Two Million Dollar Ghosts: Part 5

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Author: I found this photo and just had to, it cracks me up. 

"Of course I have a portal! Well...I did. It up and exploded on me, ah well that's what you get for forgetting to clean the Ecto-Filtrator hm? Live and learn; or in your case die and learn." Plasmius corrects himself before flying off to dismantle the portal, Danny and I mumbling an uh oh. At Fenton Works, the vultures were way underway of taking apart the portal as Jazz walked into the darkened kitchen. "Mom? Dad? Danny? (y/n)? Mr. and Mrs. (l/n)?" Jazz started to question when her mom pulled her down covering her mouth. "Quiet there are ghosts about," Maddie mutters when the vultures fy up cutting into the conversation. "Actually ghosts is a bit insensitive, we prefer the term: Ecto-Americans." (I mean...They're technically right.)

Mom pulls out a smoke bomb, throwing it on the ground as everyone started to race away dad stating "Come on, we have to get to the weapons fault!" "We have a weapons vault?" Jazz asks the only response given was a nod as Maddie typed in the passcode, only to be denied. "Darn that man! Your father changed the password, there's no way in!" Maddie exclaimed when they were all picked up and thrown into the vault as the vultures claim "Or out."

"Oh great, we're stuck." Mom stated as they all got up and Jazz asks "How can we be stuck? It's not like Dad would forget to put a handle on the inside of the door right?" She looks at the door to see a note and reads out loud "Note to self: Have Danny install the handle on inside of the door! - Jack." "You have to listen to us, we have to get to your house, and fast!" Danny exclaimed to Jack, who hadn't done anything to try and escape. "Why? So you can gloat while I lose my Fenton Portal, and the respect of my son in one fell swoop?" 

He asks with an attitude, causing me to shout "Your gonna lose more than that if your ghost portal explodes!" "It's not gonna explode, I'm sure Danny changed the Ecto-Filtratior. I told him 5 times." "Did he clean the lab?" "No." "Does he clean his room?" "No." "Ah, would he ah, I don't know forget to install a handle on the inside of a weapons vault, or something?"

Danny continuously asked until Jack got the point shouting "Great gobs of ghost goo, the portal's gonna explode!" He then sets us free stating "Ghost kids, you gotta help me save my family and friends, if you do I'll set you free."

"Ah, you just did." I point out, causing Jack to facepalm and Danny to mumble about how it was a good thing his dad was a lousy negotiator before telling him "Jack...Man, that's cool, you've got a deal!" We give each other a quick nod as we turn intangible, grab onto Jack and fly out of the cage and towards Fenton Works while Jack states "My tummy feels funny." Meanwhile, Tucker and Sam had taken the other hunters to the top of a very steep hill and Tuck explained "And if you look over here, you'll see the top of this ridiculously big hill." At that moment we flew overhead of them Jack crying out "Happy place. Happy place! HAPPY PLACE!" 

"It's Jack Fenton and the ghost kids." One of the GIW stated as the extreme hunters pulled out rocket scooters and the other GIW cut the bar keeping the bikes and the trolly together stating "That's our caller." And these are my cuffs." Sam and Tucker went forward while the other hunters went backward, chasing after us when an electrocution device was thrown at us.

We start to fall down, me and Danny being dug into the dirt and Jack hopped off, pulling us out as the other hunters caught up. A hackey sack was kicked in our direction and Jack quickly intervened getting hit shouting "Look out for that Hackey-Sack...Just so you two know I don't enjoy helping you."

"Then don't! We can take care of these idiots, go save our family and friends! I-I mean yours! Your family and friends, not mine." Danny said, grabbing onto Jack's collar before letting him go and he started to run. We turn our attention back to the hunters and I sneak up to Scaredy Cat and say in his ear "Boo."

I was floating in laying down position, the one where it's shown in tv shows and movies of the girl laying down on her bed with the phone close to her ear, her legs dangling up in the air, half crossed. Scaredy Cat jumped up in a panic, tumbling into the other hunters as I tell Danny "Oh man, this is just too easy."

He grabs the whole lot of them and throws them into the Nasty Burger dumpster and slammed the lid close before grabbing a nearby dog, putting him in the dumpster commanding him. "Get the kitty, get him." We give each other an amused smile, repressing the urge to laugh as we heard the fight withing the dumpster and Danny tells me "Now to stop Plasmius."

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