Reign Storm: Part 2

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Suddenly Nathan came running up shouting "Valerie, where are you?! It's only three years until Senior prom! Why won't you say yes?!" "Three years? We could be here a while." I say a smirk forming as Valerie asked "Wanna check over our book reports?" It was after school and the three of us were running down the street and into an alley behind a dumpster where we found Sam. She points at Danny, then me and Valerie. 

"Hiding from Dash." "Hiding from Dash while helping Danny." "Hiding from Nathan, you?" Sam points to the street where her mother came running up with the pinkest and yellowest fluffy, ribbony ruffled dress ever to exist as she shouted "Sammy kins! At least try it on!"

We peek over the dumpster to see Danny's place as he points to it saying "C'mon over there! We can all hide out in my house!" "So what's up with this? Why are you helping her all of a sudden?" Sam asks as we race to Danny's house. "Well, she hid us from Dash earlier today we're just returning the favor." He told her and she turns to me asking "Why are you hiding from Dash?" 

"Ever since he learned that Danny and I have become a thing he's been making nonstop moves on me and keeps asking me out to the point the only way I can get him to leave me alone is to hide. Apparently, that airhead hasn't been told no before."

I explain as we reach the steps and she tells us "Well be careful the last thing you'd wanna do is invite your arch-enemy into your own house." We opened the door and entered the living room to find...Vlad playing chess with Jack. "Ah hello, Daniel, and (y/n)." "Too late," I mumble as we glare at Vlad. "You! What are you doing here?!" Danny asked as we marched up to the man.

 At that point, Maddie had poured hot tea on Vlad's pants and he shouted in pain as she said "A totally valid question." "Still steaming?" He asked and Maddie and dad leaned in close telling him "You have no idea." They walked away and Vlad's attention turned towards us. "I was just passing through and then I saw those marvelous battle suits and thought since I can't just destroy Jack and (m/n) so I can take it; I'll steal its secrets right out from under his nose."

 My mom glared at Vlad, dad had told her what happened and she made it a point not to trust him and always carried a weapon around just in case...Jack however well...The two burst out laughing as we gave them a confused look. "Oh I swear I am such a josher, more tea please."

Dad grabbed the teapot Maddie was holding and poured the tea on Vlad's head as he shouted "Not there!" Jack led my parents and Maddie into the kitchen to talk while Danny told Vlad "I don't know what you're up to Plasmius...Actually, I do you just told me-" "That's right and say a word and I'll share your secret with- Ah the young Miss. Grey."

Vlad cut himself off as he noticed Valerie and turned his attention to her. "You know me?" She asked and I crossed my arms asking "How do you know her?" Suddenly an alarm went off and our parents rushed to a head statue of Jack and flipped the top off to reveal a button that was pressed revealing a small screen.

"Gallery goblets! It's the ecto exodus alarm!" He shouted causing Jazz, Danny, Sam, and I to ask "The ecto what-what?" "The ecto exodus alarm! An alarm that only goes off when we're about to face a massive ghost invasion." Mom explained; the minute those words left her lips I had raced to the bathroom to go ghost while Danny told Sam to stall our parents before racing down into the lab. Jack and dad started running first as Sam tripped them and dad toppled over onto Jack.

Next up mom and Maddie started running and Jazz dropped her book causing Maddie to slip and mom tried to grab her to stop her as the two crashed into the closet. Valerie went to grab her bag but soon noticed it wasn't on her when Vlad asked "Looking for your ghost hunting equipment?"

She turned around to see him holding her bag as she asks "Ghost hunting? How do you know about my ghost hunting equipment?" "Please walk with me." He said giving her her bag as the two walked out. Danny quickly went ghost and I was soon to fly down there was no time for chit chat. The lights continued to blare as Danny mumbled: "Okay, here we go." 'BEWARE!" We heard as the Box ghost's head popped out. "Oh, man only you?" I question as Danny and I start to laugh when we were hit with an ectoblast. We look up to see Skulker as he shouts "I told you there was a way out through here! Go, go, go! GO!" 

We watch as Ember, Walker, Shadow, and one of the octo-ghosts pop their head out, and suddenly every ghost we knew and about a million we didn't know came shooting through the portal. Danny and I give each other a look, a silent way of forming a plan as we grab onto Skulker catching him by surprise as we fly up and toss him into the sky.

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