One of a Kind: Part 4

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"Here we go Danny, home in time for some well-deserved rest. But keep it quick because you got thirteen minutes," Tucker told Danny as he checked his PDA when my ghost sense went off.

Cautiously Danny reached for his door handle and opened the door to be greeted by the ghost from earlier. 

"Hello...Ghost children," He said, pointing his wrist at us which shot a net at me and Danny.

 Dragging us into Danny's room and locking the doors we heard Sam and Tucker shout our names.

Looming over us the ghost stated "The human-ghost children in their natural habitat." 

 "Who are you?" Danny asked while I quickly chimed in.

"Seriously and by the way, we're not ghosts!" 

Chuckling at my statement the ghost introduces himself. "I am Skulker. A collector of things rare and unique and you two, ghost children are that and more!"

Without Skulker noticing I pulled out my pocket knife and cut myself out of the net when Skulker smashed one of Danny's spaceships, which caused him to shout.

"Hey, my rocket! I built that!" 

Turning to face us, Skulker saw me about to cut Danny free so he grabbed ahold of my shirt and threw me into Danny's closet, slammed the doors, and put a chair over the knobs as I began banging on the doors and screaming for him to let me out.

"(y/n)! You better hope she's not hurt!" Danny spouted angrily at Skulker while glaring at him.

"Relax boy! I've only immobilized her. For now...Pity though I'd hoped you'd put up more of a fight." 

"Oh don't worry...I will!" 

I hear the two argue before figuring Danny transformed so I kneel down out of sight and go ghost as well soon phasing through the wall while invisible. As I enter the room I fly out of the way of Skulker who Danny had punched into the wall.




"That's the ghost from the zoo!" Sam shouted as she and Tucker tried to open the door.


Pulling again on the doorknob Sam corrected him. "No! The other guy!" 

As the fight inside Danny's room continued, a huge ruckus was made catching the adults's attention.

"Hello? What's going on up there?!" Jazz calls out.

Sam and Tucker ran downstairs to run interference.

"So ghost hunting isn't the only thing my parents and the (l/n)s do Connie. It's really a side interest, what they're really into is—" Jazz tried to get the interview to continue when a loud crash was heard from upstairs.

This caused Jack to stand up and yell, "Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!"

As Sam and Tuck walked down the stairs Maddie warned them.

"Kids! Get down! There's a ghost in the house!" 

"Actually there's two—" Tucker began to state when Sam elbowed him as he rephrased his sentence. "There's too much homework to be done to be a ghost here...I'll get some snacks!"

 Tucker made his way to the kitchen when another bang came from Danny's room as Sam said "Yeah Danny is upstairs." Another crash. "Uh, lifting...Weights?" 

Putting her hands on her hips Maddie stated, "He doesn't have exercise equipment up there," 

As another crash came from upstairs they heard Danny shout "My computer! Oh, that's Jazz's."

"That's why he's using his computer!" Sam quickly stated. 

Tucker ran into the kitchen in time to see (s/n) and Danny crash onto the table, smashing it to bits as Skulker landed next to them saying "Come ghost children! Time to see your new home!"

 Quickly grabbing them Skulker phased down to the basement and slammed them against the floor. Everyone came rushing into the kitchen as Tucker began mimicking some karate moves, pretending that he had broken the table.

Looking around Connie asked, "What's going on?" 

"Sounds like rats in the lab," Tucker quickly lies.

Clutching his fists and making his way to the basement Jack stated, "Ghost rats! I knew it!"

"Don't worry, we'll get rid of them," Sam stops him as Tucker and her rush to the lab.

"I'd like to learn a little more about this Danny," Connie said curiously, making her way upstairs.

 Trying to stop her Jazz stuttered for an excuse. "Um...That's probably not such a great idea!"

 Looking at the ceiling Maddie muttered, "I'd like to see what he's doing up there anyway."

Jazz shouts for them to wait.




Skulker held me and Danny by our throats with a triumphant smirk, Danny struggling to ask a question.

"What are you doing?" 

"Bringing you two back to my world where I can put you on display!"

"What?!" we shouted in confusion as Skulker showed us his cage of ghosts before turning on the ghost portal. "Hah, at last, time to put you two in your cage!" 

"NO!" We shrieked, struggling against his grip again.

Suddenly Sam appeared out of nowhere, blocking Skulker as she began scolding him. "No is right Danny and (s/n)! Cages are wrong! How do you think Sampson feels being in a cage?"

 Skulker began stuttering in confusion. "But—" 

"He's a beautiful animal and deserves to roam free!" 


"Should be ashamed!" 

Last Edited - July 8th, 2021

Revised - April 11th, 2024

Old Author's note -

Author: Sorry for the delay of this chapter; the school has been keeping me busy and as the year continues my schedule will get more and more packed with school, Girl Scouts, the school play, and something personal, so the most time I have to write is on the weekends if I don't have anything planned. Thanks for being patient and I'm glad you're enjoying the series. See ya!

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