Identity Crisis: Part 7

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I fly in front of Technus and shoot him with an ectoblast as he flew into the pair of Dannys and up while they went through the Ghost Catcher again; both Dannys becoming one again. "We did it! No, I did it...Wait no we did it! Now then Technus it's just you, (s/n), and me. Me the one and only Danny Phantom." He said as we stood in front of Technus who shouted out his plan and tried to fly away. "Technus 2.0 will escape to fight another-" We cut him off as we grab his tail and Danny and I roll his eyes as I say "Shouting out your plans again? That is so 1.0."

Tucker throws us the Fenton Thermos and Danny catches it and pops the lid giving Technus a smirk as he's sucked in with his final words: "I'll be back children, count on it!" "Way to pull yourself together Danny."

Sam compliments causing Tucker to ask "How'd that last pass through the Ghost Catcher do that anyway?" He inspects the device to read out loud "Side 2 Merge, side 1 separate...Duh." We watch as the two go back inside to put the Ghost Catcher back in the lab when I swing an arm around Danny.

"Good to have you back," I tell Danny who let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, sorry you had to deal with full-time Danny Phantom." "Think nothing of it," I say before going to fly off when I made my decision; I was finally going to tell Danny. Not now of course that would cause a lot of questions and everyone would question what's going on.

I needed time to think and plan so I could explain everything and anything he asked but until then..."Oh yeah before I go...How's that girlfriend of yours?" I question turning around mid-air completely catching Danny off guard. "Uh, my g-girlfriend?" He questions his cheeks lightly growing pink.

"We're great uh h-how did you know about her?" Danny asks scratching the back of his neck and I let out a slight giggle. " Though some of our enemies think we're together," Not entirely a lie. " Word traveled fast in the Ghost Zone about the ghost boy and his girlfriend." "I didn't think the ghosts in the Ghost Zone knew about her," Danny says with a shrug; he was a bit embarrassed talking about his love life with (s/n) but he didn't want to ignore the question. "Do you trust her?" I ask while crossing my arms and Danny was quick to answer. 

"Of course I do!" "Then take my advice: Hiding stuff from your girlfriend won't help your relationship," Danny's eyes widen as he processes what I just said as he asks "W-what?" "Don't play dumb Phantom, you know what I'm talking about." I take this opportunity to fly away leaving him to think about what I just said.

Hopefully, that will get him thinking about telling the whole truth. I transform and meet up with Sam and Tucker as we make our way back up to the roof Danny had already detransformed as he turns to us and says "I'm sorry guys I ruined your weekend it's too bad I can't pull together that fun weekend I promised you guys." "You kidding? This was a fun weekend!" Tuck claims as we walk over to the railing. "Really?" Danny questions and Sam was first to answer.

"We're your friends Danny kicking back or kicking butt." "Exactly and it's not about the quantity on how much we're doing normal teen stuff it's the quality in what we're doing."

I tell him as I place my hand over his and he leans down for a kiss when his parents and Jazz come out. Seeing only one Danny Jazz starts to shout in happiness. "One Danny. Then I'm not nuts. I'M NOT NUTS!" She then races over and hugs us as Maddie mutters "Aw, isn't that sweet? That's exactly what you said when you proposed to me." 

"And you still said yes, who's nuts now huh?" They walk over to us when Jack tells his son "Good to see you in one piece son." "Tell me about it." All four of us said in unison. "Now to work on putting the house back." "Um, Dad? Maybe that could wait until after the Summer?" It was true we had landed on a nice spot on the beach which was on the other side of town and we got a nice view of the sunset when I spotted my parents walking the shoreline and waved to get their attention.

 They had come up here to say hi to some old friends who were visiting family members on this side of town. Soon they came up and watched the sunset with us and we spent the rest of the weekend there.

Author: Thank you smutreader34 and TheLunarAssassin for giving me the idea of the conversation/fight between the Dannys over (y/n) and for the last conversation (s/n) has with Danny in this episode.

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