Control Freaks: Part 2

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Not able to stay mad at her friends for long Sam tells us "Just watch what you say around them, they already think I'm on the road to troubled teenhood." "How many times have you had to say: It's not a phase Mom!?" I joke with a chuckle when we notice which way she was headed. "Where are you going? School is this way." Danny says pointing in the opposite direction. "The Circus Gothica train pulled into town last night, I'm cutting first period to watch the opening ceremony at the train station."

 "Sam..." Danny and I say at the same time and she tries to reassure us it's ok. "Tucker's got first period free, he's covering for me." ( *Is hysterically laughing* You and about every Freshman and Sophmore with you could have free periods! Aw I haven't laughed that hard in ages) I shudder at the thought to see Tucker wearing combat boots, a skirt, a tank top, a Sam wig and her make-up.

We watch as Sam starts to race towards the train station and Danny calls out to her. "Don't blame us if you get caught!" Our ghost sense goes off and we watch as the short ghost from last night's raid raced inbetween Danny's legs. Looking up I see the other ghosts and I race off to go ghost mumbling "And speaking of getting caught." Danny saw them to and shouted his battle cry as Vlad would call it as he hops onto a truck and soars in the air. Poilce cars where right under us as we catch up and Danny asks them "Opening up a new bank account? Don't forget your free toaster!"

With that Danny zaps at the first ghost, causing them to drop the money as it crashes onto the cop car, causing them to crash and cry up at us "Curse you ghost kids!" Rolling my eyes I mutter "Oh great more fans." We continue to chase the ghosts to Circus Gothica and the phased through a billboard with Freakshow and his staff, causing us to stop and stare as our eyes glow a quick shade of red before we phase through to see the ghosts nowhere in sight.

"Terrific, the crooks got away, I'm late for school-" "And I've never seen so many goths out in broad daylight." I say cutting Danny off from his rant as we watched everyone pull out grey or black umbrellas with their own little design on them. "Well, look who decided to slum it with the troubled teens." We heard Sam's voice and looked down as we landed next to her Danny stating "What? We're not in trouble." Police sirens could be heard closing in as Sam crosses her arms saying "Oh yeah, you two are upstanding citizens, need to hide from the law?" "No." We say simotaniousley as we go invisible and go our seperate ways to transform when we hear the cops shout "Come back here Inviso-Bill and Intan-Jill."

 I meet up with Danny and Sam as she asks "I see you decided to cut too?" "Uh, actually...I was...Yeah." I say unable to come up with a good excuse.

Sam smiles as she grabs us by the hands and rushes to the front of the crowd as Freakshow imerges from the train. "Greetings fellow outcasts, I am Freakshow your master of cerimonies. Are you ready to smile, relax, and forget all your troubles at the pleasnt diversions of the circus?"

He asks causing everyone to shout an angered no. "Then you've come to the right place! Prepared to be disturbed and apalled by a small ensseble of the bizzare and abnormal world of Circus Gothica!" An arrow with a tight rope shoots out as an acrobat walks out on all fours, a guy juggling skulls and balancing on a ball rolls out, as a spiked wheel comes out with another trickster in the middle and a tall skeleton emerges from the train.

The goths start to cheer as mine and Danny's attention wander to Freakshow and his staff, our eyes glowing red with the crystal ball's swirl. "This is the greatest moment ever, nothing could ruin this for me!" Sam says excitedly when her mother's voice rang out in the air. "Parents of Amity Park, we urge you to boycott this morbid assualt on the morals of our children." Everyone begins to boo at the parents as Sam questions "What are they doing here?! Why can't they have day jobs like regular parents?"

Stepping up onto a crate Freakshow shouts "Don't let the rantings of the close-minded norms beat you down! Show them your true colors, and when I say colors, I mean all black! Make them see you for who you are." Me and Danny repeat the command as our eyes turn back white but the irises were still red.

 "Hey everyone! Over here! We're Danny Fenton, (y/n) (l/n), and Sam Manson! We cut school and we're proud of it!" Danny shouted into the crowd, me in tow. "Yeah! We aren't just gonna stand around a do what the conformists want!" Everyone started cheering as one guys walks up and sprays our shirts black stating "Your one of us now." "Sam?" Sam's parents question as they walk over and drag us back to school. 

"Some might call this little act of rebellion a cry for attention. But I call it a cry for Dettention, isn't that clever?" I roll my eyes at the terrible joke, the spell long since been broken as Sam whispered to Danny first then me " Nice job Danny, maybe I should have cried: Hey look it's Inviso-Bill! And (y/n) I should've cried: Hey (y/n) has a huge crush on Danny!"

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