Two Million Dollar Ghosts: Part 3

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After we transform, we race around the building, flying past everyone as they're gadgets started beeping and they shouted "GHOSTS!" "Aw, quit mocking me," Jack muttered with a frown as my parents and Maddie helped him up. We were catching up to the vultures when we were grabbed by our necks and thrown onto the roof of a building. "Plasmius, what are you doing here?" Danny asked when we looked up to see he was the attacker. "Well let's see, Jack looks like a fool, there are a million dollars on both of your heads, what do you think I'm doing here?!"

He shouts at us as I race up to uppercut him when he brings out a shield and I slam right into it as I fall back down but quickly recover as we hover a little ways from Plasmius. "So you hired these idiots?" I ask, gesturing down to the fools searching for us. "Yes, every idiot except for the Fentons and (l/n)s. They're free idiots."

Plasmius explains as he summons another shield in the form of a bug swatter and swats us back down onto the roof. We hear Sam and Tucker shout for help and we look over the edge to see them being dropped into the dumpster, with a sigh of relief we turn our attention back to Plasmius. "As much as we'd enjoy catching up Plasmius, shouldn't you be getting home to the love of your life? Oh, that's right Jack married the love of your life and (m/n) married your best friend, your bitter and alone." Danny exclaims as we dodge a few blasts and Danny goes to punch him when his wrist was grabbed and he was electrocuted. "DANNY!"

 I shout flying up to help and Plasmius uses his other hand to grab my wrist and start electrocuting me to as he stated with a smirk "Oh please Daniel and (s/n) must I actually defeat you with one hand for each of you, before you realize, you're outmatched even if you two were combined?" We slowly begin to lose consciousness as black dots appeared in the corners of our eyes and we start to de-transform.

It was at that point he stopped electrocuting us and we went ghost again as we looked up at him and he told us "Ah, ah, ah we can't have either of you pass out and change back to your normal selves, now can we? This might be your parent's party but you two are the guest of honor, ta!"

He threw us down into the parking lot, where the hunters were and we hear them say "It's the two million dollar ghosts!" "Woah, do you know how many extreme jock strops I can buy with two million dollars?" We watched as our parents loaded their guns and took aim, as well as the other hunters doing the same with their weapons, even giving Scaredy Cat a Kitty Krunch, causing them to go into attack mode. "That settles it, Nasty Burger smells before and after the fact-" Tuck started to say when Sam cried out "Danny! (s/n)!" We tumbled to the ground with all sorts of weapons pointed at us and Danny mutters "You know, I think I liked it better when they were laughing." Sitting up, we look around us when Scaredy Cat comes up and growls. 

"Uh...Um...Boo?" I question, causing Scaredy Cat to freak out and jump on one of the guys in white. "Ow. I have a skin breach on facial sector five." While everyone was distracted I grabbed Danny's hand and phased us underground.

"Like shouldn't we focus on the ghost kids? You know before Jack Fenton does something stupid and they escape?" One of the hunters asks when Jack comes barreling through with a bazooka gun shouting "Where are they?! Where are they?!" "Like that." We phase above ground again a few feet away from them when he takes aim at us, grabbing my hand Danny phases us back into the ground while everyone except for my parents and Maddie glared at Jack.

We were in the lab and Danny was looking at the Ecto-Filtrator and tapping the screen. "C'mon Danny, you can't tell me the only thing your billionaire arch-enemy is here to do is embarrass your dad." Sam says when Tuck chimes in while still getting goo off of him "And date his mom."  "Yes, that's exactly why he's here: To make my Dad look like a fool. I mean did you see the way those ghost hunters were laughing at him? How embarrassing, we're all gonna have to live with my Dad's goof-ups for the rest of our lives." At that moment Jack walked up behind us and judging by the face he was making he heard the whole thing; before Danny could start up on another rant I made the ahem sound and Danny asks "He's right behind me, isn't he?"

 "Yes, I'm afraid he is, if you need me I'll be upstairs...Doing something wrong." We watch as he heads upstairs with his head hanging low as Tucker asks " Nice, you wanna go upstairs and make your mom cry?" "Great, I just managed to do Plasmius's job for him," Danny mutters with a sigh when an idea comes to Sam.

"Well, there's only one thing that's going to cheer him up: Catching a ghost." "Yeah and not just any ghost: Public ghost enemies number one!" Danny says excitedly as he races upstairs to go ghost and start his search for (s/n).

A small smile spreads across my lips as I head on out. "See ya, I've got some chores I need to finish," I say before Sam and Tuck could. Once outside I go ghost and fly into the sky and start patrolling early so it doesn't look like I was waiting for him when I hear him shout "(s/n)! Wait up!"

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