Fenton Menace: Part 1

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"You know how you feel like your the only responsible person in your family? Well, there are days my family makes me feel I'm the only responsible adult in the world."Jazz thought as her parents sped down the highway as they and Mr. and Mrs. Fenton rocked out. Jazz pokes her head out the window and a few stray ectoblasts hit the road near the RV. "Guys! Pay attention to the road!" Jazz tried to shout over the loudspeakers as our parents shouted "WHAT?" Another ectoblast hit near the RV causing our parents to pay attention to the road as Jazz rushed over.

"After all ever since I learned Danny and (y/n)'s secret I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone know Mom, Dad, (m/n), (f/n), not even Danny or (y/n). Unless their lives depended on it well guess what? It looks like that time has come!" Jazz thought as she watched us kick, punch and blast at the air and suddenly be dragged as we shot at the road almost hitting the RV twice.

We send an apologetic stare at the vehicle before turning our attention back to our foe as we were dragged around the air and we blasted at the rock formation forcing the RV to swerve so as not to get hit by the rocks. We continued to shoot our ghost rays until we were thrown towards the RV. "You know how regular kids freak out over a pop quiz or a pimple? Well, my brother Danny and his girlfriend (y/n) have other pressures."

 Jazz continued to watch as we blasted the air left and right before being dragged by an invisible force towards the RV. "But I'm getting ahead of myself...I guess it all started on a typical Fenton and (l/n) outing. We were at the beach in the Fenton Submarine making the final preparations before diving.

"Nothing like spending quality family time with the people you love," Maddie said and mom agreed as she handed out sodas and we dived underwater. "And by quality time you mean hunting down ghosts in a subaquatic death trap?" Jazz asked with her arms crossed, she clearly didn't want to be here when Jack answered her. "You betcha Jazzy pants whether it's air, land, or sea I won't stop until we capture a ghost and tear it apart molecule by molecule." I couldn't blame Jazz for not wanting to be here neither did I.

 It's not that I didn't like spending time with my family or Danny's but today was supposed to be the day I told him I was (s/n) I had even convinced Sam and Tucker to let me and Danny have the day to ourselves so I could answer all his questions and we could plan on how to tell Sam and Tuck.

But alas Mom and Dad woke me up early this morning and dragged me off with the Fentons for a ghost hunting family outing. I had spent the whole week planning today and now it's gone I wanted to tell Danny first without Sam and Tuck and we had already promised to hang out with them tomorrow so I couldn't tell him then.

Danny and I look out the window and our eyes catch a glimpse of something familiar as we let out a gasp and I mumble "Is that...?" Danny nods when Jazz sees our faces. "Danny? (y/n)? You two ok?" "Who us? We're swell...Every single molecule of me." We turned our attention back to what we had seen: Youngblood's ship. "Yeah, we're fine we just think we shouldn't go in there," I say when Jack misinterprets me and says "Go in there? Good idea kids!"

"What?! No!" We shout as we go into the mull of Youngblood's ship when we look out the window and gasp as Danny asks "Don't you see it? How can you not see it?! Ghost!" Danny shouts and our parents rush towards us. "A ghost? That we can tear apart molecule by molecule? Where?!" 

They look through the window to see nothing, our stare never wavering from the one spot while everyone else looked around. "Hey! There's no ghost out there." Dad said when they looked at us and I pointed to where it was panic written on my face and they take another look to see again nothing. "Very funny you two. Save it for April Fools Day huh?" Jack says when we race to the controls shouting "Look out!" "Danny! (y/n)! What are you doing?!" Jazz asks us as I hit the emergency button and a bunch of rays come out blasting the ship to bits as I tell Danny:

"Hurry up and get us out of here Danny!" He instantly complies and moves the submarine upwards forcing our families to fall back. "Danny, (y/n) there's no ghost out there!" Maddie yells at us and we yell back in unison "Are you people blind?! We have to get out of here!" We make it to the surface as the sub turns into a boat and we continue to hightail it watching as the threat surfaces as well. "Kids get away from the controls!" Mom and Dad shout as they force us away and Jazz asks "What's with you two? Chasing ghosts that aren't there is Dad's job." "Yeah, what she said." Jack chimes in until he realizes what she had said.

 We walk up to the window as Danny stated "But he was there, we saw him! (y/n) and I could so why couldn't you?" "Clearly something was up with Danny and (y/n) and as usual my parents had their own nutty way of trying to get to the bottom of things." Jazz thought as she and our parents watched us spin on the spinning table.

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