Splitting Images: Part 5

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The Fentons and (l/n)s rush up to Sam and Tucker in the hallway asking, "Is it true? Did you kids just witness a ghost attack?" 

"Fear not! These gloves were made for grabbing!" Jack reassuring, showing off the Ghost Gauntlets.

While Sam and Tucker tried convincing them otherwise Pointdexter floated into the hallway still using (y/n)'s body as a vessel, Tucker noticing first and rushing to block everyone else's view.

 "Uh, no ghosts here Mr. and Mrs. F" Tucker said. 

"Only a girl trying to create a diversion for her own needs," Mr. Lancer comments in disappointment as he approaches, looking down at Sam holding the box filled with frogs. 

"Right, right no ghosts here!" Sam agrees while the Fentons and (l/n)s run off.

"Watch it (y/n) your parents almost caught your intangible act," Tucker starts scolding Pointdexter before blinking in confusion as realizes what just happened. "Wait when did you get an intangible act?!" 

Figuring it'd be better to lie, Pointdexter smirks as he tells them, "One of those Coolio ghosts flew me up here so I wouldn't be a part of that whacky situation down there."

Sam and Tucker give him a weird look, confused by the old slang their friend was using.



"Where am I? It's like I was dropped into Danny's Grandpa's yearbook," I mutter, looking around at the old-looking version of Casper High.

"Hey, Pointdexter you got a spot on your shirt," Someone says, approaching me while pointing at my shirt.

Crossing my arms I give the person a blank look while arching an eyebrow. They still proceed to flick my nose.

 "Ha! Made you look!" 

Rolling my eyes I try to walk away when somebody else tripped me.

"Have a nice trip Pointdexter, see ya next fall!"

Soon everyone in the hallway was laughing at me and people continued to bully me. Anger boiled up inside me, I could feel my tongue begin to sharpen as I turned around to face the fool in front of me who was trying to make fun of my outfit.

"Oh please, you are the last person who should be talking about rules. Why don't you do me, yourself, and the world a favor and quit wasting your life away by being a bully and go do something useful with the life you don't deserve?!"

 I felt my fists clenching, I needed to walk away before my anger could consume me more. I burst through the Exit doors to find, a void, that I almost fell into. Suddenly the guy I yelled at pushed me out and I started to scream when I felt someone grab me and lift me back to the ground. My eyes widen in shock to see Danny.

"Danny?! You're here too?! Oh, how great it is to see a friend!" I went to hug Danny but phased through him.

Confused I looked at him as he explained to me, "I keep phasing from reality, I don't think I can be here with my body so we gotta get outta here."




"Spiff diddley dee man! So this is what it's like to have friends," Pointdexter exclaims excitedly as he walks to class with Sam and Tucker.

"You sure you're alright (y/n)?" Sam asked, her tone laced with slight worry.

"Also, where's Danny?" 

Snapping out of his happy trance Pointdexter stated, "Oh me? Yeah right, I'm right like Ike, Mike. And uh...Randy took a hike." 

Studying (y/n)'s body suspiciously Sam asked, "Why does your voice sound funny? Also, it's Danny, not Randy, you know that." 

Panicking Pointdexter spouts an excuse. "Puberty and oops I don't know why I said Randy heh...heh." 

"I wonder what happened to Pointdexter?" Tucker changes the subject.

Drawing a square with his fingers and then shooing the thought of his old life away Pointdexter said, "Oh that square? He flew the coop permanent like."

"C'mon give me my soda!" They heard Dash shout at the soda machine as he banged his fists against the glass.

"Hey let me help ya out there pal," Pointdexter offered help as he approached, phasing his hand behind the machine and grabbing, making the soda can eject.

 "Hey, thanks (l/n)."

"Hey, no problemo." 

"Hey, what are you, going through puberty?" Dash asks, giving Pointdexter a confused look before smirking. "Huh you know I'm a little tight on quarters, think you can get a few more sodas for me and my pals?" 

"You betcha!" 

Grabbing Pointdexter's shoulder Sam told him, "(y/n) that's stealing." 

"Well, I'm sure that poor kid lost more than his fair share of quarters to the vicious bullies in this school. It's time somebody evened the score. Hey everybody, Eggcreams on me!" Pointdexter tries to justify it as he dispenses more sodas.

Putting her hands on her hips Sam told Tucker in an annoyed tone, "Well this is new."




Danny and I head back to Locker 724 and look through the mirror, seeing what was happening on the other side.

"This is how we came in so there's gotta be a way back," I tell Danny as I see Sidney give everyone a free soda. 

Drinking another soda Dash shouted, "Here's to (l/n)!" 

Looking on in confusion I ask "What the heck?" 

Pushing me a bit Danny pointed at two people we recognized as he shouted for them. "Tucker, Sam! It's us Danny and (y/n)!" 

We start shouting for them as we watch Kwan walk up to Sidney and tell him, "Hey (l/n)mister we're short one for football, know anybody who's in?" 

"Posalutleyabsativley." Pointdexter nods, making Kwan laugh.

"Positutley! When did you get a sense of humor?" 

Everyone starts leaving the hallway, passing by Danny's locker which Sidney quickly notices, freaks out, and slams the locker shut, sending Danny and me flying back into the hallway

"Hey Pointdexter, what's black and blue and can't touch the floor?" Another bully asked and I gave him a blank stare.

"I give up." 

"YOU!" I'm punched, knocking me to the floor again and I watch as Danny grabs hold of the kid and shoves him into a locker shouting at him.

"Nobody hurts (y/n) with me around unless they want a beatdown!"

Last Edited - July 10th, 2020

Revised - May 27th, 2024

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