Pirate Radio: Part 2

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Danny puts on the headset and scratches the vinyl disc as he turns it off while Dash asks "Fenton a DJ? Yeah right, who would ever listen to you?!" "I'll show you who'll listen; what do we want?!" He shouts into the mike, the crowd giving him a confused stare. "Um, this is the part where you say: Good music! What do we want?!" He tries again this time only me, Sam and Tucker answer. "Um...Good music?" At this point Dash shoves Danny out of the way asking the same question, this time getting a reply from everybody. "What do we want?!" "Good music!" "When do we want it?!" "NOW!" A new voice answered as Youngblood and his crew appears everyone screaming as they race away Danny mumbling to himself once Dash and Lancer left.

"Being ignored does occasionally have its advantages. Going ghost!" I had hidden underneath the risers to go ghost and we both flew out of our hiding spots as Youngblood continued to shout. "Avast ye Billdrats! Billdrats is right isn't it?" His parrot gave a quick nod and Youngblood shouts again. "Our plunder lies four!" We raced into the weights room to see the crew stealing all the exercise equipment as Danny interrupts them. "Sorry to break it to ya guys, but you can't build muscle tone without muscle." One guy came racing towards Danny who moved down and another came towards me so I moved up.

The third guy kept swinging his hook at us which caused him to spin around as Danny and I each pulled on one of his arms causing them to break then we quickly hit him with his arms and he collides into the other two pirates before he could react. "Another playdate with Captain Kid."

Danny says as we fly up to Youngblood who starts shooting hooks at us and we're tacked to the wall as he shouted "Get the stuff and let's go!" We break free of our restraints and fly out of the school to find that Youngblood and his crew were gone. "Oh great hide and seek again," I grumble as I slide my hand down my face. As we all walked home from school we were talking about what happened today as we heard traces of that annoying song trailed all over town.

"So what do ghost pirates want with exercise equipment?" Tuck asked. "I can't help but feel like it has something to do with this lousy music," Danny says as I give his hand a reassuring squeeze; this whole situation was confusing me too. "We have to counteract it somehow, send some real music out into the airwaves."

I suggest, causing Sam to gasp as she tells us "We should start our own radio station!" "And where will we get the radio equipment to do that?" Danny asks while arching an eyebrow and Sam points up. We look up to see the emergency ops center above us as Danny lets out a chuckle saying "No way." "Seriously it's not a bad idea but I have high doubts Danny's parents will let us."

I say with a shrug as Sam smirks while arching her eyebrow. Two minutes later we're racing into the kitchen as Danny shouts "Mom! Dad! I really want to use the emergency ops center to start a radio station!" We look around to find nobody home as Sam's fist pumps the air shouting "That's a yes!" I pick up a pamphlet that was left on the table as I read out loud " Danny- Your mother, sisters, the (l/n)s and I am on a weekend get-away fun cruise. We're sure you and (y/n) will take charge and act responsibly. Love Mom & Dad."

I hand Danny the pamphlet and he peels off the sticky note reading the title. "M.Bersback Cruise Lines? Weird...They went on a fun cruise with Jazz? Who isn't fun in the least...You know what this means." "Cool! They left it open for us!" Sam shouts as she kicks open the emergency ops center door. "The music, the pirate ghosts, our parents, and now this cruise ship? Something weird is going on and we need to get to the bottom of it."

I state looking at the pamphlet again this didn't exactly feel right when Tuck spoke up. "So your families took a cruise, what's the worse that could happen?" By the end of the day, almost every adult had taken off to go on a cruise. "Your parents ditched you too?" Tuck asks Sam excitedly as she responds with "Yep, my parents are gone and just because I like saying it I'll say it again: My parents are gone!" Sam throws her fists in the air while Danny's eyebrows knit together.

"It's like this cruise is attracting every adult in town and my sister who thinks she's an adult." Danny says as Sam tells him "Think of it like the hand of fate pushing the P.A.R.T.Y. on the air." "Party? What party?" Danny asks as I pull out a little sketch of the acronym party with little radios towers at the bottom corners and hand it to Danny as I explain it to him.

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