Life Lessons: Part 2

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"Besides she can't be gunning for you if she's taking care of your special little floury sack of love, Danny, Val and baby sitting in a tree K.I.S.S-" Tucker was cut off by Valerie as she grabbed his hat and stuffed it into his mouth stating "You dropped your hat." Tucker spit out his hat and put it back on as he walked away saying "C'mon Sam, our child doesn't need to see this kind of negativity." "What?! Tucker! It's a flour sack!"

 Sam called out, chasing after Tuck as Val dumped the sack next to Danny, putting her hands on her hips as she stated " I'll make this quick, I don't like you and you don't like me," She had started when Danny chimed in, rolling his eyes as he cheekily said:

"Cool, I'm glad we worked that out." Valerie pulled out a chart for the baby care, showing more than half the chart was for Danny to take care of the baby. "So I took the time to chart out our responsibilities." "And by our, you mean mine?" Danny points out, anger slowly rising. "Look, unlike you I'm busy! So busy, my grades are in the toilet and I really need to pass this class." The 'baby' started to cry, causing Valerie to ask "What is that?" Picking up the sack, Danny starts to cradle and rock it as he explained. "You can't just set it down! These things need constant motion."

"See? And it's that kind of parental attention to detail that's gonna get me a good grade...or else." Valerie warned as she walked off just as I rounded the corner. "I'm guessing you're stuck with being a full-time parent too?" I ask as I walk up, the only response given is a nod. We were at the Nasty Burger and Danny was still struggling to get the 'baby' to calm down. "I've been a parent all of one day and I'm probably already down to a C-."

"Life could be worse, you could be that guy," Sam said, pointing to the mascot of Nasty Burger that was being beaten up by the kids. "Ooo, Nasty Ned, let's get a family photo with him," Tucker said excitedly pushing all of us towards the mascot as Sam told Tucker he was taking this too seriously and Skulker watched mumbling to himself. "Hm, I'm going to need the right bait to lour those three back into battle," He began looking through his cage of monsters mumbling about how some were too scaley, too frightening, or was outright going to eat them until he stumbled upon the Box ghost. "Yes, you'll do." "I am the Box Ghost and I-"

 He was cut off when Skulker threw a device that covered his mouth, preventing him from talking as Skulker set up his trap. Danny was still struggling to get the 'baby' to be quiet while he tried to take the photo. "Here Danny, I'll help."

I state as I grab the camera and took the photo of Sam and Tuck with their 'baby'. "You want me to take one of you? Family photos help boost your grade." Tucker offered as he grabbed the camera from me and Danny stated "That would require having the whole family, but mommy is too busy with her job to pull her weight and keep this kid quiet!" 

He shouted causing his sack to cry again and Sam and Tucker yelled at him. "Danny, you're scaring the baby!" "Which that is not, that's a flour sack." The sack let out an odder of beans as Danny continued to complain. "Just be thankful it's only flour." Sam said as Danny asked, "Then why does it smell like beans?" "It's the little touches that bring the baby to life," Tucker said with a chuckle.

"Don't worry Danny, this becomes easy once you figure out your baby's schedule, allow me." I say grabbing Tucker's backpack and setting it down as it turns into a changing station and I grab the sack and I start to change it's diaper as Danny asked Tuck "Where'd you get all this stuff?" "I announced the birth of our ten-pound sack of joy on the internet, the online geek community can be very generous." Tucker explained as I rocked the 'baby' in a slow-motion while humming a soft tune until it quieted down and I handed the sack back to Danny.

Before Danny could thank me for helping our ghost senses go off and we turn around to see the Box ghost dangling from a string as he finally spits off the device covering his mouth and shouts "BEWARE!" "Oh man, can you watch the kid for me?" Danny asked Tuck as I raced to my sack and handed it off to Kwan who was in the area luckily.

"Here take him, I've gotta go, I'll be back." I quickly state, running off to go ghost before Kwan could muster up a response. "What do I look like a babysitting service?" Tuck asked when a five-dollar bill was shoved into his face. "Come to Uncle Tucker and his babysitting service!" (Tucker, don't sit on babies, that's wrong and insulting to daycare providers, even though I've done the exact same thing...I'll explain later) Danny raced to the back of the Nasty Burger to go ghost when he bumped into Nasty Ned. "Watch it!"

 He shouts as he races away, Danny shouting sorry. "Sorry! It was an accident! Jeez is everybody a jerk this week?" Danny transformed and flew into the sky, meeting up with me. "Now where's that lame Box ghost?" Danny asks, causing me to shrug, he had disappeared when Valerie flew up to us. "Only lame ghosts I see around here is you two!" She says, charging up her weapon as we're hit with an explosion and sent crashing into the Nasty Burger's ordering machine.

Author: Yes, I've sat on a baby BUT it was an accident, I was sitting in my mom's lap and tried to get up somehow entangling myself in her legs and I didn't notice the baby and fell which ended up with me sitting on his stomach. I got up as quickly as I could once I looked down and as far as mom and I could tell he was fine, don't know if he's fine today, he is no longer a client of mom's daycare. I know I'm terrible, I'll go back to the trashcan where I belong.

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