Prisoners of Love: Part 7

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"What's stupid Jack? Anything besides ghosts?" Maddie asked annoyedly. "No, but pretending something I'm not is. Maddie you know I can be a fool and you know I can forget things, but the one thing you know more than anything, even more than that ghosts exist and that your sister is a bitter old bat, is that I love you Maddie baby." Maddie started to blush as Jack continued on. "And...I wanted to give give you..." A sudden memory appears of him leaving the present in the lab as he rushed away. "Aw, crud." Jack stated, smacking his head as Maddie asks "You forgot the present didn't you?"

The door opened to reveal Alecia with her hands on her hips as she exclaimed "Told ya he was a fool." Maddie looked to her husband as he tried to explain.

Jack gave a shrug as he said "Well I..." Suddenly Danny, Jazz and I parachuted down as Danny said "No he didn't! He kept it at home so the...mosiquotos wouldn't get it?" Danny handed over the present as Jack whispered to him "Good boy, you're getting a raise in your allowance for this." "I have an allowance?" Danny asks and I reply with a shrug.

"Happy anniversary, baby! I'm sorry, I'll try to be better about things in the future." Jack said giving Maddie her gift as she gives him a tight hug. We all walked up as Danny asked them "So you guys aren't getting a divorce?" Maddie looked confused at her son as she asks him "Divorce?! Who said anything about a us getting a divorce?" Suddenly a huge truck filled with all of Alecia's friends came onto the lot honking its horn.

Music started playing as Danny's parents shouted "Suprise!" Alecia turned around to see a banner unfold that said "A decade of divorce." Alecia was flabbergasted as she asked "A party for the tenth anniversary of my divorce? You remembered!" Alecia started to tear up as Maddie told her:

"Well sure, we even convinced your ex to come." Maddie pointed to a dunk tank with Alecia's ex inside when he was dunked in the water and everyone started shouting. "Well, aren't you gonna open the present?" Jack asked, causing Maddie to open the gift revealing: the Box ghost shouting out his name, again.

"They weren't ever going to get a divorce! It was a huge misunderstanding." Danny exclaimed happily while Jazz was reading her diary. "But Dad doesn't apologize, Dad doesn't understand what a goof he can be. This is constant." Jazz said when the Box ghost flew up to us as he began to flee from Danny's parents as they chased him shouting "Ghost!" 

Shutting her book Jazz sighs as she says "Ah sweet normalcy, I'll rather take being right and embarrassed over being wrong every time, want some rhubarb pie?"

Jazz pulled out a pie as Danny and I said "Love some." Someone interrupted us as he warned us "I'd stay away from that if I was you." Heeding the man's advice I grab Danny's hands and blush forms on his cheeks as I walk us over to the dance floor stating "C'mon Danny, you still owe me a dance from the reunion." We danced together for the rest of the party without a care in the world.

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