Teacher of the Year: Part 7

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Tucker raced towards the key across the map with Technus hot on his heels; laser beams were shot out of his eyes at Tuck, who dodged, quickening his pace. Sam ran to the Tikkis, picking up a small one in the process as she went up to the tallest Tikki and threw the small one in its mouth and muttered to herself "Here goes everything!" 

She hops into the mouth which had been glowing and the power-up began to activate. Tucker was close to the key, as he outstretched his arm to grab it Technus jumped in front of him, sending him flying and his character died.

 "(s/n), wake up! Tucker!" Danny shouted he had been trying to get a response from me while struggling to get free until he saw what happened to Tuck. Danny forced the plant to explode as he raced to my side, helping me up and letting me lean on him for support. We fly over to Technus, who decides to inform us with "The game is over! Victory is mine! Any last requests children?" 

A tall shadow appears behind Technus, the realization of not hitting him as we realize who it is and smirks at Technus. " Um...yeah, could you take out the trash Sam?" Danny asked and a booming echo of "With pleasure," Erupted and Technus was stomped on.

 "Not bad for a girl." "Ignoring that; care to lend a hand?" Sam picks up Technus while Danny and I open up level zero and he's tossed inside, questioning his surro8undings. "It's level zero; it's a glitch in the program, one way in, no way out." We shut the glitch, completely cutting Technus off and Tucker then re-appeared.

 "Good thing I upgraded my anti-virus program, did I miss anything?" He asks and Danny responds with "Just the most awesome display of gamesmanship ever." Flying up I grab the last silver key and hand it to Tuck as he excitedly states "Hey guys, we've got the seven silver keys to the apocalypse; all we have to do is open the door and we win the game!"

 We crowd around the door and watch as Tucker goes to insert the key. Then out of nowhere, we all die, Danny being shot out into the basement wall and I tumble out, hitting my head against the door. Confusion wracking my brain I walk up to my computer and looked for the person that killed us while asking "Who on Earth could have done that?"

 Looking at the screen I watch as Lancer picks up the key and begins to gloat before stepping through the door. I blink my eyes in shock at the total obscurity in the whole situation before I started to laugh, there was nothing particularly funny but I couldn't help myself. 

Closing my laptop, I continue to chuckle to myself as I go get my friends to hang out, after all, I think we've all had enough with Doomed.

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