Mystery Meat: Part 1

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"So Danny you and your little friends want to hunt ghosts?" Mr.Fenton said with a proud smirk as he looked between Sam, Tucker, Danny, and I.

"Actually Dad...I wanna be an astronaut."

"Sorry Mr. Fenton I was into ghosts but they're so mainstream now like cell phones." 

"Waste these looks and all this charisma hunting ghosts? Criminal."

"Sorry nope after college I'm going after my dream job," The four of us give our responses.

"Well if you do wanna hunt ghosts there are a few things you'll need to learn. But first,  (y/n) would you mind going upstairs and grabbing me a soda? They're in the fridge," Jack stated and I nodded beginning to walk upstairs after asking if anybody else wanted a soda.




Just soon after (y/n) walked upstairs Danny's ghost sense went off and he groaned quietly. "Oh no this isn't good."

 The ghost portal opened and two ectopuses came out and grabbed Sam and Tucker, covering their mouths so they couldn't scream.

 "True I've never seen a ghost but when I do I'll be prepared and so will you, whether you want to be or not," Mr. Fenton stated not noticing that ghosts were behind him. 

Danny quickly turned into his ghost form and attacked the ghosts while his father was still talking. 

"It all starts with your equipment," He said holding up a thermos.

 Sam and Tucker were thrown back in their seats as Jack handed over the thermos explaining what it was.

 "Sam, Tucker this is the Fenton Thermos it's supposed to trap ghosts but since it doesn't work yet...It's just a thermos. A thermos with the word Fenton in front of it!" 

The ectopuses fly past Jack after being thrown around by Danny and retreat into the Ghost Zone. Danny transforms back, and jumps into his seat, panting for breath.

"That...Is the Fenton portal. It releases ghosts into our world whether I want it to or not. Someday I'll figure out how that works too. Now, who wants to hunt some ghosts?" Jack asks after pointing to the Fenton portal just as (y/n) came back with soda.




I return to the lab with a soda for everyone, handing Mr. Fenton his soda, I give my friends a confused look as I watch Sam and Tucker clutching together in fear while holding a thermos and Danny gasp for air.

 "You kids look at cha' you're too excited to speak. So I'll just go on speaking. I was born many years ago in a log cabin in the woods. Don't exactly remember where but I do know I wanted a pony...Never got the pony...Matter of fact we had to eat horse meat during the war, I had a problem with that," Jack continued with his lecture while I asked Sam, Tucker, and Danny what was wrong.


Mrs. Fenton continued tinkering with one of her latest inventions at the kitchen table while the rest of us ate breakfast. Ever since becoming neighbors with the Fentons, Danny and my parents became super close, often helping each other with their work. Jazz peeks up from her book 'Surviving Adolescence Through Therapy' in annoyance. My attention turns to Danny when I hear his spoon clink into his bowl and arch my eyebrow in confusion as he hides his hand behind his back and gives me a nervous smile.

"Okay, two more days, and it's done," Maddie said excitedly before Jack picked it up and began messing with it.

 "What did you say? It's done! The Fenton Finder is done! This baby uses satellites to lead you right to the ghosts!"

My parents began clapping and congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Fenton while Danny and I looked at him in concern.

"It does what? To track what?" Danny stutters, continuing to give his dad a panicked look.

I opened my mouth to ask my own question when the Fenton Finder began to speak.

 "Welcome to the Fenton Finder a ghost is near walk forward."

The Fenton Finder had pointed our parents in the direction of me and Danny as we got up and backed up into a wall. 

"Ghosts located thank you for using the Fenton Finder."

 Our parents just looked at us funny while we gave them an awkward smile.

 "What? That can't be right." Jack said confused.

"Got that right! There's no way our daughter could be a ghost," Dad said defending me while my Mom looked sad, muttering under her breath.

"We had just started taking notes too."

I take a sigh in relief to hear my parents not believe the machine. My relief didn't last long as I look down to see I went intangible and began freaking out, trying my hardest to become visible again. A moment later I came back. Maybe I should tell them?

 "Actually..." Danny had started to say.

 "I need to tell you guys something," We say in unison before looking at each other in confusion.

 "That's not all you need," Jazz said cutting in while closing her book. "You need guidance and parents who can provide it," She pushed our parents away from us and then proceeded to glare at them.

"Sweetie I know what we do doesn't make sense sometimes but you're only-" Her mom started to say before being cut off. 

"Sixteen biologically," Jazz said a little bit ticked before continuing. "But psychologically I'm an adult and I will not allow your insane obsession with ghosts to pollute the minds of these impressionable little children." (No you're not, that happens when you turn 25)

Jazz hugs me and Danny close before dragging us to her car.

 "Come you abused unwanted wretches I'll drive you to school."




"Huh...That's weird Jazmaine never offers to drive Danny or his friends to school," Maddie points out in slight surprise.

Jack's eyes widened as a realization hit him. "That can only mean one thing! That's not our daughter...That's a ghost!" 

Quickly rushing after us he yelled "Kids no! It's a trap!" 

Maddie followed Jack while (m/n) and (f/n) ran after them scribbling in their notepads.

Last Edit - June 15, 2021

Revised - March 23, 2024

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