Attack of the Killer Garage Sale: Part 3

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The next day we were walking to school, trying to get Danny out of ignoring us. 

"Seriously Danny ever since you and (y/n) got those invitations you're all about the IN crowd," Tucker told Danny, who just brushed the comment off.

"C'mon Tuck, that's ridiculous," Our point begins to show again when he shouts at Kwan. "KWAN! Looking good!" 

"Fentonmister. Woohoo!" 

"He's right Danny it's like—" Sam was cut off when Dash shouted for us.

 "Hey Fenton, (l/n)! Come here!"

Again Danny grabbed my hand and dragged me over to Dash and his obnoxious friends. 

Sighing I finish Sam's thought. "Like we're not even here."

Dash turned to us and shoved something into Danny's hands as he stated, "If you're coming to my party you have to look the part. This is what we're all wearing Saturday. Very high end, very hip, very Dash. You do have one right?" Dash asked pointing to us. 

I began to smile and then laugh as I told Dash, "Like I'd ever buy or even wear that abomination called clothes." 

But then Danny had to open his mouth. "Yeah oh sure I have two. That's how hip and hop I am."

 Dash and I glare at Danny even though for different reasons.

"Well wear one and let (y/n) borrow the other. I might have had to invite you two, even though I would've invited (y/n) anyway. BUT if you embarrass me your sister is gonna do her thesis on your bruises!" 

Looking down at the magazine again Danny mumbled, "Awww man this will cost a fortune. Where are we gonna get the money by Saturday?" 

Sam and Tucker had walked up and overheard, Sam then began to speak up. "You know I almost hate to offer—" Sam was cut off again as Paulina shouted for Danny.

"Hey Danny! You wanna hear my new CD?  It's really crunk!" 

Danny formed a huge grin as he asked, "Is crunk good?"  

Tucker and I answered in different tones of voice."It's Paulina."

 Giving us a finger gun Danny said, "Crunks good. Be right there!"

 For the third time this week, Danny grabbed me by the hand and began to run over to Paulina. This time though I slipped my hand out of his and crossed my arms waiting for his reaction, he didn't give me one he just kept running to Paulina. 

"He didn't even notice I didn't go with him..." I mutter with a bewildered expression on my face.

Sam walked up to me and clasped my shoulder as she told me, "Hey thanks for not ignoring us and if you really need it, I can pay for your clothes for the party." 

Smiling at Sam I give her a hug and state, "Thanks girl you're the best but I'm not going to the party, I may have been invited but that doesn't mean I'm going. Plus I wouldn't be caught dead in these clothes they are so ugly." 

I point at the magazine Dash gave us that Danny had dropped on the ground and Sam and Tuck agreed they were the worst clothes ever. I glance over at Danny and Paulina and frown soon grumbling under my breath.

"Okay this is getting really annoying." 




After school Jazz was in the kitchen doing homework while her mom was working on another strange device when it suddenly started to shake and make growling noises.

"Mom what are you making?" Jazz asked.

"Hot dogs!" 

Quickly chiming in Jack stated, "We invented a way to cook them ten times faster than the microwave!"

A minute later the machine pinged and Maddie lifted the lid to reveal cooked hot dogs before they came to life and became violent; taking the hint from how the hot dogs were reacting Maddie quickly closed the lid.

"Great you figured out how to put the Frank back into Frankenstein," Jazz remarked before returning to her homework. 

"Hey, Dad? Can you spare me some cash? I need to buy some clothes for Saturday," Danny asked his dad as he walked into the kitchen.

"Danny, Danny, Danny you know as Fentons your mother and I have plenty of money..."

"But as parents, we understand that you should understand the value of money. You want money, you gotta earn it," His parents tell him and he blinks in confusion.

"You mean...Get a job?!"

That or sell something like your old comic books or some other junk you don't need," Jack said putting his hands on his hips when Maddie pointed at a few boxes filled with junk and covered with goo, in the corner.

"Uh speaking of which that junk from the Ghost Weasel explosion needs to go in the shed...If there's room. That old barn hasn't been cleaned out in years." 

Picking up one of the boxes and hugging it Jack said, "This is not junk! Every single item in this box is of vital importance to me." 

"Do you even know what this is?" Maddie asked as she grabbed an item from the box. 

It was a small cube with a knob, a red switch on the side, two broken red wires, and a curvy antenna that was sticking from the top.

Squinting at the small device, Jack put it back in the box stating, "Not a clue. But I know it's important so it's off to the shed."

 Danny walked out of the kitchen and turned to (y/n) who was on the phone, asking "Hey (y/n) mind helping?" 

Quickly covering the speaker of her phone she responded, "Yeah give me a minute to finish up my phone call." 

Last Edit - July 25th, 2021

Revised April 17th, 2024

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