13: part 7

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Once I had flown away, Danny turned towards Sam and Tucker with a confused glance as they shrugged and he reverted back to himself. "Danny where is Jazz's boyfriend?" Maddie asked as her and Jack ran up. Raising a fist Danny said with a smirk "Gone, and he won't be coming back."

 "You decked him? But we brought the bat with the word Fenton on it." Jack said beginning to pout until Maggie spoke up. "Aww, Jack he's like a little you." The next day we were in the kitchen as mom was swooning over what Johnny had done. Bleh. "I can't believe that kid had broken into your house just to see you, it's so romantic," 

Mom had stated when Maddie cut in. "But you still can't ever see him again." Danny and Jack raised their fists as they said in unison "I told you that punk was no good." Jack looked down at his son, smiling as I rolled my eyes when Jazz said "Yeah, yeah you did. You both did, but you told me first," 

Jazz walked up and ruffled Danny's hair as he shouted hey at her and she responded with "I love you too." "Which reminds me, Danny, you've been such a model son lately that I got you a surprise. A little piece of me, you can always carry with you."

 Danny turned to me with a worried glance and I give him a smile while shaking my head, he was on his own for this one. Jack led Danny away and ten minutes later he came back out wearing a Jack sized jumpsuit. I cover my mouth from laughing and he gives me a glare as I ask:

 "What? It's so big on you, I'm amazed you're able to keep it on." He lets out a sigh as Jack offers to take us to school. "Bye Danny, (y/n) have a great day!" He shouts to us as he speeds away and Sam and Tuck give him a look over. "Somehow that doesn't seem possible."

 Sam mutters as Dash and Kwan walk up stating "Good news Tucker, we're gonna stop making fun of you, and go back to making fun of Fentonio." They immediately started name-calling, crossing my arms, I zap at their feet and they fall face-first into the dirt. 

When the lookup again they see me standing before them as I lean in close and say "So I'm guessing you do want people to know why you have a teddy bear collection then Dash and Kwan I'm sure the Coach would love to hear about how you're fixing your grades and what you actually do when you're supposed to be at practice." I smirk as they start shaking their heads no and begging me not to say anything as they walk away and Tucker shouts a thank you. 

"I need a new image, can I borrow your PDA?" "Get your own thing man." Sam laughs before asking "So do you actually know why Dash has a teddy bear collection and what Kwan actually does?" "Nope," I pop the p before continuing "But they don't need to know that."

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