Fanning the Flames: Part 5

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"New love triangle? What the heck is she talking about?" Sam pondered out loud as she noticed Danny start to make his way over. Flying close enough to hear and see the two I question what Danny was doing when I noticed his face. Isn't that the face he makes when he sees Paulina? "Uh, Danny now would be a really good time to go ghost and fly me out of here. Danny wait! What are you doing?!" Sam asked in a panic as Danny started to crawl his way over to Sam stating "Wow I just never realized our really pretty you are when your about to fall off a building." "Danny? Get back! Danny!" Sam shouted as the cutout began to topple. " I was frozen in shock and I couldn't snap out of it as I watched the situation unfold.

"Danny stop, don't come any closer." Sam tried to tell Danny and he did stop for a minute as he said "But your over there and I'm over here, I wanna be over there." Studying closely Sam thought out loud  "Wait I know that look, that's that same longing puppy-dog stare you give Paulina." Danny had started to make his way over again as he asked "Who's Paulina?" "That's a pleasant side effect," Sam muttered when she slid off the cutout screaming.

Only then was I knocked out of my trance and I rushed to save my best friend when the swat team grabbed her. Sighing in relief, the realization that Danny had a crush on Sam hit me and I felt my heartbreak as I flew to an alley close by and transformed. When I walked out the swat team appeared by my side and took me to their trucks as I heard Mr. Lancer begin to shout. "Attention students, by the authority of the emergency mass grounding act, you are all under house arrest. 

You all will now be returned to your homes to await parental punishment...and as for your precious Ember, she's going down!" As he said that the cutout finally began to fall and he jumped out of the way as it crashed onto the bus he was standing on and the kids began to shout their love for Ember. We arrived back home and I was thrown into Fenton Works with Danny and Jazz, looking up we saw our parents glaring down at us.

"What is the matter with you kids?!" Jack asked crossing his arms as Maggie continued "You need to be preparing for the Northwestern nine testing tomorrow." With a sigh, Danny asks "How can I study? All I can think about is Sam." Hearing this I felt the tears start to break through and mom gives me a worried glance before leading me away to talk in privacy.

The last thing I heard before the door was shut was Jazz ask "What's wrong with you? Why aren't you thinking about Ember?" The muffled voices of Jack and Maddie arguing are heard as mom asked "Sweetie you look like someone just killed your loved ones, what's wrong?" Tears were still threatening to fall as I explained what happened. "It's Danny, Mom; I like him and he broke my heart tonight." Mom pulled me into a tight hug as she said "Oh sweetie, if he's just going to hurt you then he's not worth a single tear from you and it's his loss." Suddenly we hear dad call for us, we went into the lab to hear Maggie say something about not putting us in a medieval containment device. 

"Oh alright, we'll just ground them like every other parent," Jack said with an exasperated sigh. "I'm going to Ember McClain's midnight concert tonight and there's nothing you can do about it!" Jazz stated as she grabbed me and Danny and started to walk away until Maggie grabbed us and said "You, your brother, and (y/n) are not leaving this house young lady!"

Trying one more time with the medieval torture device Jack said in a sing-song voice " Fenton Saccades." Too bad it was the last straw because Jack was forced into the device as we heard him begin to shout as Jazz was forced to her room, Danny to his, and I was forced to sit in the hallway.

A little while later I began to hear music coming from outside and quickly I race into Jazz's room to see her sneaking out along with everyone else. "Jazz wait don't! And she's gone, even if I don't want to see him right now I need to get Danny to snap out of it." I mutter as I race to his room to see an unnerving sight.

Danny was meditating on his bed with pictures of Sam, a tube of her lipstick, a choker she wore in middle school, a note, a few locks of her hair, and there was even a wad of gum. I feel a shiver roll up my spine when there was a the window? We both turn our heads to see Sam and Danny instantly goes to the window with a bright smile. "Sam! You snuck out to see me, aw this is just like Romeo and Juliet, except I'm the one on the balcony and I can understand everything we're saying."

"Danny open up!" Sam demanded and he opened the window and then he started to blabber on about how he used to want a puppy. Getting fed up I ask "Will you knock it off?!" "Seriously! We have to stop Ember's concert before she takes over the world!" Sam agreed with me when she noticed everything on the bed. "Okay...even the part of me that's kind of liking the attention is really freaked out by this," Sam muttered as she looked at me with a freaked out what the heck look. 

I give her the same look when Danny swoops in and starts holding Sam's hand stating "It doesn't matter, so long as we have each other." I let out a shaky breath, not sure how to react until Sam starts to shout "Snap out of it! You don't really feel that way about me, and I don't feel that way about you!"

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