Fanning the Flames: Part 6

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Ember's broadcast began, and the world began to cheer for Ember while Sam glared at Danny.

"I hate to do this to you Danny, but if I can't break Ember's spell, I'm gonna have to break your heart." 

In the next instant, Sam was kissing Dash in front of Danny as he began to shout. 

"Ugh, she tastes like a geek!"

"Ugh, he tastes like a failure!" 

The two shouted as the guards ran away in fear. 

"Danny, I'm so sorry I—" Sam tries to apologize before Danny cuts her off.

"You and Dash...But we were- But we weren't were we?" Danny asks before taking notice of Sam's face as she shakes her head.

"No, Ember did that and it's just so hard because part of me liked this and...Danny are you okay?"

Danny's eyes were glowing their acid green as he looked at Ember before answering. "No, I feel like my heart has been ripped out, but I know who I can take it out on!" He shouted, going ghost, and flew toward the ghosts ganging up on (s/n)




"Danny! There you are took you long enough," I exclaim as Danny flies up and helps me with the goons.

"Sorry about that Ember had me tied up with one of her spells."

Flying down to Ember we both punch her, which sends her flying into one of the TV screens.

"Hey, no-hit wonder! Mind if we jam with the band?!" Danny calls out to her and she flies back down, changing the setting on her guitar to punch. 

"Get this shrink Dipsticks, I don't do trios!"

We're flown off the stage into the crowd and quickly Danny grabs my hand as we phase to the stage and he grabs the microphone before Ember can start singing again.

"Sorry, no vocals in this number," I mock her, Danny soon joining in. 

"Have you considered taking up mime?" 

Ember jumps forward and she and Danny start using what's in their hands as swords. After a few hits, Ember breaks the microphone stand and sends Danny tumbling. Her guitar breaks on impact and in her anger she casts a spell, trapping Danny in an upside-down tornado. Choosing this moment to strike I blast Ember and she goes flying away as I pick up the mic and begin to think. 

"I have to get them to stop chanting her name," I thought out loud when an idea hit me. Turning towards the crowd I began to sing a song, letting the pain this whole situation brought me out. 

The crowd slowly began to cheer my name but I was soon cut off by Ember, who body-slammed me into the upside-down tornado with Danny. 

Soon they started cheering for Ember again and she told us, "Hear that? They're chanting my name all over the world and the revolution will be televised!" 

Looking around Danny exclaimed, "She's too strong if we could just stop the crowd from chanting. Something sweet and pretty like your voice isn't gonna work fast enough (s/n). We need something horrible that'll break the spell- like Sam kissing Dash."

Turning around we spot the perfect candidate: Tucker. 

"Or worse, Tucker! Take the mic and sing!" I shout throwing him the microphone as he questions us. 

"Wait...You want me to sing? You two said I stink!" 

"Oh, we were kidding you rock! You rock out loud!" Danny encouraged Tucker, who ran onto the stage singing Ember's song with a cracked voice that had no rhythm whatsoever in it. 

Everybody was set free from their trance and began to boo while Ember began to beg for them to say her name.

"The only thing we're saying here is...Goodbye," Danny told her before sucking her into the thermos. 

"Uh...Ok, you can stop now," I tell Tucker who is curled up in a ball still 'singing'. 

We fly backstage where we are greeted with a hug from Sam as she tells us, "Guys that was awesome!" She pulls back from Danny with a blush. "I guess Ember's spell hasn't quite worn off." 

"You were never under Ember's spell," Tucker pointed out-earning him a punch in the arm.


I sat in my room, looking out my window at the night sky, after I got back Mom and Dad scolded me about going off on my own to stop Jazz and Danny instead of telling them but for trying to do the right thing they shortened my grounding. Though that did nothing to help the unsure feelings I had, the whole experience had made me realize my feelings for Danny and while I'm grateful the reason he was acting the way he did was because of Ember I was still left to wonder if he does genuinely have feelings for her or not. There's a sudden knock on my door before Danny enters with a guilty expression on his face

"What do you want Danny? To see if you can find more tubes of Sam's lip-gloss?" I ask bitterly, turning away from him as he lets out a sigh.

"No, I came to apologize. I was told that after I was hypnotized I hurt you. (y/n) I'm sorry, I wasn't myself and I hate that I ignored you and pushed you away and even acted like you didn't exist! Especially when you mean so much to me. Please if there's anything I can do to make it up to you—" 

Danny started apologizing, going on a rant about how he hated the way he acted and how much I meant to him, making me smile. Getting up I cut him off with a hug.

"Just shut up and hug me."

Instantly he wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly, burying his face near my neck as he whispers, "But seriously I'm so very sorry and if there's anything I can do, you name it."

I start blushing at his words and pull back with a small smile. "Careful, I may take you up on that offer."

Noticing my blush Danny starts to blush as well as he scratches the back of his head nervously accompanied by a nervous laugh.


At school, the next day Mr. Lancer was yelling at everyone because everyone but Tucker failed the standardized test.

"I don't suppose you could release Ember and get us out of this?" Sam asks Danny who shakes his head.

"Nope, besides she's a little busy right now." 

I give a small chuckle as I remember what we had done with Ember, who was currently trying to get away from Klemper. 

Once we were out of school I caught a moment alone with Sam and asked, "Sam, do you have a crush on Danny?"

Her face turned a bright shade of red as she began to stutter. "Well, I...Uh, you see- You know what? Yes, I do have a crush on Danny." 

I feel my face drop as I go, "Oh." 


"I also have a crush on Danny, but let's not fight over him you're one of my friends and it'd be stupid to fight over him. If he gets with either of us we'll be happy for him and each other, deal?"I extend my arm to her for the truce and she happily accepts.




"It doesn't matter anyway because he's just gonna choose me because I've known him longer," Sam mutters as she walks away from (y/n).

Last Edit - August 17th, 2020

Revised - July 9th, 2024

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