Parental Bonding: Part 3

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My attention turned to Danny as he began shouting in the hallway.

 "Or I could worry about that later because she said yes! Woohoo!"

At that moment his pants fell again just as Mr. Lancer walked up.

 "Pantless again Mr. Fenton? Third time this week I've caught you...How do you kids say it?" Quickly looking at his book 'How to Sound Hip for the Unhip', he continued his lecture. "Dropping trow. I think it's time I saw your father for a parent-teacher conference."

He hands the notice to Danny when his gaze lands on me slightly peeking out before I hide again but unfortunately, he calls out to me.

"Ah, Miss. (l/n) eavesdropping again I see for the fifth time in a row. Looks like I need a parent-teacher conference with your mother."

With a huff, I approach while rolling my eyes as he hands me the notice as well. It's not like I was eavesdropping for the fun of it I listen in for talks of ghosts, it's better to know ahead of time of an attack instead of being blind-sighted.

 "Aw man, my Dad?"  Danny asked as Mr. Lancer began to take his leave he handed Danny a belt.

"Until then here it'll help you keep your pants up and...Out of trouble with the man." 


After school, Danny and I approach our respective parents still ghost-fishing at the Fenton portal.

"Catch anything, Dad?"

"Son we couldn't catch a cold, we've been sitting here all day without a single bite," Mr. Fenton responds in a bored tone. "I'm so frustrated I'm gonna take my rage on the first person who gives me bad news. Anyway, you wanted something?" 

Looking at my notice slip I frown considering Mom warned me if I was caught eavesdropping again I'd be grounded for a month, with no phone, no TV, no games, no friends. What made this more annoying was that I couldn't tell her why I started eavesdropping in the first place. An idea comes to mind and I sigh.

Looks like I'm breaking my promise...Or would I? This is for a good cause...

 "Mom, can we talk privately?"

 Mom nodded and we headed upstairs, when we were alone I showed her the slip but before she could respond I took over her silently apologizing.




Danny stood nervously alone with his Dad unsure of how to break the news to him.

"Well, sort of...Mr. Lancer-" 

Hearing the name made Jack flinch as he asked, "Mr. Lancer what? Is this bad news?" 

Hiding the notice behind his back Danny started to explain.

"Mr. Lancer..." He trails off before recalling his new ability and smirks before overshadowing Jack. "Wants to have a word with us!" 


An overshadowed Jack Fenton and (m/n) (l/n) sat in front of Mr. Lancer in his office as he explained what this meeting was for.

"Thank you for coming to discuss your children's schooling Mr. Fenton, Mrs. (l/n)," Mr. Lancer said appreciatively. 

"Well sure we're parents and that's what parents do! Uh right?" Jack responds anxiously.

 "So what did my little devil do?" (m/n) asks, giving Mr. Lancer a patient smile.

"Well, there were a couple of incidents with Danny's pants and (y/n) eavesdropping," Mr. Lancer explained.

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