Prisoners of Love: Part 4

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"Yes! It all ends up in the possession of the Box ghost!" I roll my eyes as Danny sighs asking "What are you doing here?" "I am the Box ghost, where do you think we go when you two release us from your round cylindrical trap?" The Box ghost asked us holding his hands up like he was holding the thermos causing me to ask "You mean the Fenton Thermos?" The Box ghost blinked in confusion before shouting "I am the Box ghost! And beware for I am merely one of your foes who reside in this realm."

The Box ghost had an idea as he played out a pun. "In fact, you might say we're a package deal! Ha, ha!" He started laughing at his own joke as we rolled our eyes at him again as Danny stated "Ugh, look we're looking for something important, we don't have time for your box puns."

Suddenly we heard sirens and they were coming closer when the Box ghost shouted "Flee! Unless you'd be remedially sealed and shipped to your DOOM!" The sirens kept coming closer and closer and we looked towards the direction it was coming from when something green began shooting at us and handcuffed the Box ghost. "Hey what's going on?" Danny asked. "Don't know, don't care we gotta get out of here-" I began to say when more green shots were fired and I was hit. I flew back a bit as green handcuffs appeared on my wrists and ankles. "(s/n)!" Danny shouted as he looked at me with a shocked face when he was hit too.

He was flown back next to me, the same green handcuffs appearing on his wrists and ankles, both of us were dazed when the figure from the weekend appeared telling us "Possession of unauthorized recording equipment. That's against the rules...or at least it is now." The figure said taking our headpieces and webcams as we grew conscious again.

 "Wait this is all a big misunderstanding!" Danny said causing the ghost to lean down and say "There might be chaos everywhere else in this Ghost Zone but there'll be order in my prison. You shoulda heeded my warning Punk! Now you and I have a problem." 

We were put in a van that had GZPD on the side of it and as we were headed to prison Danny started mumbling to himself. "Great, my folks are splitting up, my sister's a basket case, I dragged (s/n) into my mess and now we're going to ghost jail. This may be the worst day of my life."

It was times like these where I wished Danny did know my identity so I could comfort him properly, I hated to hear him so down like this and then have to pretend that I didn't hear him but I don't want him to stop me from helping him fight ghosts once he knows who I am. We arrived at our destination and we saw Technus, Skulker, Desiree and many other of our foes eye us.

"Well if it isn't the young whelps who helped us get locked up in this stinking place. Welcome home." Skulker said with a smirk causing Danny to say "This IS the worst day of my life." "I am the Box ghost!" The Box ghost shouted and then Danny and I shouted in unison at him "Will you stop that!"

Tucker and Sam were trying to get ahold of us as Tucker started to plead our names in panic. "It's no use they can't hear us," Sam stated leaning into the passenger seat. "Then we'll have to go in after him." "What are you nuts?" Sam asked when Jazz began to shout. "Danny! Are you down there? Sam? (y/n)? Hello? Anyone? Well, I was hoping someone could go over every excruciating detail of my personal diary to look for minuscule errors!" Sam quickly buckled in telling Tuck "You drive."

Tucker shot the Specter Speeder into the Ghost Zone as Jazz came down. "Hm? I thought I heard someone down here...oh no I was wrong again!" She shouted in a panic. At the ghost prison the ghost who caught us began listing all the rules we broke while we wore prison jumpsuits with a cap, handcuffed, and chained to a chair. "Trespassing, loitering, creating a disturbance and possession of real-world contraband." The present meant for Maddie floated by us and Danny tried to grab it but he couldn't reach it as he tried to explain. "Excuse me, sir? B-but-" He was cut off as our warden introduced himself. "Name's Walker son, know it, fear it, obey it." Walker had picked Danny up by his shirt at this point while I muttered a response.

"Know it? Wish I didn't. Fear it? Why should I? Obey it? Never in a million years." Walker then picked me up by my shirt, letting me know he heard me as he told us "I am your judge, executioner, jury, executioner, jailer, and if necessary your executioner." 

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