Teacher of the Year: Part 3

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"This is level two; to survive this level you need stealth, cunning, and lighting fast reflexes." Tucker began to explain when the truck came barreling down the highway onto the bridge and headed straight for the two. Tucker threw a bomb at the truck, which only bounced off and flew somewhere else at Technus grabbed Tucker, and phased through the truck and landed on the other side of the bridge. "Awesome! I've never seen that power in this game before!" Tucker exclaimed, a revelation hitting Technus.

"You mean I have powers here, that you don't? Interesting." The two then began to move up the levels while Lancer took me and Danny home. "Playing an internet video game is hardly the stuff of human drama, Danny." Lancer explained, getting Danny's comeback of "But it's fun."

"Fun is relative, when I see a student pass through the portal of Casper High for the last time, brimming with the knowledge that it takes to make it in the outside world...to me that's fun," Lancer told us with a smile. "But that doesn't explain why I had to come along." I point out and Danny chimes in with "Then you need to get out more." "And you need to stay in more and here are a couple of people who'll make you do just that!" We pulled up to Danny's house to see his parents glaring at him with mine looking at the car with a confused look as we both exclaimed "My parents?!" 

Meanwhile, Tucker and Technus were fighting when Technus asked what the point of the game was. "To defeat all foes, reach level thirteen, and retrieve the seven silver keys to the apocalypse."  "And what happens after that?" "Gain ultimate power and access to the world wide web." At the mention of this Technus reveals himself and zapped Tucker as he made his way through the next level.

"Oh no, Technus is in the game! And he's able to use his ghost powers, I gotta stop him before he gets to the internet!" Tucker muttered to himself as he began to chase after Technus. "Lazy, unfocused, ill-prepared, lethargic, Need I go on?" Lancer said listing off all the things he sees in Danny.

Danny then started to apologize to his parents who cut him off. "That's enough of your sass talk mister." Jack started and mom asked "But what does this have to do with our daughter? She passed the test."  Maddie then asked what Lancer would suggest. "Danny will pass, I know he's capable, but I'd like him to spend his after school hours in my office, studying until I administer the makeup exam and I'd like (y/n) to stay with us to help him study, I've watched her help failing kids study and then suddenly they pass with flying colors and she should be able to keep his attention long enough to study." This caught my attention, even though I was flattered he wants my help and even though I'd gladly help Danny, I had planned to look for Technus after school so naturally Danny and I said at the same time "But I have stuff to do after class!" 

At the same moment, Jazz said with us "But they have stuff to do after class!" Turning to Jazz we both give her a suspicious look as Danny asks her "How do you know that?" "Ah but consider this: if you fail, you might be held back a year, if it's boring once imagine taking it again, oh and (y/n)? I'm making this a final grade for you, so you have to help."

"Wha-what?! You can't force me to do something by holding a grade above my head! And besides, we're freshman, you can't hold us back until we're seniors who don't have enough credits to graduate and he can always make up the credit in credit recovery!" I point out, anger seeping through my words as Lancer looked at me with a shocked face and Danny looked at me with amazement.

 Maddie then spoke up "(y/n) even though your right, Danny needs to get this straight: you're a Fenton; Fentons get As or in your father's case B-s," "Solid B-s ." Jack cut in before Maddie continued "Until you retake this test and pass it with flying colors, we're forbidding all access to electronic devices." Suddenly Danny's phone went off as he checked it and stated "It's Tucker-" 

Jack grabbed the phone and yelled in it that Danny was busy as he smashed it; a minute later my phone went off it was again Tucker, just as I was about to answer it dad grabbed my phone and denied the call as he stated " (y/n), your mother and I agree with you about how it's unfair that Mr. Lancer is holding a grade above your head to make you help and we will be letting the school board know about this," Dad gave a quick glare at Lancer who was sweating before continuing. "But Danny is your friend and you should help him study so he can pass and both of you can get back to your after school business, alright?" I just nod my head in agreement.

Tucker was continuously fighting Technus and dying as Technus grew stronger and he began to  catch on that as Tuck mutters to himself "This is bad, he's figuring the game out, why won't Danny or (y/n) answer?" Sam was online as she responded to him "Maybe their busy. Could you use a hand?"

"Fat chance, it's every man for himself," Tuck told her as he died again. "Every man huh?" Sam asks as she logs in a reveals that she was Chaos. "What your Chaos? Wait does that mean (y/n) is Mayhem?" "Yup! If you were game savvy you'd know that."

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