Fright Night: Part 4

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I walked into the room and gasped as I saw the ray shooting up as Danny muttered "Maybe I should give this thing back." "Mr. Fenton! It's time." Lancer said walking in, causing Sam to jump in front of Danny and he quickly reverts mumbling "Right after Lancer judges my room, besides what's the worst that could happen?" Lighting struck, monsters appearing all over town, one of them being the Fright Knight. "Free, and once I gain possession of my sword, I will turn this world into my own personal panthea of terror, and then I will rule!"

We began to back up as I said, looking at the zombies that were cornering us "Uh...Mr. Lancer? I don't know if it's safe in here." Danny pushed the zombies out, slamming the door as he shone a flashlight in his face and playing a thunder sound on a tape recorder as he told us:

"That's right (y/n)...Nothing is safe inside Danny Fenton's room of DOOM! Enter if you dare." He then starts to flip the light switch and caused rubber spiders to come down from the ceiling. "I'll have you know I don't fall for cheap theatrics. I don't scare easily." Lancer said squeezing one of the fake spiders when lightning struck again, hitting the box filled with rubber spiders as they transform into one giant big spider with horns and skulls on its back as it taps Lancer's shoulder. Craning his neck Lancer sees the spider as it shouts in his face and he starts writing on his clipboard stating "But your off to a promising start." "Uh...heh, heh all part of the show."

"AAAAHHHH! ZOMBIES! GHOSTS!" Dash shouted as he raced away from the building in the Fright Knight's view. "I know that terror, it carries the scent of my blade." He flies down in front of Dash, demanding answers. "You! Tell me: Where are you running from?" "917 Maple Street." He says pointing him in the right direction. "Yes, upon yonder hill is the instrument of my ultimate ascendency: my Soul Shredder."

 He watched as more lighting struck, changing objects into monsters as people ran away, screaming in terror. "This is only the beginning." "Hey, Danny! Is that you?" Tucker asked, walking up to the Fright Knight and he states "Child, you may want to show a little more respect to your future ruler." "Yeah, yeah very scary. The fake horse is pretty neat though, what's it made out of? Flaming bedsheets?"

Tucker asked rolling his eyes and inspecting the horse. "Flaming bedsheets of DEATH!" Suddenly Tucker's PDA started to ring as Tucker exclaimed "Woah! I'm running late, I gotta be at the Henderson's in five-" Tuck was cut off when the Fright Knight picked him up stating "I am the Fright Knight! The spirit of Halloween," He then used his laser eyes to melt the candy in the basket Tuck was holding.

"Aw, man! Why'd you do that?" "And once this ecto storm touches every corner of this globe, all these transformations will be permanent! And this shall be my new domain! Now, take me to my sword!"

He shouted in Tucker's face as he blankly asked "Your not Danny are you?" " This has potential, sticky, gross, I like it," Lancer mumbled to himself as the spider drew closer to him, he had been caught and wrapped in its web. "Danny, you might want to end this before things spin out of control," Sam warned Danny as all three of us watch the spider. "I will as soon as Lancer declares me the winner." The spider screamed in Lancer's face as he uttered "Okay, I'm mildly impressed, a few more surprises and you might have this thing wrapped up."

"Yes! I'll take mildly impressed, and that's my cue to clean up." Danny went to reach for the Ecto Foamer but found I had already grabbed it and shot at the spider as it turned rubber once again. The skeletons had returned and Sam was struggling to keep the door shut, so I tossed her the gun yelling "Sam, catch!" 

She caught it and was pushed back, landing on the floor; she blasts at them and they turn back into their original form too as Danny said "See I told you I had everything under control. We've got enough Fenton Foamer to keep Lancer safe and as soon as he says the words "Danny wins," He pauses to shoot at a huge rat that turns into a chair as he continues. "I'll toss the sword back into the Ghost Zone."

A crash was heard up above, we look up to see the Fright Knight flying down towards his sword. "Hm, that's one fancy flaming robot." Lancer complimented as Tuck tells us "Danny whatever you do, don't let him get the sword!" I race off to go ghost as the Fright Knight bellows "Silence, Whelp!"

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