosts. Two of a kind, they'll make a fine addition to my collection," The ghost hunter muttered to himself  The Box Ghost appeared at the cage next to him filled with all the ghosts he's captured thus far.

"Touch the box and your pelt will adorn my fireplace," He warned The Box Ghost, not taking his eyes off Danny Phantom and (s/n).

 The Box ghost quickly left but not without shouting "Beware!" 




"Oh my gosh! They said yes!" Jazz shouted, bursting into the kitchen while we ate breakfast.

I was currently eating breakfast before school with Danny as had become the norm since my parents were working with Mr. and Mrs. Fenton so often.

"Who said yes? The person you asked if you were a conceded snob?" Danny asked in a sarcastic cheery tone.

Jazz shot her brother a glare while I snickered.

"No. Genius Magazine said yes. They got my letter and wanna put Mom and Mrs. (l/n) on the cover!" Jazz screamed in excitement while Maddie and Mom smiled.

"Genius Magazine?"

 Getting excited themselves Dad and Jack grabbed the magazine and asked in unison, "Genius Magazine?! Is this the swimsuit issue?"

Looking a bit annoyed Jazz said, "Ugh Dad, Mr. (l/n), Genius Magazine is for women geniuses, by women geniuses, and about women geniuses!" 

 Thinking he understood Danny stated, "So it is the swimsuit issue," Danny and I began to frown in disgust. "Oh, gross our moms are gonna be in the swimsuit issue?!"

"It's not the swimsuit issue! It's the perfect magazine to show that we have normal parents instead of a couple of ghost-hunting freaks!" Jazz corrects.

 "They're not ghost-hunting freaks."

"Hey! My parents aren't ghost-hunting freaks! They're researchers. Huge difference," I correct Jazz, crossing my arms and slightly glaring at her.

"Hey, Danny? Speaking of ghost hunting...Look at the latest ghost hunting technology: The Ghost Gabber!" Mr. Fenton exclaims excitedly, grabbing the machine his wife was tinkering with.

"Genius Magazine has to be interested in this. It takes the mysterious sounds a ghost makes and translates them into words you and I use every day. Here you two try it," He said shoving the Ghost Gabber in our faces.

Caught off guard and worried it might reveal I'm technically a ghost I began to frown in worry while Danny stuttered.

" Uh...Eh...Boo?" 

"I am a ghost, fear me," The machine translates, and we both give it a confused look before exchanging confused looks with each other and our families.

 "We better get to school," I say, figuring it was better to just get out of the situation as fast as possible.

"We better get to school...Fear me," The machine translates again as we leave the kitchen.

Last Edited - July 8th, 2021

Revised - April 4th, 2024

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