Shades of Grey: Part 2

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"Hey c'mon, I know you're upset but he just wants to help, we all do," Danny told Val as we walked up, Sam soon shaking her head.

"I don't." 

Giving a quick sigh I roll my eyes as Tuck says, "Most of us do, that's more than three-fourths."

"Thanks but I'll pass," Val glared at us.

"Blue cap!! Blue cap!! Blue cap!!" We suddenly heard chanting and turned to see the two oldest Weston brothers trying to put a blue baseball cap over the youngest brother.

I recognize the youngest brother Wes; as part of the freshman class with us. He was a tall boy and looked a little like Danny but with orange hair, green eyes, and freckles. He had become somewhat popular after joining the basketball team, and constantly wore basketball shorts, and a basketball tank top over his shirt. I didn't know much about his older brothers but I did know the oldest was Easton, and the second older brother was Kyle. Both Easton and Kyle wore blue baseball caps and were trying to shove a matching blue cap onto their brother while he tried to refuse. I giggle at the antics as he gives me an awkward wave when my ghost sense goes off and I quickly hop on my scooter.

 "I'm gonna have to pass too." 

Once out of sight, I go ghost and fly back over to find Danny already there staring at the ghost dog in confusion who had climbed up from the ground.

"How'd you get out of the Ghost Zone?" I ask as the dog turns around and I scratch underneath his chin, turning him back into a pup. 

We landed on the ground as Danny exclaimed, "Well ghost dogs are a lot more entertaining than regular dogs...Oh great invisible dog doo." 

As Danny started wiping his boot on the pavement, I picked up the dog and noticed Valerie march up to us.

"Whatever you two are, get out of here! You and your stupid dog have done enough!" She shouted in our faces when the dog jumped out of my arms and grabbed Danny's ankle as he ran in all directions with me chasing after them, forcing everyone to step out of the way as we race into the furniture-filled moving van.

"C'mon, not again!" Danny yells as he and I fly around the van, trying to catch the dog, destroying everything in the process.

"Nice boy, nice boy! Down! Down boy, down boy, down boy!" I shout finally able to grab ahold of the dog as we phase out of the van, giving a nervous to Valerie and Wes who stare at us in shock before we disappear and take off.




"Valerie? What was all that noise? What's going on?" Damien asks as he comes outside while Valerie opens the van and they both look in shock at the destroyed furniture.

"I don't know but I'm gonna find out," Valerie growled while glaring at the sky.

"Kyle, Easton, did you see that?! Those were ghosts!" Wes exclaims to his brothers worriedly.

"Aw Wes, I thought you knew better. Ghosts aren't real," Kyle shakes his head, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"W-w-What?! How do you explain what we just saw then?! Easton come on back me up here."

"Sorry little bro just looked like some kids struggling to keep their dog in check," Easton also shakes his head while Wes looks at the two with disbelief.

"You can't be serious! We just watched a giant glowing green dog dig its way up from the ground, shrink from chin scratches after those two ghost kids flew over after that Fenton kid and (y/n) ran off, went into the moving van, phased out of it into the sky, and disappeared! Those were ghosts! How else would you explain it?!"

The Other Halfa Danny Phantom: The seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن