Fenton Menace: Part 7

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Danny smirks at Youngblood as he sucks him into the Fenton Thermos stating "Actually, it's just like I can lock you up in jail or something."

We fly down to give our thanks to Jazz for helping. "So in the end no matter how abnormal things seemed or abnormal our life can be-" Jazz's thoughts were interrupted by the charging up sound of a gun, followed by Jack's shouting. "Put the thermos down and step away from my daughter punks!" "Everything is back to normal-or our version of normal."

Jazz thought as she gave us a wink before pressing a button, squirting water onto our parents and we take the opportunity to fly away as Jack shouts "Get me a Fenton Towel stat!" It was Sunday night and we were back at home. Jazz was writing in her diary about what happened over the weekend.

"So yeah, sometimes I do feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders and I'm the only responsible adult in the family...But Danny and his girlfriend are responsible and they're kids which means it's probably safe for me to be a kid every now and then." Jazz thought as well as she wrote when she grabbed Berbert and pulled him in for a hug.

I had sewed him back together as an apology but thanks to Danny we left her a little surprise...Jazz hears a fart noise and she digs her hand through the stuffing to find Danny's MP3 player as she said "Oh real mature you two!"

It was our nightly patrol and we had met up at the city hall to give our reports. After confirming that there weren't any ghost sightings we were saying goodbye when I called out to Danny.

"Wait! Before you go do you remember that heavy topic I wanted to tell you about?" Danny stops and flies back to me as he nods his head.

"Yeah, I remember what about it?" "Well, I think I'm ready to tell you. Not now because we've got school tomorrow and this is gonna take a lot explaining but soon can you be free this Saturday?" I ask him and he smiles.

"Count on it," I return the smile as we wave goodbye and head home. This is it...Danny was finally going to learn my secret identity. All we had to do was wait one more week.

Author: *Has mischievous evil grin* You sure about that?  

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