Mystery Meat: Part 3

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Defending herself Sam simply said "It's not garbage. It's recyclable organic matter."

All three of us glared at Sam and yelled at her, "It's garbage!" 

Suddenly my breath hitches and I see my ghost breath escape my lips. While messing around I learned I could sense when ghosts were near, it usually caused my breath to hitch and my next breath to come out in an almost transparent pale blue color. I look around for any sign of ghosts.

"Uh...Guys? I've got a problem-" Danny suddenly says in a worried tone when mud slams into the back of his head.

"FENTON!" An annoying voice shouted. 

"Make that two problems," Danny corrects as he turns to face Dash the local school bully the guys warned me about who was angrily marching up to him.

Dash Baxter was the popular kid in school, famously known as the star quarterback on the football team and your typical popular kid. Short blonde hair, blue eyes, and constantly sporting his letterman jacket.

"I ordered three mud pies. Do you know what they gave me? Three mud pies! With mud...From the ground! All because of your girlfriend!" Dash shouted angrily at Danny.

"She's not my girlfriend!" 

"I'm not his girlfriend!" 

 "She's not his girlfriend!" Danny, Sam, and I shout in unison, annoyed by the accusation.

"These are the best years of my life! After high school, it's all downhill for me. How am I supposed to enjoy my glory days eating mud?!" Dash yelled into Danny's face. 

Annoyed Sam corrected Dash. "Actually it's topsoil."

"Whatever!" Dash throws Danny in his seat soon hissing in his face, "Eat it...All of it."

"Danny. Don't. You don't have to, he can eat it!" I spouted angrily when Dash's gaze snapped to me, his glare soon washing away as he looked me over and whistled.

I raise an unimpressed eyebrow at him, getting ready to intervene when I hear Danny gasp and look to see him looking in the kitchen. Turning around my eyes widen to see a ghost lunch lady floating around the kitchen.

Sorry Danny I gotta take care of this.

I apologize silently as I slink off to the bathroom to transform.




 Stammering a bit Danny picked up the plate of mud pies and threw it in Dash's face screaming "GARBAGE FIGHT!"

 Everyone started throwing food everywhere causing Sam to yell.

"It's not garbage! It's-" Danny drags her down to the floor, shushing her before the three of them start crawling away.

"You're gonna pay for this Fenton!" Dash cries out before a mud pie slams into his face.

"Great I'm still his favorite..."

Safely reaching the kitchen Sam, Tucker, and Danny watched the Lunch Lady make a salad, frowning at the new menu in front of her.

"Shouldn't be so bad she looks a little like my grandmother," Tucker whispered.

"Shouldn't she be haunting a bingo hall?" Danny whispered back when the Lunch Lady turned around.

"Hello, children can you help me? Today's lunch is meatloaf but I don't see the meatloaf did someone change the menu?"

Tucker had no hesitation in ratting Sam out. "Yeah. Her."

This sets the Lunch Lady off as she bellows "You changed the menu?! The menu has been the same for 50 years!"

"Guys get behind me!" Danny shouted and Sam and Tucker hopped behind him.

"Wow, I feel safe," Sam says with a blank stare.

 "I'm going ghost!" Danny shouted as he threw his fists in the air.

Two white rings appeared at the center of his body, one moving up, the other moving down, his usual clothes turning into a black suit with a white belt, white boots with matching white gloves, his eyes turning from ice blue to luminescent acid green, his charcoal black hair reverting into a snow-white color as he took a fighting stance.




"I am so glad I could modify this suit," I whispered to myself, looking down at the modified suit that phases on me whenever I turn into a ghost.

Flying into the kitchen I see another ghost, a boy that looked around my age fly up to the Lunch Lady. 

"Whose he?" 

"I...Command you to go away!" He demands in a not-so-confident tone.

"Not really good at that are you?" I mutter to myself before flying up and telling him, "Wow you're really bad at this superhero stuff aren't you?" 

Everyone looked at me in shock like they weren't expecting me. Well, to be fair they probably weren't. Just as Danny was about to ask who I was the Lunch Lady picked up all the dishes with her powers and flung them at us. Out of panic, we both turn intangible, letting the dishes shatter. The Lunch Lady began throwing dishes at Sam and I rushed to her and caught the plates. She switched her target to Tucker and the ghost boy raced to his aid.

Putting the plates back on the counter the ghost boy stated, "Well if this superhero thing doesn't work out I can have an exciting career as a busboy."

"That's the spirit," I tease with a chuckle before I sarcastically joke. "We could also show ourselves to the government and have a fun career as lab rats."

The ghost boy gave me an amused smile before our attention diverted to the stoves spitting green fire.

"I control lunch. Lunch is sacred. Lunch has rules," The Lunch Lady yelled before switching to a nicer tone. "Anybody want a slice of cake?"

Those of us who wanted cake nodded before she started yelling again.

"Too bad! Children who change my menu do not get dessert!" She throws the fire-breathing stoves at us before flying off.

The ghost boy and I grab Sam and Tucker and fly through the wall to avoid the attack soon landing on the hallway floor.

"Hey, it worked!" The ghost boy exclaims, looking at his hands in amazement.

"So we can make others go intangible if we hold him...Can probably make them go invisible too," I mutter in thought before we all stare at Sam who is shouting in anger.

"This is the thanks I get for thinking like an individual?!"

The lockers started to shake and the lights go out. Suddenly all the lockers burst open and began shooting all the continents inside at us as they made their way to the Lunch Lady.

Tucker started to sniff the air as he defined different types of meat flying past us. "Steak and ribeye...The porterhouse...Medium-rare. But where did it come from? Lancer!" Tuck said angrily as meat flew onto the Lunch Lady making some sort of all-meat body armor.

Last Edit - July 8, 2021

Revised - March 24, 2024

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