One of a Kind: Part 6

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Swallowing the last bite of his food Tucker grabs Danny's milk carton and opens it, soon defending himself when Sam gives him a look. "Hey, this food was scheduled to be eaten."

Just as Tuck opened the milk carton, two blue little ecto-balls of some sort came out and flew onto our faces as we began panicking. As our friends shouted our names again, Skulker landed on the bleachers with a triumphant smirk.

"Now children...Once more I: Skulker, shall—" The PDA begins to beep. "Take photos of a gorilla?" 

For the third time, we were set free and watched as Skulker flew off screaming at his gear.

"Well, at least he's regular," Sam comments.

 Catching on quickly Danny looked at our friends and said, "Yeah...Almost like a schedule! What's the next thing you have scheduled for us, Tucker?" 

Checking his PDA, Tucker told him, "Gym why?" 

Looking at Danny, I see him smirk and I know what he was thinking as I began to smile and ask, "What are the chances he's gonna try to catch both of us?"  

Before he could answer the bell rang and we walked to the gym.




 In the locker rooms, Dash was checking himself in the mirror as he gave himself a confidence boost.

"You are one smooth-looking dude."

Danny approaches his locker the feeling it is booby-trapped high when an idea comes to him and he asks Dash for help.

 "Hey Dash? I'm too weak and defenseless to open my locker, can you open it for me?" 

Shoving him out of the way Dash stated as he opened the locker, "Out of the way loser!" 

Once he opened the locker some goo shot out trapping Dash on the wall as Skulker flew towards him. 

"Hm? My sensors indicate you are an average human, destined for an average life after high school."

 This made Dash scream as Danny and Tucker snuck away. 




Getting used to Skulker's habits I stared blankly at my locker, not wanting to deal with his nonsense when Paulina walked by me.

"Hey, Paulina? I decided I wanted to be popular, so I got some new stuff for my locker. Can you tell me if it's cool or if I just wasted my time and money?" 

"Of course. I'm proud you asked me: The most popular girl in school," As Paulina opened my locker, some goo came out, trapping Paulina. 

"You aren't the ghost child either! My sensors tell me that you're also an average human that nobody will bat an eye over when you reach your 30s."

Sam and I couldn't help but laugh as Paulina screamed; Skulker noticed us as he began to shout, forming another one of those blue ecto-balls he used during lunch. 

"I shall—" The PDA cuts him off. "Visit gorilla display at the Museum of Natural History?" Sighing he let his suit fly him away as we smirked up at him.

"Why is he going there?" Sam asked confused as I grabbed her hand and started running. 

"I think I figured it out. When Skulker put Tucker's PDA in his technology, he became bound to my and Danny's schedule! He has to go where we were going to go next. Which means...It's time for the hunter to become the hunted. Come on I feel like we're gonna do something a little ahead of schedule."




Skulker was hiding out in a tree, watching Sampson while waiting for Danny and (y/n) to show up. "Where are they? According to this infernal device...Which I cannot re-program! The ghost children were supposed to be here an hour ago!" 

Flying down to Sampson, Skulker continued to vent his frustrations.

"You were supposed to be the bait you stupid animal!" 

Skulker was surprised when Sampson turned around, for it wasn't Sampson but Sam and Tucker wearing a cloth that looked like Sampson. 

"Sampson's not stupid!" Sam yelled back angrily as Tucker chimed in.

 "He's also not here. Can I take a message?" 

Growing angrier Skulker stated, "You two?! You'll pay for this!" With that, Skulker pulled out a machine gun and rocket launcher but before he could fire them Tucker intervened. 

"Oh, I don't think so," He quickly clicked the send button on his PDA, giving Skulker a new task.

 "Time for push-ups? What?"

He was soon forced to do push-ups as he shouted, "Stop! Stop! I can't...Stop!"




Danny and I flew above Skulker with crossed arms and a smirk.

"We can help with that."  

"But just a fair warning, this will hurt you more than it will us," We told him before body-slamming him into the cage wall. 

Before he could react we were on top of him, punching and kicking him in all directions when finally Skulker moved out of the way and pulled out a ray gun. 

Typing into his PDA, Tucker intervened again. "Ah, ah, ah. 10:11. Polish armor."

 Suddenly Skulker began to polish his suit as Sam told Tuck, "Stop fooling around Tucker!" 

This caused me and Danny to shout at the same time, "Power him down already. Now!"  

Flailing the PDA around Tucker blankly said, "Relax, everything's totally under—" Tucker was cut off when an arrow hit his PDA, penetrating the screen as it landed on a tree.

"Control...Aw man I had four more payments on this one."

 Smirking at his handy work Skulker went to face us as Danny glared at Tucker.

"Tucker? You're fired." 

"Very well I planned on simply capturing you two and letting you live the rest of your lives in a cage, but now I will rest your pelts, at the foot of my bed!" Skulker shouted at us. 

Looking sheepish and disgusted Sam stated, "Okay...That's just gross."

Last Edited - July 9th, 2021

Revised - April 12th, 2024

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