Maternal Instincts: Part 2

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"At least you two are going somewhere, I'm doomed with special family alone time with Dad. I can't even talk with your mom (y/n) because she'll be in the next town over for a business trip," Jazz told us, we had our stuff already packed and at the door, so we were just waiting for our parents to be finished when Jazz read the top of the invites that read: The DALV Group as she asked "The DALV Group? Never heard of them, are they legitimate?" "Legitimately boring, I'm guessing." Danny said rolling his eyes as Jack walked up to Maddie and dad stating "Now just to make sure your protected from any rouge ghost attacks on the road Sweet Cakes, (f/n) I made one of these for both of you."

He held up two techno looking belts as he explained "It's the Fenton Spector Deflector," He handed one to dad for him to put on has he put the other one on his wife as he continued to explain. "Guaranteed to repel and weaken any ghost who comes in direct contact with you." 

They both turned their Spector Deflectors on as Maddie told her husband "Thanks hon," She gives him a quick peck on the cheek before continuing "Oh and Jack? Please try not to trash the house while I'm gone." Jack lets out an exasperated sigh as he mumbled to himself. "Suck the house into a Pharrell-dimension ONE time and you just can't let it go can ya?!"

"C'mon Mr. Pouty Pants, this weekend is supposed to be about us and you even get to spend some time with (y/n). I mean those DALV people sent this private jet just for us, how perfect is that?" Maddie said trying to cheer us up, Danny and I weren't exactly happy that we had been dragged away without much notice as I ask "Do you want the truth?" "Or one of those little white lies that doesn't hurt your feelings?"

Danny chimed in, crossing his arms as he arches an eyebrow, causing our parents to sigh as dad says "Forget it, kids, just look out the window at that warm sunny Florida coastline." Before anything could be said or done we heard the speaker crackle as the Captain's voice was soon heard. "Folks this is your Captain speaking, if you look out the window on your left, you'll see the cold bleak Colorado Rockies."(Hey! Colorado isn't bleak! I'm insulted you think poorly of Colorado) "The Rockies? That's nowhere near Florida." I say looking up at the intercom with confusion as Danny asks "What gives?"  "And if you look out the window on your right side you'll see...Me! Flailing out of the plane before it careens out of control and crashes." We all give each other a panicked look before looking out the window to see the Captain waving us goodbye and we all race to the cockpit as Maddie and dad try to pull the steering wheel up.

"The controls are jammed kids, how do we get out of this?!" Maddie asked as they continued to struggle. "I know one way," Danny mumbled as the same idea popped up in our heads, we went to grab our parents shoulders to turn them intangible for when the plane crashed but we were soon shocked away from the Spector Deflectors.

We hit the back of the door feeling more than a bit dazed, catching the attention of our parents as they raced to our sides asking if we were okay. "Yeah, I'm fine." We said in unison, pushing our parents away when dad noticed parachutes one with each of our names written on them. "Maddie, parachutes! Let's go!" Dad said tossing us our parachutes and we hopped out of the plane.

"Folks at this time I'd like to inform you, that you've been the victims of a cruel hoax," The captain said to us as we caught up to him and he turned into that mailman ghost from earlier as he told us before flying back into the plane "Thank you for flying Air Evil Plot." Me and Danny glare at the plane as we cross our arms, with Maddie's voice soon to be heard. "Oh c'mon kids, don't be so glum! Look at the view!" Once we landed and took our parachutes of we began to find our way back as Maddie pulled out a machete and started cutting through the trees.

"Good thing I had my Fenton Machete tucked away in my boot eh kids?" Maddie asked wiping the sweat from her brow as dad took the machete and started to cut away at the trees. "You carry a lot of stuff Mom, how about a Fenton cellphone? So we can call for help."  Danny said, pointing at Maddie's hip pouch and she gives him a confused look.

"Cellphone? You can't fight ghosts with a cellphone, silly. Not that we're gonna find any ghosts around here. Besides who needs help? I'm perfectly comfortable with us rubbing it in the woods." Dad cuts through some brush to reveal a castle-like lodge as he says "Or we could just stay at this ritzy mountain shale." We suddenly hear a golf cart horn as it pulls up to reveal Vlad as he states "Why Maddie and Danny Fenton, (f/n) and (y/n) (l/n)..."

 "Vlad Masters?" We all ask in unison, shock written on our faces. "Oh what an amazing unexpected, and totally unplanned surprise. Personalized gift baskets?" He lifts up four gift baskets, one assigned to each of us as Maddie and dad get in the cart as I cross my arms and Danny murmurs "Your up to something." "Oh you think?" We hear Vlad reply before murmuring to his watch.

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