Public Enemies: Part 3

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"I don't think it was blabber, I think it was Esperanto," Tucker brought up what I was about to.

"Esper-wa-wa?" Sam blinked in confusion.

"Esperanto, An artificial language from the 1800s, now its only purpose is to give geeks a secret language to talk to other geeks." 

At that moment someone walked up and started to speak in Esperanto. 

"Hey, Tuck? Kiel estas ĝi iri?" {How's it going?} The boy had asked.

"Vi koni, kiel ĉiam!" {You know, same as always}

The boy smiled to know his friend was doing ok before walking away.

Tucker then turned back to us as he stated, "I couldn't tell what that ghost was screaming, but he looked scared like he wanted help." 

"He only said one word: Servi. That translates to served. Maybe that was his way of asking for help?" I ask, shrugging while earning the shocked looks of my friends.

"Wait, you speak Esperanto?" Tucker asked pointing at me.

Again I shrug as I say, "My old school had quite a variety of foreign languages."

"(y/n) that's amazing," Danny had started when his ghost sense interrupted him. "Oh no, here? Again?" 

"But we're chewing like the wind in an anti-ghost zone. Where could the ghost be?" Tucker asked when the RV which was right behind us, exploded. 

"Survey says: Behind us," Sam said as we looked at the dark clouds of smoke before everyone started running in a panic.

Getting up from the table I run behind a tree to go ghost only to find Jazz already hiding there.

"(y/n)! Hi! Are you hiding here? I'll go hide over there," She says nervously before running off to find a new hiding spot while I blinked in confusion.

That was weird...

I peek behind the tree when I hear the wolf cry out and pain and watch the ghosts chasing the wolf argue.

"Bullet, you're using the collar? Walker said—" 

"Walker isn't here! Get him!" 

They began chasing the wolf as I hid again and go ghost, meeting up with Danny in the sky as we chased after the ghosts. As we fly we notice a blast coming at us from the corner of our eyes and move out of the way of the stray shot thanks to Jazz and watch it hit two of the guards, sending them back to the Ghost Zone.

"Woah, portable ghost portal? Oh great," Danny mumbled. 

"That's not gonna make our job harder at all," I grumbled sarcastically with him as we continued our chase.

We watch Bullet pull out some sort of gun that grabbed at the wolf's tail and he screamed in pain. 

"You're big, you're hairy and you're a ghost..." Danny started and I finished his sentence for him. (The Wolf Among Us anyone?)

"But if Walker's goons are after you, you can't be all bad." 

Flying down I punch the Bullet and he spins out of control as Danny rips the ends of the ghost taser off of the wolf's tail, charges it with his power, and sent it back to the owner shouting.

"Go ghost stinger!" 

We land on the ground after Bullet disappears and Danny holds up his hand as he tries to explain that we were his friend. 

"Friend. Uh...friend?" He extended his arm out to shake and I explain. 

"Kiu li estas prov dir estas ni estas Via amiko. Mi estas (s/n), li estas Danny Fantomo" {What he's trying to say is we're your friend. I'm (s/n), he's Danny Phantom.}

The wolf sniffs us, smiles, and begins licking us before introducing himself. "Wulf."

"Wait you know Esperanto too?" Danny asks and I nudge him.

"What? You think I just stay home all day waiting for a ghost attack?" 

Before he could answer Jack appeared out of the bushes with the Fenton Fisher all tangled up as he shouted, "All right nobody move!" He pauses to try and untangle the huge knot as he begins muttering. "As soon as I get this thing untangled, you three beasties are going down!" 

"Don't worry he's not much of a threat. Now if Mrs. Fenton were here or one of the (l/n)s, then we'd be in trouble." 

A red dot appeared on Wulf's forehead as he said, "Vere?" {Really?}

I nod before noticing the dot on his head and follow its line to see Maddie pointing a gun at him before pushing him and Danny out of the way as she shoots at us.

"Woah, man. You are so not getting anything for Mother's Day," Danny mumbled to himself as he looks down at our parents while we fly off. 


The three of us wait in Tucker's attic for Sam and Tucker to arrive when I hear Danny clear his throat to get my attention.

"So, you know Esperanto." 

"Yes, we went over that. Whatever you're trying to lead into you can just say it," I reply, crossing my arms as I turn around to give him my full attention. 

"Well, I just wondering...Did I do something wrong?" Danny asks, giving me a worried look.

"No...? Why, do you think you did something wrong?"

Last Edit - July 10th, 2024

Revised - July 25th, 2024

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