Doctor's Disorders: Part 6

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"You know if our lives weren't at stake I would hurl now," I say quickly before kicking Spectra to the ceiling and she hangs loosely. "Okay, that's it...Let's boogie!" "Ya see that's the kind of pun I was avoiding with the whole blew it comment," Danny says crossing his arms as Spectra pulls herself down and charged after us. Tucker crawled through the air vent until he found what he was looking for: The air control unit.

"You know whoever said odder isn't everything never met Tucker Foley. Here it goes." Tucker muttered to himself as he pulled out his cologne and started to spray it in the AC. Danny charged at Spectra but she punched him in the laundry cart as Tuck put the AC on max.

"Any last words?" Spectra asked when a strange scent filled the room. "Yeah uh do you smell gym shorts and ginger snaps?" "I smell dumpster trash brownies," I say pinching my nostrils and Spectra chimes in. "Actually I smell tennis shoes and fudge nutters, ugh what is that ghastly odder?" The terrible smell moved its way around the hospital causing the bugs to phase out of everyone's skin.

Everyone was in amazement as they turned back to their normal selves and the swarm of ghost bugs came flying as Spectra turned her attention towards them; giving Danny enough time to get up and punch Spectra as she splattered everywhere. We take out our Fenton Thermoses and start to clean up the mess and collect the rest of the ghost bugs. "Way to come through with the clutch Tuck." 

I heard Danny say and I turn around to see Tuck running up to us. "Yeah, how do you like that? My first trip to the hospital and I'm the only one who didn't get hurt." As if on cue Sam came crashing down on top of Tucker and she asks "Can I uh get my boot back now?"

I go and help Sam up off of Tucker and hand her her boot as Danny helps Tucker when he let out a howl of pain. We all did that thing in the movies/ tv-shows where you scrunch one eye closed with a grit teeth frown as Tucker crumbled to the floor clutching his leg. "That's not a good sign," I state as we heave Tucker into a wheelchair.

We collect everyone and bring them back to their homes where they reunited with their families leaving Tuck to be the last one. He was charged in the hospital with a broken leg and we could finally visit him. My parents and I were outside of the hospital waiting for Sam, Danny, and his parents; when I finally saw them coming up the street I waved to get their attention.

Once close enough Danny grabbed ahold of my face and leaned in for a kiss. I also started cupping his face as I slightly stood on my tiptoes for a sweet but short passionate kiss.

When we pulled apart our hands instantly connected when we heard an "Awwwww." Right next to us and we turned around to face our fangirling family.

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