What You Want: Part 2

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I chase Desiree throughout the city when she comes to a stop, turns around, and tries to coax me into making a wish. "Come now dear child, tell me what your heart desires."

I scoff at her stating, "Well duh, everyone wants something. But it's none of your business when it comes to what I want. Plus I don't like your way of granting wishes."

She continues to try coaxing me into making a wish only annoying me more and I close my eyes to calm down before I attack her rashly. My mind trails to the new exercise I learned in theater class and I recall what Mr. Parsons had us do before we performed: the tekke ritual. I began to imagine all my stress and anger forming into a ball as I imagined it going from my head, my stomach, my lungs, and finally my hands. When I open my eyes I see a plasma energy ball in my hand like the one Danny had last time.

A smirk crept its way onto my face as I told Desiree, "Hey, look my wish came true! Yet you're still here, let's fix that," Raising my hand at Desiree I shoot her with the energy blast as she's blasted away to who knows where while I shout. "Now take the hint and stay gone!"




Danny had no problem getting that ghost outta Dash. But we lost the game which is bad news for the guy filling in for Danny, who was filling in for the guy who usually wears the mascot suit: me.

Tucker sighs as he dangled from the goalpost. "Man, every time Danny goes ghost I get the short end of the stick."

"Hey guys! A raven piñata! Let's hit him until all the candy comes out!" He suddenly hears and struggles to get down.


Back in the Fenton lab, Danny was disposing of the ghost 'Dash'.

"End of the line gruesome." Danny stated as he watched the ghost 'Dash' disappear into the Ghost Zone.

Danny starts to leave when he suddenly falls to the ground. Looking up he saw he had flown through the dream catcher-looking contraption and his ghost half floated before him confused. His ghost half quickly flies back into him as his parents come out of the tent they were camping in.

"Who's that? Is somebody out there?"

"Am I interrupting something? That I hope I'm not," Danny asks, noticing how sick his parents looked.

Maddie sneezed as she told him, "We're purifying ourselves from negative ghost energy."

"We're trying to ritually expel any viral ghosts in our systems with the Fenton Ghost Catcher. It's like an Indian dream catcher except it expunges ghosts and not dreams, you see?" Jack explains the new invention Danny just went through.

"You might just have a cold you know. It doesn't have to be a ghost cold."

Shaking his head in disappointment, Jack said as they walked off, "I remember when I was that naïve."

Once gone Danny turns his attention back to the Fenton Ghost Catcher and cautiously puts his arm through it, watching as his ghost half starts to detach from him.

"Woah!" He shouts, pulling his arm back. "This one actually works...A little too well. I'm filing this under must avoid."


Even during trying times, one has to remember our fallen comrade. Poor Sam was so sick, and all cooped up in her house. That's the worst.

Tucker thought as Sam sneezed over the phone.

"I feel like I'm gonna die. I hate being sick."

"Hang in there Sam. Me, Tucker, and Danny are gonna come visit you when we're done at the mall. You want us to bring you anything?" (y/n) lightly chuckles and Sam sneezes again.

"No, no please don't bother, my folks are taking pretty good care of me."




Tucker ends the call and the three of us head into the movie theater and look for our theater room.

"Man, she's gotta be sick if she's missing Dead Teacher 4," Danny comments while Tuck makes a joke.

"This time it's personal."

We passed by a huge Sayonara Pussy Cat sign where Paulina fawned over the cat.

"Sayonara Pussy Cat is soo cute. Why can't I be that popular?" Paulina asked.

Suddenly there's a flash and we turn around to see Paulina had turned into a small cute version of the cat if it were human with Paulina's features.

"Hey everybody! What do you think of me?!"

"We love you, Paulina!" Everyone in the theater shouted at Paulina.

Paulina started racing around the theater gaining everyone's attention. "Look at me! I'm so cute and cuddly and ever so wonderful! Don't you think?!"

Paulina's crowd started cheering for her as Danny and I asked in unison, "Paulina?"

Suddenly the announcements came on stating "Attention moviegoers! Googolplex Cinema has officially declared that it's Happy Fabulous Paulina Day!"

"I don't know what to say! Why squander my popularity here? I'm so adorable, I bet I can be Super Fairy Queen of all teenagerdom! Isn't that luscious?!" Paulina asked as she grew twice her size.

While Danny and Tucker stare in shock I slowly back away from them and run into the bathroom to go ghost after making sure it was safe.

Old Author's note -

Author: Hope you all like the new cover of the book as much as I do, figured it would grab a little more attention when people look up Danny Phantom and I hope you all are still enjoying the series!

Last Edit - July 10th, 2020

Revised - June 3rd, 2024

The Other Halfa Danny Phantom: The seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن