Parental Bonding: Part 6

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Author: Dress at the top is what you wear if you're feeling too lazy to think or find what you want to wear. You can also wear a suit if you want, a dress isn't mandatory.

"Uh...I don't know. This is so last minute and I do have plans and-" Sam stutters, clearly shocked by the invitation.

"Well, I understand if you uh...Don't wanna go," Tuck cuts her off, nodding in understanding.

As Danny was about to make Tucker leave Sam blurted out, "Okay! But only because you got stood up. I'll go change into that dumb dress I wasn't gonna wear!"

Once Sam had closed the door to get ready Danny flew out of Tuck's body waving goodbye. As he flew off towards Paulina's house Tucker yelled at him.

"That is so unfair and as soon as Sam comes back I'm gonna-" The door swung open and Tucker gasped as Sam walked out. 

Tucker smiled at Sam as she exclaimed excitedly, "C'mon we're gonna be late!" Sam grabbed Tuck's hand and raced to the school.


Danny lands and transforms in front of Paulina's door, takes a breath, and tries to come up with an excuse to get the amulet back.

"Paulina? About the amulet...It's an ancient family air loom and I need to get it back," Danny slaps himself for coming up with the lame excuse. "Heh no that stinks," He grumbled when the door opened to reveal Paulina's dad. 

 "Uh hi, you must be Paulina's dad," Danny began to say before he was cut off. 

"If you upset her we're gonna have a violent talk."

Paulina walked out in a pink dress, still wearing the amulet as she stated, "Papa you're scaring him. C'mon Danny we're gonna be late." 

Danny eyed the amulet while her father told her to have a wonderful evening.

"I know where you live..." Her dad threatens Danny once again.

" I'm glad we had a chance to chat," Danny smiles nervously at him before walking away with Paulina a little more than freaked out.


At the dance, Danny winced hearing Mr. Lancer walk around saying 'hip' things to get along with the kids while he grabbed two cups of punch and handed one to Paulina.

"Paulina? I was thinking that amulet-" Danny started to say before being cut off. 

"Isn't it fabulous? I haven't taken it off since you gave it to me," Paulina said admiring the amulet.

Looking nervous Danny stuttered to say, "Yeah well uh...About that see I shouldn't have given it to you in the first place because..." Danny trailed off, his eyes darting around the room as he tried to think of an excuse when his gaze landed on (y/n) as she walked in, his mouth going agape at her.




Arriving at the dance I look around for my friends when I spot Danny gaping at me with Paulina at his side. Feeling amused I approach with a serene smile.

"Hey, Danny! Paulina...You two look like you're having fun idling here," My gaze lands on the amulet and I notice Danny glancing at it worriedly, probably trying to think of an excuse to get it back so I help him. "Hey, nice necklace I feel like I've seen that before...Sam's house maybe? who knows. Oh, I see Sam and Tuck, I'm gonna join them, see ya!" I walk away, giving Danny a wink.

Walking up to Sam and Tucker I snicker to see their mouths drop as they begin asking questions.

"You look gorgeous (y/n) who are ya trying to impress?" Sam asked while Tucker just stared.

 Chuckling I said "Danny I guess...All I know is I'm making him pay tonight for not asking me to the dance," I looked around and saw Mr. Lancer talking to the Fentons and my parents.

Panicking I said I'd be right back and rushed over to them. 

"Mr. Fenton, Mrs. (l/n) about our conversation the other day concerning Danny and (y/n)."

Rushing up I overshadow my Mom once more I open my mouth to say something just as Mr. Fenton did as well.

"Yes Danny, what a fine kid he is. Yes as his parents we get that all the time."

"Oh (y/n)? She's been behaving like an angel."

We said in unison when Maddie asked, "Jack, (m/n), you sound kind of strange. Are you alright?"

Panicking Mr. Fenton said, "Oh must be something I ate." 

Smiling I said, "I must have a frog in my throat. I'll be alright."

"Hey, how about I get us some punch?!" Mr. Fenton asks and I nod.

"I'll help you."

 We made our way to the punch bowl while Mr. Fenton shouted, "Excuse me, excuse me! Adult coming through, I shave every day!" 

Once I reached the punch bowl I flew out of Mom and started to make my way to Sam and Tucker when Mr. Fenton approached them and started talking to them.




Danny's gaze followed (y/n) as she left before realizing the opportunity she had given him and he silently thanked her.

 "Anyway, I shouldn't have given it to you in the first place because it belongs to Sam."

Paulina lets out a growl, as her tongue turns into a dragon's tongue, drinking up all the punch before shattering the empty glass.

"Uh, but I wanted to make it up to ya. I'll get you something else, something more special!"

"Mr. Fenton, Mrs. (l/n) about our conversation the other day concerning Danny and (y/n)," He suddenly heard and turned to see Mr. Lancer talking to his dad.

"Like punch! I'm gonna getcha some special punch." 

He quickly rushes to deal with that situation. After getting his dad away from Mr. Lancer he approaches Sam and Tucker.

"Sam, Tucker we have a problem!" 

Being paranoid Tucker quickly stated, " We had nothing to do with it, it was all Danny's idea!"

"Tucker it's me! It's Danny! Sam, you try to help me find Paulina, Tucker keep an eye on my Dad. If he starts talking to anyone page me got it?" Danny said handing over walkie-talkies and running away. 

Smiling brightly Sam stated, "This dance gets better and better with every passing minute!"

Sam spots Paulina walking toward the bathroom, unaware (y/n) was following her curious to know what she was doing.

 Last Edited - June 25, 2021

Revised - March 30, 2024

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