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I'm not sure what to call this. My Mom says it's a diary but I'm not one to write my feelings down for others to find. Instead, I'll call it a journal log because ever since me and my family moved to Amity Park my life has gotten a lot more interesting. To start with my parents love the supernatural they've dedicated their lives to researching the paranormal and so we moved to Amity Park. Supposedly there were ghosts in this town. 

However, when we moved into our new apartment what caught my attention was the fact our neighbors had a huge sign that said Fenton Works and what looked to be a laboratory on their roof. I didn't pay any mind to it though while I decorated my room. I did notice that across from my window, I could see my neighbor's room and inside I saw a boy with black hair with blue eyes, a girl with black hair and purple eyes, and another boy with a red cap who wore glasses. They looked to be about my age when Mom burst into my room shoving a plate of cookies into my hands.

"Why don't you go ahead and meet our neighbors, sweetie? I hear they have a son around your age~"

Rolling my eyes at Mom's teasing I walked out the door and went over to Fenton Works. A girl with orange hair tucked behind a turquoise ribbon that matched her pants and wore a black top answered the door and we introduced ourselves to each other her name was Jazmine, Jazz for short. Suddenly Jazz was pushed aside as a large man wearing an orange jumpsuit stood before me.

 "Stand back Jazz it's a ghost!" The man screamed when a woman in a blue jumpsuit walked up and grabbed her husband's arm.

 "No Jack that's just the new neighbor she's come to say hello." 

Mr. Fenton looked puzzled for a minute before laughing and calling his son and his friends downstairs.

"Danny I'd like you to meet...I'm sorry I didn't catch your name." Mr. Fenton had started to say before realizing he didn't know my name.

 Danny and his friends looked at me expectantly. Waving to them I introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm (y/n), cookie?" 

Everyone was happy to take a cookie when the boy in the red cap came up to me and introduced himself.

"My name is Tucker, Tuck for short." He had started to lean into my personal space when the goth girl yelled at him.

 "Tucker don't chase her away she seems cool. I'm Sam and that's Danny." She said shaking my hand. 

Mr. Fenton starts talking about how it's good there's a new person to blabber about ghosts to when his face lights up.

"You know I bet (y/n) here would like to see the lab. Danny, why don't you show her?"

 Danny stuttered as he tried to explain to his dad why it wouldn't be a good idea to show me the lab.

"Nonsense she needs to know how the Fenton gear works in case she encounters a ghost. Go show (y/n) how the ghost portal works." Mr. Fenton explained while shoving Danny and me into the basement. 

Before Danny could apologize for his dad's behavior my phone rang, it was my parents. "Hey Mom, hey Dad I'm doing fine our neighbors are nice, I think you'll like them. Did you know that the Fentons are ghost hunters? They got a lab and everything." 

This seemed to shock my parents and I heard them begin to rush over. 

"Great it looks like our parents are going to be best buds," I mumbled awkwardly to Danny.

 He gave me a confused look while asking why. 

"My parents love to research the supernatural that's the only reason we moved here I have no doubt in my mind they'll  want to learn how to catch ghosts." 

We both laughed before Danny started to explain how the ghost portal worked.

"I think the portal is turned off. The buttons are in the portal after we press the on button we plug it in and voila you have yourself a ghost portal," Danny explained to me as I studied the portal. 

Before I could ask if he could activate the portal his father called down for him.

 "Danny! Come up here and meet (y/n)'s parents!" Sighing Danny said he'd be right back and raced upstairs. 

I couldn't help but wonder if it was that easy to turn on the ghost portal. Plugging in the portal I looked to see it didn't turn on so grabbing a spare suit and putting it on I took a look inside the portal as I walked in. Not noticing my hand was close to the turn-on button I accidentally hit it. The portal turned on and I felt an electric shot course through me unknowing that my DNA was now mixed with ghost DNA. I wince in pain after being shot out of the portal. Standing back up I checked to make sure I was ok before I noticed in a mirror my eyes were no longer (e/c) but (g/e/c) [ghost eye color], my hair had turned from (h/c) to (g/h/c) [ghost hair color].

"H-Huh?" I stutter in confusion looking over my new features before gasping in shock when I touch the mirror and my hand goes through it as if my hand was intangible.

In my shock, I started to fall back and brace for an impact that never came. Opening my eyes I stare flabbergasted as I float above the floor. 

Am I flying? How? What is going on?

I think as I land on the ground and look at the suit that has changed colors.

Did I die? How am I supposed to explain this to my parents? Heck to the Fentons? I wish I could just disappear!

I watch as my body becomes transparent and I look in the mirror to see I have disappeared, wish granted I guess but that doesn't solve the fact I'm dead! As if the world heard me complain a white ring appeared, phasing over me, and in continued astonishment I returned to looking normal. Just in time as my parents and the Fentons walk downstairs.

"There you are, honey. Wow, this place is amazing! You're sure we can use it any time?" Mom asks as she looks around and I smile.

"Of course! We'll be happy to show you the ropes," Mr. Fenton exclaimed excitedly.

"Well it was nice to meet you but I've still got some unpacking to do. I'll uh...See you at school?" I say, heading upstairs and waving goodbye to Danny, Tucker, and Sam.

"Y-Yeah! We can meet up out front," Danny stutters with a happy smile.

Heading back home I hide in my room to process what just happened to me. I eventually came to the conclusion I had ghost powers that I couldn't control properly which could be problematic when I started school.

Last Edit - June 15, 2021

Revised - March 23, 2024

The Other Halfa Danny Phantom: The seriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon